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What is Et cetera in English? How to write Et cetera in English correctly?

How to write Et cetera in English correctly? In today's article, let's explore different ways to say Et cetera in English, specifically the differences in usage between Et cetera and So on/so forth. Check it out now!

Et cetera in English
Et cetera in English

I. What is Et cetera in English?

Et cetera, also known as etc, is pronounced as /ɪt ˈset̬.ɚ.ə/, so on as /soʊ ɑːn/, and so forth as /soʊ fɔːrθ/. These words convey the meaning of Et cetera in English and are used at the end of a sentence or in writing to indicate that there are other similar words or phrases that could be listed but are not mentioned. For example:

  • Rice, meat, fish, etc. are among the most important sources of food to us.
  • Yesterday, I spent three hours in a shopping mall buying some important domestic appliances including a microwave, fans, and so on/so forth
What is Et cetera in English?
What is Et cetera in English?

II. Some notes on using Et cetera in English

Let's go through some notes on using Et cetera in English with PREP!

After "etc", there should be a period "." Many people forget the period when using this word. However, if "etc." is at the end of a sentence, there is no need for an additional period. For example: Alex had dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, etc

  • Only use "etc." to list objects. If referring to people, use "et al". For example:
    • I meet a lot of new friends at the party Marry, Henry, Robert, et al. → et al. refers to people.
  • Do not use "and etc.". For example:
    • You should bring text book, pencil, ruler, eraser and etc. (❌)
    • You should bring text book, pencil, ruler, eraser, etc. (✅)
  • If the sentence includes phrases like "for example" or similar expressions to list objects, "etc." should not be used because it implies that there could be other examples.
  • Only use "etc." to list other words or phrases that are of the same type or group as the ones listed before:

The children should bring crayons, blankets, hats, etc. (❌)

The children should bring paper, pencils, scissors, etc. (✅)

Some notes on using Et cetera in English
Some notes on using Et cetera in English

III. Differentiating the usage of Et cetera and So on/so forth

Besides the phrase Et cetera in English, there is also So on/so forth. But do these three phrases have the same usage? Let's find out with PREP below!


Et cetera

So on/so forth


Noun + + Et cetera

Noun + and + So on/ so forth


Remember to take some paper, a pen, etc

I like soccer, volleyball, baseball and so on/so forth.

Differentiating the usage of Et cetera and So on/so forth
Differentiating the usage of Et cetera and So on/so forth

IV. Exercises on Et cetera in English

To better understand the usage of Et cetera in English, let's complete the exercises below with PREP!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Find and correct the errors in the following sentences:

  1. We have many subjects – English, History, Music, and ect
  2. We have a constant battle against garden pests such as slugs, snails, greenflies, blackfly, so on.
  3. Allow the children to eat only healthy food - vegetables, fruits, so forth.
  4. The children should bring paper, pencils, scissors, and etc.
  5. Al often picks locally grown fruit, such as apples, strawberries, so on.
  6. She enjoys all kinds of sports – running, tennis, swimming, so forth.
  7. I am trying to give up cakes, chocolate, sweets, and etc.
  8. I don't do counseling, therapy, so on. I do experiments in a laboratory.
  9. It needs your contributions of furniture, paint, brushes, ladders, lamps, so forth.
  10. European countries - especially northern European countries: Switzerland, Denmark, and ect -  tend to be richer we are in these surveys.

Exercise 2: Write sentences using "et cetera" or "and so on/so forth" based on the given prompts.

  1. (Fruits: apples, oranges, bananas)
  2. (School supplies: pens, pencils, notebooks)
  3. (Hobbies: painting, drawing, sculpting)
  4. (Electronic devices: phones, tablets, laptops)
  5. (Sports: soccer, basketball, tennis)

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. and ect ➞ ect.
  2. so on ➞ and so on
  3. so forth➞ and so forth
  4. and ect. ➞ ect.
  5. so on ➞ and so on
  6. so forth➞ and so forth
  7. and ect. ➞ ect.
  8. so on ➞ and so on
  9. so forth➞ and so forth
  10. and ect ➞ ect.
  1. She likes to eat various fruits: apples, oranges, bananas, et cetera.
  2. For school, we need to bring supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and so on.
  3. His hobbies include painting, drawing, sculpting, et cetera.
  4. The store sells electronic devices like phones, tablets, laptops, and so on.
  5. He enjoys playing different sports such as soccer, basketball, tennis, and so forth.

V. Start Your IELTS Journey

PREP hopes that through this article, you have gained an understanding of the definition, and usage of Et cetera in English, as well as an accurate distinction between Et cetera and So on/so forth. If you want a winning strategy, PREP combines expert insights with actionable plans for guaranteed success 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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