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The ways to talk about age in English accurately
Age is one of the basic and essential pieces of information when introducing oneself in English. In today's article, PREP will share with you the detailed ways to talk about age in English!

I. How to ask about age in English
Before learning how to talk about age in English, let's explore the structure of asking about age in common, formal, and polite situations below with PREP!
Common ways to ask about age |
Example |
How old + to be + subject? |
What is one’s age? |
However, for some people, age is a sensitive issue. Therefore, to avoid being seen as rude, the questioner should ask age in a clever and polite way. Here are some sample age questions in English with a formal tone.
- Would you mind if I asked how old you are?
- Would you mind telling me your age?
- May I know how old you are?
- Do you mind if I ask your age?
- Do you mind telling me your age?

II. How to answer the question of age in English
After receiving the question about age, how should we answer? Let's pocket how to say age in English with PREP right below!
How to talk about age in English |
Example |
Subject + to be + age (years old) |
Additionally, we can add some adverbs in our age answers to diversify our responses.
- Early: the beginning (ranging from 0 to 3). For example: Jessica is in her early thirties.
- Mid: the middle (ranging from 4 to 7). For example: My father is in his mid fifties.
- Late: the end (ranging from 8 to 9). For example: My grandmother is in her late eighties.

III. Some English vocabulary to talk about age in English
Let's quickly pocket some English vocabulary to talk about age in English with PREP right below!

Some English vocabulary to talk about age in English |
Meaning |
Example |
Baby /ˈbeɪ.bi/ (Noun) |
from 0 to 1 year old, newborn
My baby’s name is Anna. |
Toddler /ˈtɒd.lər/ (Noun) |
from 1 to 3 years old |
These toys are suitable for toddlers.
Child /tʃaɪld/ (Noun) |
from 4 to 12 years old |
When I was a child, I used to love climbing. |
Teenager /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒər/ (Noun) |
from 13 to 19 years old |
This film attracts a lot of teenagers. |
Adult /ˈædʌlt/ (Noun) |
from 20 to 50 years old |
Only adults are invited to the party.
Elderly /ˈel.dəl.i/ (Noun) |
over 60 or 65 years old |
The city is building nursing homes for the elderly. |
IV. Dialogue on asking and answering age in English
Let's read some dialogues on asking and answering age in English below with PREP!
1. Dialogue 1
Dialogue 1 - Conversation between two people:
2. Dialogue 2
Dialogue 2 - At a birthday party:
2. Dialogue 3
Dialogue 3 - At Grandma Mary's 80th birthday celebration:
- John (J)
- Sarah (S)
- Grandma Mary (G)
PREP hopes that through this article, you have learned the ways to talk about age in English along with vocabulary related to the topic of age. Keep following PREP to update yourself with more interesting and useful English knowledge!

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