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List of 90+ common English words starting with G
There are numerous interesting and distinctive English words starting with G. How many words starting with this letter do you already know? In today's article, let's "pocket" an additional list of 90+ common English words starting with G across 10 different topics!

- I. English words starting with G by 10 different topics
- 1. English words starting with G related to family and relationships
- 2. English words starting with G related to hobbies
- 3. English words starting with G related to food and drinks
- 4. English words starting with G related to school
- 5. English words starting with G related to sports
- 6. English words starting with G related to health and medicine
- 7. English words starting with G related to environment
- 8. English words starting with G related to tourism
- 9. English words starting with G related to art
- 10. English words starting with G related to work
- II. Exercises to review English words starting with G
- III. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score
I. English words starting with G by 10 different topics
Let's explore the meanings and illustrative examples of English words starting with G across 10 different topics below!
1. English words starting with G related to family and relationships

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Generation /ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃən/ (noun) |
all the people of about the same age within a society or within a particular family |
The younger generation smokes less than their parents did. |
2 |
Grandparents /ˈɡrændˌpɛrənts/ (noun) |
the father or mother of a person's father or mother |
Every Sunday, my entire family gathers at my grandparents’ house. |
3 |
Grandchildren /ˈɡrændˌtʃɪldrən/ (noun) |
the children of your son or daughter |
My grandmother always had a special treat waiting for her grandchildren when I visited. |
4 |
Godparents /ˈɡɒdˌpɛrents/ (noun) |
a person who, at a baptism ceremony, promises to help a new member of the religion, usually a child, in religious and moral matters |
When my parents passed away, my godparents stepped in to provide love just like they were my own parents. |
5 |
Guardian /ˈɡɑːrdiən/ (noun) |
a person who has the legal right and responsibility of taking care of someone who cannot take care of himself or herself, such as a child whose parents have died |
After my parents' accident, my aunt became my legal guardian. |
6 |
Genetic /dʒəˈnɛtɪk/ (adjective) |
belonging or relating to genes (= parts of the DNA in cells) received by each animal or plant from its parents |
Learning about our family's genetic history has helped us understand some of the health risks we may face. |
7 |
Genealogy /ˌdʒiːnɪˈælədʒi/ (noun) |
(the study of) the history of the past and present members of a family or families |
My uncle spent years researching our family's genealogy. |
8 |
Gratitude /ˈɡrætɪtjuːd/ (noun) |
the feeling or quality of being grateful |
We always express our gratitude to our parents for the sacrifices they made. |
9 |
Gather /ˈɡæðər/ (verb) |
to come together in a group |
Every holiday season, our extended family gathers at our grandparents' farmhouse. |
10 |
Guidance /ˈɡaɪdns/ (noun) |
help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships |
My older sister has always offered guidance whenever I need it. |
11 |
Glue /ɡluː/ (noun) |
a sticky substance that is used for joining things together permanently, produced from animal bones and skins or by a chemical process |
Family dinners are the “glue” that holds us together. |
12 |
Graces /ɡreɪsɪz/ (noun) |
the quality of being pleasantly polite, or a willingness to be fair and honest |
Even in difficult times, my family faces challenges with graces and resilience. |
13 |
Gestures /ˈdʒɛstʃərz/ (noun) |
a movement of the hands, arms, or head, etc. to express an idea or feeling |
Small gestures of love, like a hug or a handwritten note, means the world to me from my family. |
14 |
Growth /ɡroʊθ/ (noun) |
an increase in the size or the importance of something |
Through the support of my family, I've experienced tremendous personal growth and development. |
15 |
Gratefulness /ˈɡreɪtfəlnəs/ (noun) |
the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful |
Reflecting on all the blessings in my life, I'm overwhelmed with gratefulness for my loving family. |
2. English words starting with G related to hobbies

