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IELTS scoring system and how to calculate the IELTS Band Scores

Achieving a high score on the IELTS test can indeed be challenging. Thus, the initial step towards aiming for a high IELTS score is to grasp the IELTS scoring system and learn how to calculate the IELTS Overall Band Score based on the guidelines set by the testing board. In this article, PREP will unveil the scoring system and provide precise methods for calculating the IELTS Band Scores, assisting you in preparing effectively for the IELTS test and attaining a high band score.

IELTS scoring system and how to calculate the IELTS Band Scores in 2023
IELTS scoring system and how to calculate the IELTS Band Scores in 2023

I. Introduction to IELTS

1. What is IELTS?

IELTS stands for the International English Language Testing System. It is one of the most widely recognized English language proficiency tests. Candidates are assessed in four skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The test is scored on the IELTS band scale, ranging from 0 to 9 (including half-band increments) for each skill. The IELTS Band Scores, which are the final score of the candidate, is calculated by averaging the scores of the four skills. In this article, PREP will analyze how to calculate the IELTS Band level and the scoring of each skill in detail.

What is IELTS?

2. The purpose of the IELTS test

  • As we are well aware, the role of English in general and IELTS in particular is crucial in today's life. The IELTS certificate is widely recognized as proof of English proficiency in both academic and everyday contexts. Moreover, many universities require students to achieve a high IELTS band score to meet graduation requirements.
  • Additionally, most businesses and companies often require candidates to have a certain level of English proficiency for job applications.
  • The IELTS certificate is considered a clear indication of your language proficiency. Another advantage is that possessing an IELTS certificate can increase your chances of receiving scholarships for studying abroad compared to other candidates.
  • Of course, it is not mandatory for everyone to take the IELTS test. If your academic and professional environment does not strictly require it, it may not be necessary. However, this can limit your opportunities for career advancement and job convenience. In this globalized world, having a strong command of English is a significant advantage.

3. IELTS Academic vs IELTS General

IELTS Academic vs IELTS General

To help you understand the distinctions between the two IELTS test types, namely IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training, PREP has compiled a separate article for your reference.

For more information, please refer to the following article:

II. Calculating the IELTS Band Scores and the IELTS Scoring Scale

Calculating the IELTS Band Scores and the IELTS Scoring Scale

1. Calculating the IELTS Band Scores

The IELTS scoring scale ranges from 1 to 9. After taking the test, candidates can see their IELTS Band Scores on the test score report. The IELTS score report will have four columns for the scores of the four skills and the average Overall Band Score. The calculation of the IELTS Overall Band Score is simply the average of the scores of the four skills. The specific formula for calculating the IELTS Overall Band Score is as follows:

IELTS Band Scores = (Speaking Score + Listening Score + Writing Score + Reading Score) / 4

2. Calculating the Scores for the Four IELTS Skills

In addition to calculating the IELTS Band Scores, it is important to understand how the scores for each individual skill are calculated in the IELTS test.

2.1. Listening and Reading

Looking at the IELTS score table below, the Listening section in both tests is scored on the same scale (for example, if you get around 3 to 4 questions correct, your score will be 2.5). In the Reading section, for the IELTS Academic test, getting 5 to 6 questions correct corresponds to an IELTS band score of 3.0. On the other hand, to achieve an IELTS band score of 3.0 in the IELTS General Training test, candidates need to answer correctly between 8 and 11 questions.

How to calculate the scores for the listening and speaking skills

In both sections, candidates complete all 40 questions. The scoring is based on the number of correct answers, which is then converted to the IELTS scoring scale from 1 to 9. There are two types of IELTS tests that candidates preparing for the test are familiar with: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. These two tests differ in some content and even in the scoring method. 

