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IELTS Writing Band Scores and Latest Scoring Criteria in 2025
We all know that the IELTS Writing test is the section that often makes candidates anxious about their scores and the scoring criteria. In order to develop an effective study strategy and improve weaknesses, PREP advises you to follow the article below on the IELTS Writing Band Scores, how the IELTS Writing score is calculated, and the evaluation criteria in the Writing test to achieve the desired proficiency level.

I. Criteria for identifying IELTS Writing Band Scores

The IELTS Writing Band Scores is assessed by examiners using a scale of 1 to 9, mirroring the scoring system for other skills within the test. This score reflects the combined evaluation of both Writing Task 1 and Task 2. To enhance your preparation for the IELTS exam, it's crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific criteria used for scoring in the Writing section. By referring to these scoring criteria, you can effectively study and prepare for the Writing tasks at home, thereby improving your chances of achieving a desirable score in the IELTS test.
1. Criterion for IELTS Writing Band Scores - Task Response
Task Response is a criterion that helps examiners determine how you address the requirements of the task. It accounts for 25% of the total score. This criterion determines whether you answer the task prompt correctly or if you go off-topic. Candidates need to address all parts of the question stated in the task prompt. The response should be relevant to the task requirements. Additionally, to convince the examiner, you should provide evidence to support your arguments.
2. Criterion for IELTS Writing Band Scores - Coherence and cohesion
This criterion assesses the readability, coherence, and cohesion of the candidate's writing, accounting for 25% of the total score. Therefore, you should organize your ideas into separate paragraphs. At the same time, use linking words to enhance the coherence and cohesion of your writing. Coherence refers to the organization of information, while cohesion refers to the connection and flow of ideas in the essay. To achieve the expected score in IELTS Writing, you should arrange your ideas logically, coherently, and interconnect them.
3. Criterion for IELTS Writing Band Scores - Lexical resource
This criterion is divided into specific sub-criteria for easy scoring of the candidate's writing and accounts for 25% of the total score. The specific sub-criteria for the IELTS Writing score are:
- Range of vocabulary: Demonstrates diversity in vocabulary usage. Use relevant vocabulary related to the topic as required by the task prompt. Additionally, know how to use synonyms and antonyms. This will help you paraphrase the task prompt easily. It shows the examiner your ability to use a wide range of vocabulary in your IELTS Writing.
- Spelling: Spelling is the most basic issue related to spelling errors. Each candidate should carefully review their work to avoid spelling mistakes. Even a minor mistake can affect your score.
4. Criterion for IELTS Writing Band Scores - Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Grammatical Range is a criterion used to evaluate the ability to use a variety of grammatical structures, accounting for 25% of the total score. In addition to assessing the diversity of grammatical structures, examiners pay attention to more complex structures such as complex sentences and inverted sentences in the test. Grammatical Accuracy measures the level of grammatical correctness. In this criterion, examiners consider the number of errors and the severity of the mistakes made to evaluate the score.
II. Specific criteria for IELTS Writing Band Scores
The IELTS Writing Band Scores is based on your ability to meet the scoring criteria listed above by PREP. Therefore, you need to carefully read the task prompt to analyze it accurately. Additionally, you should fulfill the requirements of the task in order to achieve the target band score.

To fulfill the scoring criteria in IELTS Writing and achieve a high band score on the IELTS Writing scale, you should be aware of the following criteria:
1. Task Response
Carefully read all the issues/perspectives required in the task prompt. Try to answer the issues specifically. Additionally, provide answers using closely related arguments. Remember to outline the reasoning and evidence to avoid being lacking in persuasiveness while writing. Pay attention to the length of the essay, which should be 250 words or more.
2. Coherence and Cohesion
You need to organize paragraphs appropriately for the task prompt, with the essay consisting of 4-5 paragraphs. Each paragraph should highlight a single main point. Arrange the ideas as logically and coherently as possible. Use a variety of linking words and phrases to achieve a high score.
3. Lexical resource
Use the most accurate collocations. Be cautious when paraphrasing the task prompt and avoid lexical errors. Additionally, enhance your vocabulary range and ensure it is diverse and relevant to the topic of the task prompt. As this is an academic essay, avoid using less academic language.
4. Grammatical range and accuracy
Combine grammatical structures and tenses most diversely and appropriately. Arrange words in sentences accurately to avoid basic mistakes. Pay attention to using a variety of sentence structures. An important note is to avoid grammar errors.
III. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score
If you want to achieve the criteria set out in each band score of the IELTS Writing test, you need to practice writing a lot. Over time, you will gradually develop coherent and cohesive writing. If you’re determined to succeed, PREP guarantees a focused pathway to your IELTS goals
- IELTS online course: Master IELTS With Us!

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.
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