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Gardening /ˈɡɑːrdənɪŋ/ (noun) |
the job or activity of working in a garden, growing and taking care of the plants, and keeping it attractive |
It's my husband who does the gardening. |
2 |
Gaming /ˈɡeɪmɪŋ/ (noun) |
the activity of playing games on computers and other electronic devices |
Alex spent all night at the gaming tables. |
3 |
Golfing /ˈɡɒlfɪŋ/ (noun) |
the activity of playing golf |
You can play tennis or go golfing. |
4 |
Geocache /ˈdʒiːoʊˌkæʃi/ (noun) |
a hidden container with small prizes for people to find using GPS |
They explore the woods together to find hidden geocaches. |
5 |
Graphic design /ˈɡræfɪk dɪˈzaɪn/ (noun) |
the art of designing pictures and text for books, magazines, advertising, etc. |
Maria created a stunning graphic design for her new project. |
6 |
Glassblowing /ˈɡlæsˌbloʊɪŋ/ (noun) |
the practice or activity of blowing air down a tube to form heated glass into objects |
This artisan can create beautiful glassblowing artworks from molten glass. |
7 |
Gliding /ˈɡlaɪdɪŋ/ (noun) |
the sport or activity of flying in a glider |
Gliding is a dangerous sport. |
8 |
Gymnastics /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ (noun) |
physical exercises and activities performed inside, often using equipment such as bars and ropes, intended to increase the body's strength and the ability to move and bend easily |
Anna always spends a lot of time practicing gymnastics. |
9 |
Ghost hunting /ɡoʊst ˈhʌntɪŋ/ (noun) |
the process of investigating locations that are purportedly haunted by ghosts |
The group of friends often organizes ghost hunting trips at night. |
3. English words starting with G related to food and drinks

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Grapes /ɡreɪps/ (noun) |
a small, round, purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or make into wine |
Xavia packed a bunch of sweet, juicy grapes for her picnic in the park. |
2 |
Guava /ˈɡwɑːand/ (noun) |
a round yellow tropical fruit with pink or white flesh and hard seeds, or the small tropical tree on which it grows |
Ripe guavas smelled deliciously sweet. |
3 |
Gumbo /ˈɡʌm.boʊ/ (noun) |
a thick soup from the southern US, made with okra (= a small green vegetable) and meat or fish |
Peter’s grandmother's Gumbo was spicy. |
4 |
Gingerbread /ˈdʒɪndʒərbrɛd/ (noun) |
a type of cake, usually very dark brown and soft, that contains ginger |
The aroma of freshly baked gingerbread fill the kitchen during the holiday season. |
5 |
Gouda cheese /ˈɡuːde tʃiːz/ (noun) |
a creamy, yellow cow's milk cheese originating from the Netherlands |
Alex enjoyed pairing his wine with slices of creamy Gouda cheese. |
6 |
Gnocchi /ˈnjɒki/ (noun) |
small round balls made from potato or wheat flour mixed with water, that you eat in soup or with sauce |
The homemade gnocchi melted in her mouth. |
7 |
gazpacho /ɡəˈspɑːtʃoʊ/ (noun) |
a soup made from tomatoes and uncooked vegetables, and eaten cold |
On hot summer days, nothing beats a refreshing bowl of chilled gazpacho. |
8 |
Granola /ɡrəˈnoʊlə/ (noun) |
a food made of baked grains, nuts, and dried fruit, usually eaten in the morning |
Maria sprinkled crunchy granola over her yogurt. |
9 |
Grapefruit /ˈɡreɪpfruːt/ (noun) |
a fruit that is like a large orange, but has a yellow skin and tastes less sweet |
Starting her day with a tangy grapefruit was Anna’s best feeling. |
10 |
Goulash /ˈɡuːlɑːʃ/ (noun) |
a dish, originally from Hungary, consisting of meat cooked in a sauce with paprika (= a spice that tastes hot) |
The hearty goulash stew simmered for hours. |
4. English words starting with G related to school

