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Detailed IELTS test format and how to analyze the test properly

One of the first and most important pieces of knowledge that candidates need to pay attention to when approaching the IELTS exam is the IELTS test format. Once you have a clear understanding of the IELTS test structure, it will be easier for you to review and enhance the skills needed to achieve the highest scores. So let's take a brief look at the latest 2021 format of the test together with PREP.

Detailed IELTS test format and how to analyze the test properly

I. IELTS test format overview

The IELTS test format will include 4 mandatory skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Candidates will complete the IELTS exam with a total duration of under 3 hours. Candidates will take the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections on the same day in order, without any breaks between the test components. Additionally, depending on the test center, the Speaking test may take place on the same day as the other three skills or be scheduled before or after the test day according to the registration requirements.

1. IELTS Exam Formats

The IELTS exam has two main test formats:

1.1. IELTS Academic Test Format

This IELTS test format is widely recognized as a language requirement for all university and postgraduate courses. It is also the standard for assessing whether candidates are ready to begin studying university or postgraduate programs taught in English.

IELTS Academic Test Format
IELTS Academic Test Format

1.2. IELTS General Test Format

This IELTS test format is suitable for all candidates planning to immigrate to English-speaking countries or for those who wish to complete high school or training programs.

IELTS General Test Format
IELTS General Test Format

2. Skills in the IELTS Exam

The IELTS test format of both General and Academic types includes 4 skills. However, due to their different nature, there are some differences between these two exams. The Listening and Speaking sections in the IELTS Academic and General Training exams are the same. The IELTS test format of the Reading and Writing sections will differ in some aspects. Let's explore the similarities and differences between the exam structures of IELTS Academic and General Training in the article.

II. IELTS test format and Time for the 4 Skills

1. IELTS Exam duration

Refer to the image below to understand the IELTS test format more clearly.

IELTS Exam duration
IELTS Exam duration

2. IELTS Listening Test Format

The IELTS Listening test has a duration of 30 minutes and consists of 4 sections. Since January 4, 2020, there have been some changes in the paper-based IELTS Listening test compared to previous years. Specifically, the following changes have been made:

  • The term "SECTIONS" in the test will be replaced by "PARTS." Therefore, the IELTS Listening test from 2022 onwards will include 4 parts: Part 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • The "Example" part in the audio file of Part 1 will be removed.
  • The reference pages will be omitted. For example, in the actual test room, candidates will only be instructed to listen to the conversation audio for questions 1 to 4 (instead of questions 1 to 4 on page 3).
  • The changes in the IELTS Listening test from 2022 aim to ensure consistency between the paper-based IELTS test formats and IELTS computer-based test format.
  • You will listen to 4 recorded passages, including monologues and conversations by one or more native speakers, and write your answers on the answer sheet (for the paper-based test).
    • This part consists of questions to assess the candidate's ability to grasp main ideas and factual information.
    • This part tests the ability to accurately perceive the speaker's opinions and attitudes, understand the purpose of the discussed issue, and keep up with the presentation of opinions.
    • Various native-speaker accents are used, and candidates will only listen to each section of the IELTS Listening test once.
  • The IELTS Listening test is the same for both the Academic and General Training formats.
    • Part 1: A conversation between two people in everyday life contexts, such as a conversation at a rental agency, a conversation with a hotel receptionist, etc.
    • Part 2: A monologue in everyday life contexts, for example, a speech about a specific case, a speech about public facilities, etc.
    • Part 3: A conversation among a maximum of 4 people in an educational or training context, for example, a teacher instructing at a university and a student discussing a project.
    • Part 4: A monologue on a specific topic, for example, education, the environment, etc.
IELTS test format: The Listening section
IELTS test format: The Listening section

3. IELTS Reading Test format

The IELTS Reading test has a duration of 60 minutes and consists of 3 sections, including 40 questions. Some of the questions are designed to assess the candidate's reading ability. Candidates need to grasp the main ideas, understand key concepts, and remember specific details. They also need to engage in thorough reasoning and identify the author's viewpoints, attitudes, and purposes in the given text.

IELTS Reading – IELTS Academic

IELTS Reading – IELTS General

  • For the Academic format, the structure of the IELTS Reading test includes 3 passages, with each passage being approximately 1500 words long. The difficulty of each test will gradually increase with each passage. The test consists of descriptions of real situations, as well as analysis and discontinuity.
  • The IELTS Reading test materials are sourced by Cambridge from books, journals, magazines, and even newspapers. These topics cover various fields, but they are still highly suitable for candidates who have aspirations for university, postgraduate studies, or specialized fields.

