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What is Notice in English? What prepositions is Notice in English used with? Does Notice goes with “to V" or "Ving"?

Notice is a common word in English. When standing alone, Notice in English simply functions as a noun or a verb, but combined with other words, Notice forms several collocations with different meanings. In today's article, PREP will help you understand the meanings, usages, which prepositions Notice in English is used with, and answer the question “Does Notice goes with “to V" or "Ving"?”. Please refer to this article!

Notice in English
Notice in English

I. What is Notice in English?

Before exploring the usage of Notice in English and what prepositions Notice is used with, let's first learn the definition of Notice below!

1. Definition

What is Notice in English? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Notice functions as a verb and a noun. Each part of speech carries a different meaning for Notice.

  • Notice functions as a verb, meaning: to see or become conscious of something or someone. For example: Tom waved at the girl but she didn't seem to notice. 
  • Notice functions as a noun, meaning: (a board, piece of paper, etc. containing) information or instructions. For example: There was a large notice on the wall saying “No Parking”. 
What is Notice in English?
What is Notice in English?

2. Word family

Let’s explore some word family of Notice in English through the table below with PREP:

Word family 





easy to see or recognize

There has been a noticeable improvement in Jisoo's cooking. 



in a way that is easily seen or noticed; clearly

Lisa had become noticeably thinner. 

II. Words and phrases often associated with Notice in English

Below, PREP will share with Preppies the words/phrases that often come with Notice in English along with detailed illustrative examples. Find out now!

Words/phrases often associated with Notice in English



Take notice of

to give attention to something

Tom didn't take notice of the warning signs and got into trouble. 

A week's/ month's/ … notice 

Notice period is one week or month in advance

They require two months' notice if we wish to cancel your membership. 

Without notice

No notification

Mary left her job without giving any notice to her employer. 

Give someone notice

to ask someone who works for you to leave their job, usually after a particular period of time

The landlord gave the tenant one month's notice to vacate the apartment. 

At a moment's notice

information or a warning given about something that is going to happen in the future

Smith is always ready to travel at a moment's notice for his job. 

Until further notice

The office will be closed until further notice due to the power outage. 

Give in/ hand in your notice

a letter or a statement saying that an employee will or must leave their job after a particular period of time

Lisa decided to give in her notice and pursue a new career opportunity. 

Put someone on notice

to warn someone officially that something is going to happen, or could possibly happen

The leader put the employee on notice for continuously arriving late to work. 

At short notice

only a short time before something happens

The conference was organized at short notice, but it was a great success. 

Notice to quit

a formal letter saying that a person who is renting a property will or must leave it after a particular period

The landlord gave the tenant a notice to quit because of rent. 

Serve notice (that)

to tell someone officially that they must do something, or that something is going to happen

The factory served notice that there will be layoffs in the coming month. 

Words and phrases often associated with Notice in English
Words and phrases often associated with Notice in English

III. Most common structures of Notice in English

Next, let's explore together the most common structures of Notice in English and the prepositions used with Notice, along with detailed examples below.

Most common structures of Notice in English
Most common structures of Notice in English

1. Common structures




Notice somebody/


Pay attention to somebody/


Jetty noticed the beautiful painting on the wall as soon as she entered the room. 

Notice somebody + V

See someone doing something

(the entire process of an action)

They noticed Liz left the office early yesterday. 

Notice somebody + Ving

See someone doing something (part of the process of an action)

Wendy noticed her children playing happily in the park while she was cooking. 

Notice (that) + Clause

Pay attention to/ Be aware of…

I noticed that the sky was getting darker, so I decided to bring a raincoat. 

2. The prepositions used with Notice in English

In addition, Notice in English is also used with various prepositions. Let's explore some examples below!

2.1 Notice as a noun



Notice of

We received a notice of the upcoming company meeting. 

Notice in

There was a notice in the newspaper about the road closures this weekend. 

Notice on

I found a notice on the bulletin board regarding the lost and found items. 

Notice to

The notice to employees stated the new office hours. 

Notice from

We received a notice from the landlord about a rent increase. 

Notice for

The notice for the event was posted on the website. 


2.1 Notice as a verb



Notice of

The visitors took notice of the warning signs. 

Notice about

Lona noticed something strange about the book.

Notice in

Mona's boyfriend noticed a change in her behavior. 

Notice on

Customers noticed a price increase on the products. 

Notice with

I noticed with surprise that the painting was missing.


IV. Synonyms of Notice in English

Rather than solely using Notice with meanings like see, pay attention, announce, etc., we can use many alternative words. Below is a list of synonyms of Notice in English along with examples:






Joan made sure to note all the important points during the lecture. 