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Geography /dʒiˈɒɡrəfi/ (noun) |
the study of the systems and processes involved in the world's weather, mountains, seas, lakes, etc. and of the ways in which countries and people organize life within an area |
Studying geography helps students understand the world's diverse cultures. |
2 |
Geometry /dʒiˈɒmɪtri/ (noun) |
the area of mathematics relating to the study of space and the relationships between points, lines, curves, and surfaces |
In geometry class, we learn about shapes, angles. |
3 |
Grammar /ˈɡræmər/ (noun) |
(the study or use of) the rules about how words change their form and combine with other words to make sentences |
Correct grammar is essential for effective communication in writing. |
4 |
Graduate /ˈɡrædʒuət/ (verb/noun) |
to complete a first university degree successfully/ a person who has a first degree from a university or college |
After years of hard work, she was proud to graduate from high school with honors. |
5 |
Grade /ɡreɪd/ (noun) |
a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is |
Getting a good grade on her math test boosted her confidence. |
6 |
Gymnasium /dʒɪmˈneɪzim/ (noun) |
a large room with equipment for exercising the body and increasing strength, or space for playing sport, especially in a school |
Students enjoy playing sports in the school gymnasium. |
7 |
Genetics /dʒəˈnɛtɪks/ (noun) |
the study of how, in all living things, the characteristics and qualities of parents are given to their children by their genes |
Learning about genetics in biology class helps us understand inherited traits. |
8 |
Graphing /ˈɡræfɪŋ/ (noun) |
the activity of making graphs to show how different information is related |
Graphing data helps visualize trends and patterns. |
9 |
Group work /ɡruːp wɜrk/ (noun) |
a collaborative learning environment where students work through problems and assessments together |
It is essential that students are put in place for group work in seminars. |
5. English words starting with G related to sports

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Golf /ɡɒlf/ (noun) |
a game played outside on grass in which each player tries to hit a small ball into a series of nine or 18 small holes, using a long, thin stick |
Playing golf requires precision and patience. |
2 |
Gymnastics /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ (noun) |
physical exercises that increase the body’s strength, balance, and ability to move gracefully, often using special equipment, or the competitive sport of performing such exercises |
Gymnastics showcases incredible strength, flexibility. |
3 |
Gymnast /ˈdʒɪmnæst/ (noun) |
a person who is skilled in gymnastics, often someone who competes in gymnastic competitions |
The young gymnast performed a flawless routine on the balance beam. |
4 |
Goalkeeper /ˈɡoʊlˌkiːpər/ (noun) |
(in some sports) the player who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring |
The goalkeeper made a spectacular save to keep the opposing team from scoring. |
5 |
Goal /ɡoʊl/ (noun) |
an area on a playing field, that usually has two posts with a net fixed behind them, where players try to send the ball in order to score in sports such as football and hockey |
Scoring a goal in soccer is the ultimate achievement for any player. |
6 |
Gridiron /ˈɡrɪdˌaɪərn/ (noun) |
a field painted with lines for American football |
The players were ready to step onto the gridiron and give them all. |
7 |
Go-karting /ˈɡoʊˌkɑrtɪŋ/ (noun) |
racing in go-karts |
Racing go-karting around the track is an exhilarating experience. |
8 |
Ground fighting /ɡraʊnd ˈfaɪtɪŋ/ (noun) |
and-to-hand combat which takes place while the combatants are on the ground |
Martial artists practice ground fighting techniques to dominate their opponents. |
6. English words starting with G related to health and medicine

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Germs /dʒɜːrmz/ (noun) |
a very small organism that causes disease |
Washing your hands regularly helps prevent the spread of germs. |
2 |
Glucose /ˈɡluːkoʊs/ (noun) |
a type of sugar that is found in plants, especially fruit, and supplies an important part of the energy that animals need |
Monitoring your blood glucose levels is crucial for managing diabetes. |
3 |
Gastroenteritis /ˌɡæstroʊˌɛntəˈraɪtɪs/ (noun) |
an illness that causes the stomach and bowels to become swollen and painful |
Symptoms of gastroenteritis include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. |
4 |
Good /ɡʊd/ (adjective) |
healthy or well |
I didn't go into work because I wasn't feeling too good. |
5 |
Gestational diabetes /dʒɛˈsteɪʃənəl ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiz/ (noun) |
high blood sugar (glucose) that develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after giving birth |
Pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes. |
6 |
Gallstones /ˈɡɔːlˌstoʊnz/ (noun) |
a small piece of hard material that sometimes forms in the gall bladder (= an organ in the body) and can cause great pain |
Severe abdominal pain and jaundice can be signs of gallstones blocking the bile ducts. |
7 |
Gingivitis /ˌdʒɪndʒəˈvaɪtɪs/ (noun) |
an infection of the gums (= the part of the mouth from which the teeth grow) which causes swelling, pain, and sometimes bleeding |
Poor oral hygiene can lead to gingivitis. |
8 |
Glaucoma /ɡlɔːˈkoʊmə/ (noun) |
a disease of the eye that can cause a person to gradually lose their sight |
Regular eye exams are essential for detecting glaucoma early to prevent vision loss. |
9 |
Gynecology /ˌɡaɪnɪˈkɒlədʒi/ (noun) |
the area of medicine that involves the treatment of women's diseases, especially those of the reproductive organs |
Visiting a gynecology for regular check-ups is important for women's reproductive health. |
7. English words starting with G related to environment

