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What is Make in English? Common phrases with Make in English

Make is a commonly used verb in English, frequently appearing in everyday conversations as well as in real English exams. Therefore, mastering Make  in English and the phrases associated with it will help you effectively enhance your knowledge and confidently achieve high scores in upcoming tests!

The usage of Make in English
The usage of Make in English

I. What is Make in English?

Make has the phonetic transcription /meɪk/ and functions as a verb, both as an intransitive and transitive verb with different meanings. The Make in English meanings are:

  • Make acts as a verb:

    • To earn or get. For example: My sister makes a lot of money.

    • To produce something, often using a particular substance or material. For example: The children are making a noise. 

    • To force someone or something to do something. For example: My teacher makes students repeat this word. 

    • To cause something. For example: John makes his girlfriend happy. 

    • To perform an action. For example:My wife is making the dinner. 

What is Make in English?
What is Make in English?

Make synonyms in English:

Make synonyms in English




The factory produces cars for export to other countries. 



The artist created a stunning sculpture out of marble.



Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. 



The company is developing a new software application for smartphones.



This company manufactures electronics components for computers.



They built a new office building downtown. 



The engineers constructed a bridge over the river. 

II. Common structures with Make in English grammar

Let’s explore some of the most popular structures with Make in English grammar below!

1. Make + object

  • She made some coffee.

  • Did you really make this table?

Here are some phrases about Make + object:

make a claim

make a complaint

make a concession

make a date

make a difference

make a fuss

make a list

make a mess

make a mistake

make a note

make a phone call

make a point

make a profit/loss

make a sound

make a speech

make a start

make a statement

make a wish

make an appointment

make an effort

2. Make + object (o) + adjective complement (ac)

  • Music makes me happy. 

  • Jame makes me sad. 

3. Make + object (o) + noun complement (nc)

  • They made her team captain for the coming year. 

  • I promise you we’re going to make it a priority. 

4. Make + indirect object (io) + direct object (do)

  • The chef made him a special cake. 

  • Can I make you a cup of tea or coffee? 

5. Make + object (o) + prepositional phrase (pp) with for

  • Can you make a sandwich for Lisa as well?

  • I’ve made an appointment for you at the dentist’s. 

6. Make + object + adjective (or noun) complement + prepositional phrase with for

  • He made life difficult for me. 

  • What would make it a better book for students? 

7. Make with meaning: force someone to do something

  • The boss made me work an extra day.

  • The people were made to wait outside while the committee reached its decision. 

8. Make possible



Make it possible/ impossible (for sb) + to V

The new car makes it possible to go to work easily and quickly. 

Make possible/ impossible + N/Noun phrase

Nowadays, the Internet makes possible much faster communication. 

III. Common phrasal verbs and collocations with Make in English grammar

Here are some phrasal verbs and idioms with Make  in English that are frequently used in communication and English exams!

1. Phrasal verbs with Make in English grammar

Phrasal verbs with Make in English



Make off 

to leave quickly, usually in order to escape

The lawbreakers made off before the police arrived. 

Make up for

to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for something bad with something good

My friend bought her team leader dinner to make up for being so late the day before.

Make up

to put make-up on someone's face, to improve or change its appearance

My girlfriend makes herself up every day.

Make out

to see, hear, or understand something or someone with difficulty

Because my younger sister spoke so quietly, his friend could hardly make out what she was saying. 

Make for

to go in the direction of a place or thing

Her grandmother picked up her umbrella and made for the door.

Make sth out to be 

to claim, usually falsely, that something is true:

She makes herself out to be an important singer but her songs are utter garbage. 

Make over 

to improve something or someone by working on or changing various parts

My boyfriend’s team has been chosen to make over the losing volleyball one. 

Phrasal verbs with Make in English grammar
Phrasal verbs with Make in English grammar

2. Collocations with Make in English

Collocations with Make in English


Make a difference

This scholarship of my school fund had made a difference in a lot of people’s lives. 

Make a decision

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.

Make a promise

My father made a promise to help me. 

Make an effort

If they could all make an effort to keep this kitchen room tidier it would help. 

Make a complaint

My sister will make a complaint over the phone or by email. 

Make a noise

Let's just make a noise before someone else gets hurt.

Make money

Making money is the only reason homeless people work on Wall Street.

Collocations with Make in English
Collocations with Make in English

IV. Distinguishing between Make and Do

To better understand how to use Make in English, let’s differentiate between Make and Do:



  • Do is an English verb commonly used to refer to: profession/study/work/tasks. For example: do housework, do a job, etc.

  • Do focuses on the process of performing an action or carrying something out.

  • Do is also used to express general activities or daily routines: do the dishes, do exercise, etc.

  • Make is an English verb that describes the activity or process of creating a product. For example: made from grapes, made of cake, make a shirt, etc.

  • Make emphasizes the product or result of an action.

  • Make describes actions that have been planned beforehand or interactions with other subjects. For example: make a decision, etc.

  • Make often accompanies words related to food or meals. For example: make lunch, make juice, etc.

V. Exercises on Make in English

Practice the following exercises to accurately understand how to use Make in English!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

  1. When my older sister cooks, she always……………..(do/ make) a mess in my kitchen!

  2. My sister always……………..(do/ make) her homework before she goes out.

  3. You have to……………..(do/ make) an effort to learn Korean!

  4. Then he will……………..(do/ make) progress!

  5. He……………..(do/ make) a lot of things in his free time.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with Do or Make.

  1. ……………..(do/ make) a lot of damage.

  2. ……………..(do/ make) an impression.

  3. ……………..(do/ make) the shopping and the washing-up.

  4. ……………..(do/ make) one’s teeth.

  5. ……………..(do/ make) an announcement.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. Makes

  2. Does

  3. Make

  4. Make

  5. Does

  1. Do

  2. Make

  3. Do

  4. Do

  5. Make

Above, PREP has shared concepts, usages, phrasal verbs, and collocations with Make  in English. We wish you effective exam preparation and the ability to achieve high scores in your English tests!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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