Sue can't believe that she didn't see that beautiful sunset last night. 



Some people are able to perceive subtle changes in their surroundings that others might miss. 



Scientists often observe natural phenomena to gather data for their research. 



The security system is designed to detect any unauthorized access to the building. 



Peter was able to spot his friend in the crowd because of his distinctive red hat. 



The bystanders witnessed the accident and were able to provide valuable information to the police.

Make out

/meɪk aʊt/

It was too dark to make out the details of the mysterious figure in the distance. 

Catch sight of = Catch a glimpse of

/kæʧ saɪt əv/

/kæʧ ə glɪmps əv/

Mia was lucky to catch a glimpse of a shooting star in the night sky. 

Clap/ lay/ set eyes on someone/ something

/klæp/ leɪ/ set aɪz ɑn/

When I set eyes on that beautiful painting for the first time, I knew I had to have it in my collection. 

Synonyms of Notice in English
Synonyms of Notice in English

V. Collocations go with Notice in English

Next, let's explore some common collocations that go with Notice in English with PREP. Please check out the table below!



adequate notice

The company provided adequate notice to its employees before implementing the new policy. 

ample notice

The wedding invitations were sent out with ample notice to allow guests to make travel. 

sufficient notice

The school provided sufficient notice to parents about the upcoming parent-teacher conferences. 

advance notice

They requested advance notice of at least two weeks for any schedule changes. 

prior notice

We need to give our landlord prior notice if we plan to move out of the apartment. 

constructive notice

The sign posted on the property serves as constructive notice that it is private and trespassing is prohibited. 

fair notice

The employee received fair notice of the upcoming changes in the company's policies. 

official notice

The official notice of resignation was submitted in accordance with company policy. 

judicial notice

The judge took judicial notice of the state's laws in the case. 

legal notice

The legal notice was served to the defendant informing them of the pending lawsuit. 

notice of appeal

The attorney filed a notice of appeal with the court after the unfavorable judgment. 

notice of intent

The notice of intent to sue was sent to the company for violating environmental regulations. 

notice of proceedings

The notice of proceedings for the court hearing was sent to all parties involved. 

notice requirement

The notice requirement for terminating the contract was clearly outlined in the agreement. 

obituary notice

The obituary notice in the newspaper provided details about the deceased person's life. 

proper notice

It's important to provide proper notice when resigning from a job to maintain a good professional relationship. 

public notice

The government issued a public notice about the upcoming road construction project. 

reasonable notice

We will provide reasonable notice to our guests before rescheduling the event. 

short notice

We had to cancel the meeting due to a short notice of the venue's unavailability. 

written notice

The written notice of the contract termination was sent via email to all parties involved. 

Collocations go with Notice in English
Collocations go with Notice in English

VI. Exercises on Notice in English with detailed answers

Let's reinforce our theoretical knowledge of the usage of Notice in English more firmly together with PREP through the two exercises below!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Write the correct form of the word Notice in the sentences below:

  1. Tom’s stammer is not very_____(notice).
  2. It’s gotten_____(notice) colder this month.
  3. In recent years there has been a_____(notice) decline in such venerable American institutions as afternoon tea and the Sunday roast.
  4. Liz’s hand was shaking_____(notice).
  5. The question of childcare was_____(notice) absent from the discussion.

Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer

  1. We need to provide ____ to the employees before making any changes to their work schedules.
    1. short notice
    2. written notice
    3. adequate notice
  2. The government issued an  ____  regarding the upcoming election dates.
    1. official notice
    2. reasonable notice
    3. required notice
  3. The local newspaper published an ____  to inform the community of a beloved resident's passing.
    1. obituary notice
    2. proper notice
    3. required notice
  4. I'm sorry for the ____, but we have to reschedule the meeting to tomorrow morning.
    1. adequate notice
    2. short notice
    3. written notice
  5. The city council posted a ____ about the construction project that will affect traffic in the downtown area.
    1. legal notice
    2. public notice
    3. judicial notice

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. noticeable
  2. noticeably
  3. noticeable
  4. noticeably
  5. noticeably

Exercise 2:

  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B

VII. Learn the Secrets of IELTS Success

PREP hopes this article above has helped you understand better how to use some structures of Notice in English as well as help you discover what prepositions Notice in English uses with. If you want to discover the tips and strategies that top scorers use to excel in the IELTS exam. Our engaging lessons and focused coaching sessions will take you from beginner to pro:

👉 IELTS preparation course: Score Big in IELTS With Our Expert Tips! 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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