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Tips for distinguishing Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative in English

Imaginable, Imaginative and Imaginary are three adjectives that are often confused in meaning and usage. In today's article, PREP will thoroughly explain the knowledge to help you accurately distinguish Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative. Check it out!

Differences of Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative
Differences of Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative

I. What is Imaginary?

Before distinguishing Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative, let's explore the concept and synonyms of Imaginary together with PREP!

1. Definition

What is Imaginary? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Imaginary is pronounced as /ɪˈmædʒ.ə.ner.i/. In a sentence, Imaginary functions as an adjective, meaning: existing only in the mind; not real. For example:

  • As a child, I had an imaginary friend. 
  • The story is set in an imaginary world. 
What is Imaginary?
What is Imaginary?

2. Synonyms of Imaginary

Here is a list of synonyms for Imaginary compiled by PREP:

Synonyms of Imaginary



/ˌmeɪd ˈʌp/


Sally told her little brother a made-up story about a magical land where animals could talk. 

Make-believe /ˈmākbəˌlēv/


The children engaged in a make-believe tea party, using imaginary cups and saucers. 

Non-existent /ˌnɑːn.ɪɡˈzɪs.tənt/


The rumored treasure turned out to be non-existent; there was no sign of it anywhere. 




They knew the argument was only pretend, but they still got upset.

Fictional /ˈfɪk.ʃən.əl/


(commonly use to describe works of fiction)

The novel is a fictional story set in a dystopian future where robots have taken over. 

Fictitious /fɪkˈtɪʃ.əs/


(including but not limited to describing works of fiction, maybe the context of real life)

The car was detained by the Police Department on August 25, 2011, for having fictitious license plates. 

II. What is Imaginative?

To understand and know how to distinguish between Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative, let's join PREP to learn the concepts and synonyms of Imaginative right below!

1. Definition

What is Imaginative? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Imaginative is pronounced as /ɪˈmædʒ.ə.ner.i/. In a sentence, Imaginative functions as an adjective, meaning: new, original, clever; good at thinking of new, original, and clever ideas. For example:

  • The architects have made imaginative use of glass and transparent plastic. 
  • Annie is often brilliantly imaginative in filling out the details of the writer's life. 
What is Imaginative?
What is Imaginative?

2. Synonyms of Imaginative

Here is a list of synonyms for Imaginative compiled by PREP:

Synonyms of Imaginative

For example




Every member of the organization has creative potential. potential. 




The inventor was incredibly inventive




The company prided itself on being innovative, regularly introducing new and cutting-edge technologies to the market. 




An organization doesn't grow if you don't have a visionary leader to take you into the future. 


III. What is Imaginable?

Next, let's explore the definition and synonyms of Imaginable together with PREP to effectively distinguish Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative!

1. Definition

What is Imaginable? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Imaginable is pronounced as /ɪˈmædʒ.ə.nə.bəl/. In a sentence, Imaginary functions as an adjective, meaning: possible, or able to be imagined. For example:

  • Each trainee must be able to respond effectively to all imaginable crises. 
  • They sell every flavor of ice cream imaginable
What is Imaginable?
What is Imaginable?

2. Synonyms of Imaginable

Here is a list of synonyms for Imaginable compiled by PREP:

Synonyms of Imaginable





Despite the challenges, finding a solution to the problem is still possible with collaborative efforts. 




In the realm of science fiction, time travel is often presented as thinkable, even if it's not scientifically proven. 




The young athlete showed great potential in the sport, displaying natural talent and determination. 

Conceivable /kənˈsiː.və.bəl/


In the age of advanced technology, a fully automated society is conceivable, although it comes with ethical concerns. 




It is plausible that the rescuers reached the missing hiker in time, but unlikely. 

Earthly /ˈɝːθ.li/


The scientist dismissed the idea of extraterrestrial life, focusing on earthly explanations for the mysterious phenomena. 

IV. Tips for distinguishing Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative

We've analyzed overview information about Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative together. So what are the differences represented between these three adjectives? Let's follow along with PREP in the table below!










existing only in the mind; not real

new, original, clever; good at thinking of new, original, and clever ideas

possible, or able to be imagined


My sister’s worries were imaginary

My sister is an imaginative artist. artist. 

My sister can compose any imaginable type of song. 

V. Exercises on distinguishing Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative

To clearly understand the usages and distinguish between Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative, quickly complete the 2 exercises below together with PREP!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer: Imaginable, Imaginary or Imaginative

  1. The idea of a world without poverty is_______, although it requires significant global effort.
    1. Imaginable
    2. Imaginary
    3. Imaginative
  2. Children often have_______friends, creating companions in their minds to play with.
    1. Imaginable
    2. Imaginary
    3. Imaginative
  3. The author's_______storytelling transported readers to magical realms filled with fantastical creatures.
    1. Imaginable
    2. Imaginary
    3. Imaginative
  4. With advancements in technology, a future where cars drive themselves is becoming more_______.
    1. Imaginable
    2. Imaginary
    3. Imaginative
  5. The child's room was filled with_______creatures drawn on the walls, bringing the space to life.
    1. Imaginable
    2. Imaginary
    3. Imaginative

Exercise 2: Write the correct form of the verb “Image”:

  1. The artist's_______ use of colors and shapes made the painting a captivating masterpiece.
  2. Despite the challenges, a peaceful resolution to the conflict is_______ through diplomatic means.
  3. The old house in the woods had an_______ tale attached to it, involving ghosts and hidden treasures.
  4. In the field of medicine, a cure for certain diseases that were once fatal is now  _______.
  5. The explorer claimed to have discovered an_______ island on his voyage, but many doubted its existence.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  1. Imaginative
  2. Imaginable
  3. Imaginary
  4. Imaginable
  5. Imaginary

VI. Learn the Secrets of IELTS Success

PREP hopes that through the article shared above, you can understand the concepts, usage and know how to distinguish between Imaginable, Imaginary and Imaginative. If you’re ready to boost your IELTS band score, check out our expert-led courses! 

👉 IELTS full course:Turn Your IELTS Goals Into Reality  

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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