The structure of the General Training IELTS Reading test requires passages to be taken from books, magazines, newspapers, or other sources such as announcements, advertisements, company handbooks, and instructions. These are materials that candidates may encounter daily in English-speaking environments. 

The structure of IELTS Reading Tests
The structure of IELTS Reading Tests

4. IELTS Writing Test Format

The IELTS Writing test has a duration of 60 minutes and consists of 2 sections:

IELTS Writing – Academic Format

IELTS Writing – General Format

In IELTS Writing Academic, the topics are designed for individuals at the university or postgraduate level, or those who have a specific interest in a particular field.

  • Section 1: Typically, for IELTS Writing Task 1, candidates are provided with a graph, table, chart, or diagram. The task requires candidates to describe, summarize, or explain the information in their own words. Additionally, the task may ask candidates to describe and explain data, describe the stages of a process, or describe how something works, such as an object or an event.
  • Section 2: In IELTS Writing Task 2, candidates are required to write an essay. The essay should respond to a viewpoint, argument, or issue mentioned in the task prompt. Candidates need to complete both Part 1 and Part 2 with a formal writing style.

In IELTS Writing General, there are also two parts based on topics of general interest.

  • Section 1: IELTS Writing Task 1 presents a situation. Candidates are required to write a letter proposing information or explaining the given situation. Unlike IELTS Academic, the letter can be written in an informal, normal, or formal style.
  • Section 2: In IELTS Writing Task 2, candidates are asked to write an essay. The essay should respond to a viewpoint, argument, or issue. In this task, a more informal style is expected compared to IELTS Writing Task 2 in the Academic format.
The structure of IELTS Writing Tests
The structure of IELTS Writing Tests

5. IELTS Speaking Test Format

The IELTS Speaking test has a duration of about 15 minutes and consists of 3 parts: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Whether it is IELTS Academic or IELTS General, the format of the IELTS Speaking test remains the same. Here is some information about the structure of the IELTS Speaking test:

  • Part 1: This part consists of general questions about the candidates themselves. The questions are related to everyday life and common topics such as home, transportation, family, work, hobbies, and education. The first part of the test usually lasts about 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Part 2: In this second part, the examiner will give the candidate a piece of paper with a specific topic. The candidate will be asked to speak about the given topic. In this part of the Speaking test, the candidate will have one minute to think about their ideas and may make notes on the given paper. After one minute, the candidate will have 2 minutes to present their response. Additionally, the examiner may ask 1-2 follow-up questions before concluding this part.
  • Part 3: The topic in Part 3 is related to the topic given in Part 2. The examiner will ask questions that prompt further discussion and deeper analysis of the previous topic. In this part, candidates are expected to engage in a more detailed discussion and express their opinions. The structure of this final part of the IELTS Speaking test lasts about 4-5 minutes.
IELTS Speaking Test Format
IELTS Speaking Test Format

II. Tips for Taking the IELTS Exam

Tips for Taking the IELTS Exam
Tips for Taking the IELTS Exam

Refer to the following tips to effectively prepare for and achieve a high band score in the real IELTS exam!

1. IELTS Listening

  • Carefully check the provided headphones. Inform the invigilator immediately if you encounter any difficulties with the equipment.
  • Maximize your time to read the questions. Initially, try to quickly skim through all the questions to understand the content and structure of the IELTS Listening test.
  • When you hear the answer, write it down immediately on the exam paper or enter it directly into the computer.
  • Utilize the 10 minutes given to thoroughly check your answers and transfer them to the answer sheet.

2. IELTS Reading

  • Ensure that you manage and pay attention to the allotted time for the test.
  • Write the answers directly on the exam paper as this part of the test has limited time.
  • Read the question requirements carefully.
  • Analyze the questions clearly before starting to solve them.
  • Do not skip the instructions or footnotes.

3. IELTS Writing

  • Pay attention to the prescribed word count. Avoid counting each word, but rather focus on paragraph alignment.
  • Do not forget to include a conclusion.
  • Check spelling and grammar to avoid losing marks.
  • Create an outline before writing.
  • You can request additional writing paper if needed.

4. IELTS Speaking

  • Maintain a stable and confident mindset.
  • Avoid rambling and focus on answering the main points.
  • Do not overly obsess about vocabulary as it only accounts for 25% of the score.
  • Utilize a wide range of tenses in the test.
  • If you don't hear a question clearly, ask the invigilator to repeat it.

IV. Take the First Step Towards IELTS Success

Refer to the IELTS test format to help you practice effectively. If you want to crack the IELTS exam without stress, PREP’s focused approach will make it simple and achievable. 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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