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Check out 90+ popular English words starting with B
There are plenty of interesting and distinctive English words starting with B. How many of these words have you learned so far? In today's article, let's "pocket" an additional list of 90+ popular English words starting with B across 10 different topics with PREP!

- I. English words starting with B by 10 Topics
- 1. English words starting with B about friends
- 2. English words starting with B about music
- 3. English words starting with B about cities
- 4. English words starting with B about colors
- 5. English words starting with B about school supplies
- 6. English words starting with B about housing
- 7. English words starting with B about free time
- 8. English words starting with B about homeland
- 9. English words starting with B about cultural heritage
- 10. English words starting with B about workplace
- II. Exercises about English words starting with B
- I. English words starting with B by 10 Topics
I. English words starting with B by 10 Topics
Let's explore the meanings and illustrative examples of English words starting with B across 10 different topics with PREP!
1. English words starting with B about friends

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Buddy /ˈbʌdi/ (noun) |
a friend |
Drink up and go home, buddy. |
2 |
Bestie /ˈbɛsti/ (noun) |
someone's best friend |
One of my besties bought me this hat. |
3 |
Bond /bɒnd/ (noun) |
a close connection joining two or more people |
The bond between Jack and Peter is usually very strong. |
4 |
Banter /ˈbæntər/ (noun) |
conversation that is funny and not serious |
Anna heard Tom exchanging good-natured banter with Jane. |
5 |
Benevolence /bɪˈnɛvalence/ (noun) |
the quality of being kind and helpful |
Anna's benevolence makes me fall in love with her. |
6 |
Brotherhood /ˈbrʌðərhʊd/ (noun) |
friendship and loyalty |
They're a brotherhood of retired war veterans. |
7 |
Belonging /bɪˈlɒŋɪŋ/ (noun) |
a feeling of being happy or comfortable as part of a particular group and having a good relationship with the other members of the group because they welcome you and accept you |
It's important to have a sense of belonging between friends. |
8 |
Bonhomie /ˌbɒnəˈmiː/ (noun) |
friendliness and happiness |
There was a lot of cheerful bonhomie amongst the people on the trip. |
9 |
Backing /ˈbækɪŋ/ (noun) |
support, especially money, that someone gives to a person or plan |
If I go ahead with the plan, can I count on your backing? |
10 |
Bashfulness /ˈbæʃfʊlnəs/ (noun) |
the quality of being very shy or easily embarrassed |
I was overcome with bashfulness when I met her. |
2. English words starting with B about music

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Beat /biːt/ (noun) |
in music, a regular emphasis, or a place in the music where such an emphasis is expected |
We clapped in time to the beat. |
2 |
Bass /beɪs/ (noun) |
the lowest range of musical notes, or a man with a singing voice in this range |
Turn down the bass. |
3 |
Ballad /ˈbæləd/ (noun) |
a song or poem that tells a story, or (in popular music) a slow love song |
The ballad operas had to be rejected. |
4 |
Baritone /ˈbærɪˌtoʊn/ (noun) |
(a man with) a singing voice that is lower than a tenor but not as low as a bass, or a musical instrument with this range |
Unfortunately this candidate, a baritone, not a person that I want. |
5 |
Brass /brɑːs/ (noun) |
(of a musical instrument) made of a metal tube bent into a particular shape and played by blowing |
The brass seems to me to be too loud in this recording. |
6 |
Backup /ˈbækʌp/ (adjective) |
supporting the main singer, performer, etc. |
I am a backup dancer. dancer. |
7 |
Blues /bluːz/ (noun) |
a type of slow, sad music, originally from the southern US, in which the singer typically sings about their difficult life or bad luck in love |
Billie Holiday was famous for singing the blues. |
8 |
Band /pawn/ (noun) |
a group of musicians who play modern music together |
The Beatles were probably the most famous band in the world. |
9 |
Ballroom /ˈboːlruːm/ (noun) |
a large room that is used for formal dancing |
The ballroom is the crowning glory of the palace. |
10 |
Bridge /brɪdʒ/ (noun) |
a structure that is built over a river, road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other |
The lead guitarist improvised an extended solo during the bridge. |
3. English words starting with B about cities

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Buildings /ˈbɪldɪŋz/ (noun) |
a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or factory |
Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake. |
2 |
Bustling /ˈbʌsəlɪŋ/ (adjective slowly) |
(of a place) full of activity |
This is a bustling town. |
3 |
Business /ˈbɪznəs/ (noun) |
a particular company that buys and sells goods and services |
Anna runs her own printing business. |
4 |
Boulevard /ˈbʊləˌvɑːrd/ (noun) |
a wide road in a city, usually with trees on each side or along the centre |
We strolled along the boulevard. |
5 |
Bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkəl/ (noun) |
a two-wheeled vehicle that you sit on and move by turning the two pedals (= flat parts you press with your feet) |
The bicycle was resting against the wall. |
6 |
Bridge /ˈbrɪdʒɪ/ (noun) |
a structure that is built over a river, road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other |
To get to the restaurant, you need to go over the bridge. |
7 |
Boardwalk /ˈbɔːrdwɔːk/ (noun) |
a path made of wooden boards built along a beach |
Hundreds of people jammed the boardwalk to watch fireworks. |
4. English words starting with B about colors