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Greenhouse gases /ˈɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæsɪz/ (noun) |
a gas that causes the greenhouse effect, especially carbon dioxide |
The burning of fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases contributes to climate change. |
2 |
Global warming /ˈɡloʊbəl ˈwɔrmɪŋ/ (noun) |
a gradual increase in world temperatures caused by gases such as carbon dioxide that are collecting in the air around the earth and stopping heat escaping into space |
The destruction of the rainforests is contributing to global warming. |
3 |
Greenery /ˈɡriːnəri/ (noun) |
green plants or branches, especially when cut and used as decoration |
The lush greenery of the rainforest is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species. |
4 |
Groundwater /ˈɡraʊndˌwɔtər/ (noun) |
water that collects below the surface of the earth |
Protecting groundwater is crucial for clean drinking water. |
5 |
Geothermal energy /ˌdʒiːoʊˈθɜrməl ˈɛnərdʒi/ (noun) |
thermal energy extracted from the Earth's crust |
Harnessing geothermal energy from the Earth's heat can provide a sustainable alternative. |
6 |
Glacier /ˈɡleɪʃər/ (noun) |
a large mass of ice that moves slowly |
Melting glaciers are a visible sign of climate change. |
7 |
Grasslands /ˈɡræslændz/ (noun) |
a large area of land covered with grass |
Grasslands support a variety of wildlife. |
8 |
Genetic diversity /dʒəˈnɛtɪk daɪˈvɜrseti/ (noun) |
the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species |
Preserving genetic diversity in plant and animal populations is essential for the long-term health. |
9 |
Geyser /ˈɡaɪzər/ (noun) |
a hole in the ground from which hot water and steam come out |
The eruption of a geyser is a natural spectacle caused by underground volcanic activity. |
10 |
Gully /ˈɡʌli/ (noun) |
a narrow valley or channel with steep sides, made by a fast-flowing stream |
Erosion can create gullies in the landscape. |
8. English words starting with G related to tourism

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Guidebook /ˈɡaɪdˌbʊk/ (noun) |
a book that gives information for visitors about a place, such as a city or country |
Anna relied on her guidebook to navigate the streets of Paris. |
2 |
Gondola /ˈɡɒndələ/ (noun) |
a narrow boat with a raised point at both ends, used on canals in Venice |
Riding the gondola up the mountain provided stunning panoramic views. |
3 |
Guesthouse /ˈɡɛstˌhaʊs/ (noun) |
a small house near a larger one, where guests who are invited to the larger house can stay |
Staying at a cozy guesthouse allowed them to experience local hospitality firsthand. |
4 |
GPS (Global Positioning System) /ˈɡloʊbel poʊˈzɪʃənɪŋ ˈsɪstəm/ (noun) |
a system that can show the exact position of a person or thing by using signals from satellites (= objects in space that send signals to earth) |
Using GPS navigation, they easily find their way to the remote hiking trail. |
5 |
Guided tour /ˈɡaɪdɪd tʊr/ (noun) |
a visit to a place such as a museum with a guide who explains facts about the place |
Joining a guided tour of the ancient ruins provided fascinating insights into the region's history. |
6 |
Grotto /ˈɡrɒtoʊ/ (noun) |
a small cave, especially one that is made to look attractive |
The hidden grotto was a peaceful sanctuary tucked away from the bustling city streets. |
9. English words starting with G related to art

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Gallery /ˈɡæları/ (noun) |
a room or building that is used for showing works of art, sometimes so that they can be sold |
The art gallery showcased a diverse collection of paintings. |
2 |
Genre /ˈʒɑːnrə/ (noun) |
a style, especially in the arts, that involves a particular set of characteristics |
Robert enjoys exploring different literary genres. |
3 |
Graffiti /ɡrəˈfiːti/ (noun) |
words or drawings, especially humorous, rude, or political, on walls, doors, etc. in public places |
The city streets were adorned with colorful graffiti murals. |
4 |
Glazing /ˈɡleɪzɪŋ/ (noun) |
the glass used for windows |
The potter applied a shiny glazing to the ceramic vase to enhance its appearance. |
5 |
Gouache /ˈɡwɑːʃ/ (noun) |
a method of painting that uses colours mixed with water and a substance to make them thicker |
The painter used gouache to create vibrant and opaque colors in the artwork. |
6 |
Graphic novel /ˈɡræfɪk ˈnɒvəl/ (noun) |
a book containing a long story told mostly in pictures but with some writing |
Maria spent the afternoon immersed in a captivating graphic novel. |
10. English words starting with G related to work