2.2. Writing

Judges rely on the following specific criteria to determine the IELTS Band Scores for each candidate: 

  • Task Achievement (Task 1) / Task Response (Task 2): Evaluate the ability to fulfill the task requirements (Task 1) and whether the candidate accurately addresses the task requirements without digressing (Task 2).
  • Cohesion & coherence: Emphasize the need for smooth and logical flow. Candidates are assessed on their use, development, and organization of ideas coherently. Additionally, the judges consider whether the ideas are persuasive, supportive of the main points, and whether the candidate uses linking words naturally.
  • Lexical resource: Focus on vocabulary usage. Candidates must demonstrate a diverse and natural range of vocabulary, appropriate for the given context. Vocabulary should not be repetitive, and basic spelling errors should be avoided. The judges also evaluate how well the candidate can paraphrase for various topics.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Assess the candidate's ability to use grammatical structures accurately and with variety. Candidates should avoid grammar errors and use punctuation correctly.

You can refer to the detailed IELTS Writing scoring criteria to learn more about the scoring process and criteria.

2.3. Speaking

Similar to the Writing skill, the Speaking task is also evaluated by the judges based on the following four factors: 

  • Fluency and Coherence: Test the candidate's ability to speak fluently and coherently. Candidates should not have excessive pauses or long breaks during the test. The judges also assess how naturally the candidate links sentences using connectors or linking phrases, and whether the candidate stays on topic.
  • Lexical Resource: Evaluate the candidate's vocabulary range and usage. In the Speaking test, candidates should demonstrate flexible and accurate use of vocabulary that is appropriate for the context. Additionally, the candidate should avoid word repetition and be able to use suitable idioms and paraphrasing.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Assess the candidate's ability to use a variety of grammatical structures accurately and appropriately.
  • Pronunciation: Evaluate the accuracy and intelligibility of the candidate's pronunciation.

3. Rounding Rules for IELTS Band Scores

Sometimes, the difference of half an IELTS band score comes down to just one answer. The main reason for this lies in the rounding rules for the band score. Let's follow along to learn how the IELTS Overall score is calculated. If we consider the fractional part of this average IELTS score as "n," we have the following conventions for rounding: 

  • 0.0 ≤ n < 0.25: IELTS score is rounded down to the nearest whole number.
  • 0.25 ≤ n < 0.5: IELTS score is rounded up to the nearest 0.5.
  • 0.5 ≤ n < 0.75: IELTS score is rounded down to the nearest 0.5.
  • 0.75 ≤ n < 1.0: IELTS score is rounded up to the next whole number.

For example: 

  • Candidate A has the following IELTS scores: Listening (7.5), Speaking (7.5), Reading (6.5), Writing (7.0). The average score for Candidate A is (7.5 + 7.5 + 6.5 + 7.0)/4 = 7.125 → rounded down to 7.0.
  • Candidate B has the following IELTS scores: Listening (6.0), Speaking (6.5), Reading (6.0), Writing (7.0). The average score for Candidate B is (6.0 + 6.5 + 6.0 + 7.0)/4 = 6.375 → rounded up to 6.5.
  • Candidate C has the following IELTS scores: Listening (4.5), Speaking (5.0), Reading (5.0), Writing (5.0). The average score for Candidate C is (4.5 + 5.0 + 5.0 + 5.0)/4 = 4.875 → rounded up to 5.0.

Through the information provided above, you must have now gained a solid understanding of how to calculate the IELTS score for each skill (Listening - Reading - Speaking - Writing), how to calculate the IELTS Overall score, and how to round the IELTS band score.

4. Meaning of IELTS Band Scores

Below are the meanings of IELTS band scores. Take a deeper look and carefully consider the information in this article. As a result, you will be able to prepare yourself best for the test and set a direction for your future exams.

IELTS Band Scores

III. Your Ultimate Guide to IELTS Success

The article provided by PREP comprehensively outlines the IELTS band scores and details the calculation of the IELTS Overall score. If you’re aiming for a high IELTS band score, PREP will equip you with proven strategies, expert tips, and practice plans to succeed below:

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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