No. |
English words starting with G |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Gardener /ˈɡɑːrdənər/ (noun) |
someone who works in a garden, growing and taking care of plants |
These young trees were carefully nursed by the head gardener. |
2 |
Graphic designer /ˈɡræfɪk dɪˈzaɪnər/ (noun) |
someone who works in graphic design (= the designing of pictures and text for books, magazines, advertising, etc.) |
Maria was a freelance graphic designer. |
3 |
Geologist /dʒiˈɒlədʒɪst/ (noun) |
a person who studies geology |
The geologist proves up coal deposits. |
4 |
General manager /ˈdʒɛnər ˈmænɪdʒər/ (noun) |
a person who is in charge of all or part of an organization or company |
As the general manager of the company, Jennie oversees all operations. |
5 |
Guidance counselor /ˈɡaɪdns ˈkaʊnsər/ (noun) |
someone whose job is to help people choose a job or career |
The guidance counselor helps students navigate academic and personal challenges. |
6 |
Geneticist /dʒəˈnɛtɪsɪst/ (noun) |
a person who studies genetics |
The geneticist conducts research to understand the role of genes. |
7 |
Grant writer /ɡrænt ˈraɪtər/ (noun) |
Someone who identifies grant opportunities, writes and polishes complete grant proposals, and submits those proposals for review |
The grant writer prepares proposals to secure funding for nonprofit organizations. |
8 |
Graphic artist /ˈɡræfɪk ˈɑːrtɪst/ (noun) |
is a professional who practices the discipline of graphic design, either within companies or organizations or independently |
The graphic artist creates illustrations and designs for various media. |
9 |
Game developer /ɡeɪm dɪˈvɛləpər/ (noun) |
a software developer specializing in game development |
The game developer designs and programs video games for consoles. |
10 |
Groundskeeper /ˈɡraʊndzˌkiːpər/ (noun) |
a person whose job is to take care of a sports ground or park |
The groundskeeper maintains the landscaping and cleanliness of parks and public spaces. |
II. Exercises to review English words starting with G
To better remember the list of English words starting with G shared by PREP above, let's complete the following exercise together!
1. Exercises
Exercise 1: Fill in the words with their corresponding definitions
Guardian; Graphic design; Graduate; Groundwater; GPS |
Vocabulary |
Definition |
A person who protects, supports, or takes care of someone or something, often legally appointed. |
The art or profession of visual communication through the use of typography, imagery, and layout to convey messages or ideas. |
Someone who has successfully completed a course of study or training, especially at a university or college. |
Water located beneath the earth's surface, typically found in soil and rock formations, that supplies wells and springs. |
Global Positioning System, a satellite-based navigation system that provides location and time information anywhere on or near the Earth's surface. |
Exercise 2: Match the vocabulary with the corresponding pictures
Vocabulary |
Image |
Gallery |
Guidebook |
Goalkeeper |
Gallery |
Geologist |
2. Answer
Exercise 1:
Vocabulary |
Definition |
Guardian |
A person who protects, supports, or takes care of someone or something, often legally appointed. |
Graphic design |
The art or profession of visual communication through the use of typography, imagery, and layout to convey messages or ideas. |
Graduate |
Someone who has successfully completed a course of study or training, especially at a university or college. |
Groundwater |
Water located beneath the earth's surface, typically found in soil and rock formations, that supplies wells and springs. |
Global Positioning System, a satellite-based navigation system that provides location and time information anywhere on or near the Earth's surface. |
Exercise 2:
Vocabulary |
Image |
Gardener |
Goalkeeper |
Geologist |
Guidebook |
Gallery |
III. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score
PREP hopes that through this article, PREP has helped you consolidate English words starting with G across various topics. If you’re confused about where to begin, PREP will clarify your goals and lead you step by step
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