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Black /ink/ (noun) |
having the darkest colour there is, like the colour of coal or of a very dark night |
I wanted a simple black dress, nothing fancy. |
2 |
Brown /braʊn/ (noun) |
the colour of chocolate or soil |
The parcel was wrapped in plain brown paper. |
3 |
Beige /beɪʒ/ (noun) |
a pale brown colour |
The shoes are available in navy blue or beige. |
4 |
Blue /bluː/ (noun) |
of the colour of the sky without clouds on a bright day, or a darker or lighter type of this |
Anna’s got fair hair and blue eyes. |
5 |
Burgundy /ˈbɜːrɡendi/ (noun) |
wine, usually red, that comes from the Burgundy region of eastern central France |
I like to wear burgundy and purple. |
6 |
Bronze /brɒnz/ (noun) |
a dark orange-brown colour, like the metal bronze |
Anna has got a bronze dress. |
7 |
Brick red /ˈbrɪk red/ (noun) |
a brownish red colour |
The floor paint is available in black, dark brown, white, and brick red. |
8 |
Buff /bʌf/ (noun) |
a pale, yellowish-brown colour |
Is this hat available in buff? |
9 |
Burnt orange /bɜrnt ˈɔrɪndʒ/ (noun) |
a dark, reddish-orange color |
My hair becomes burnt orange. |
10 |
Battleship grey /ˈbætəlʃɪp ɡreɪ/ (noun) |
A dark grey |
My favorite car has battleship grey color. |
5. English words starting with B about school supplies

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Book /bʊk/ (noun) |
a written text that can be published in printed or electronic form |
A good book is a light to the soul. |
2 |
Binder /ˈbaɪnder/ (noun) |
a hard cover in which paper documents or magazines are stored |
Mark’s filled five binders with notes. |
3 |
Backpack /ˈbækˌpæk/ (noun) |
a large bag used to carry things on your back, used especially by people who go camping or walking |
The backpack must be ten pounds. |
4 |
Blackboard /ˈblækˌbɔːrd/ (noun) |
a dark surface on a wall or frame that a teacher writes on with chalk (= white substance) |
Alice rubbed the blackboard clean for the teacher. |
5 |
Bag /bæɡ/ (noun) |
a soft container made out of paper or thin plastic, and open at the top, used to hold foods and other goods |
Maria pulled a pen and notepad out of her bag. |
6 |
Bookmark /ˈbʊkmɑːrk/ (Verb) |
a piece of thick paper, leather, or plastic that you put between the pages of a book so that you can find a page again quickly |
Don't forget to bookmark this page. |
7 |
Bulletin board /ˈbʊlɪtɪn bɔːrd/ (noun) |
a board on a wall on which notices can be put |
I've put the list of players up on the bulletin board. |
8 |
Brainstorming chart /ˈbreɪnˌstɔːrmɪŋ tʃɑːrt/ (noun) |
a diagram used to map associated ideas, words, images and concepts |
Brainstorming chart is used to map associated ideas, words, images and concepts. |
9 |
Blueprint /ˈbluːˌprɪnt/ (noun) |
a photographic copy of an early plan for a building or machine |
The teacher does not have a blueprint for performing. |
6. English words starting with B about housing

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Bungalow /ˈbʌŋɡəloʊ/ (noun) |
a house that usually has only one storey (= level), sometimes with a smaller upper storey set in the roof and windows that come out from the roof |
There were small, white bungalows dotted over the hillside. |
2 |
Beach house /ˈbiːtʃ haʊs/ (noun) |
a house nearby a beach |
They stayed at a friend's beach house and enjoyed ten days of peace and seclusion. |
3 |
Basement /ˈbeɪsmənt/ (noun) |
a part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or completely below the level of the ground |
Our kitchenware department is in the basement. |
4 |
Balcony /ˈbælkəni/ (noun) |
an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a building on an upper level |
We had a drink on the hotel balcony. |
5 |
Bedroom /ˈbɛdrum/ (noun) |
a room used for sleeping in |
Our home has three bedrooms. |
6 |
Bathroom /ˈbæθrum/ (noun) |
a room with a bath and/or shower and often a toilet |
The house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. |
7 |
Brick /brɪk/ (noun) |
a rectangular block of hard material used for building walls and houses |
The chimney was made of bricks. |
8 |
Barn /bɑːrn/ (noun) |
a large building on a farm in which animals or hay (= dried grass) and grain are kept |
The house, a former barn, has been attractively converted. |
9 |
Boathouse /boʊt.haʊs/ (noun) |
a small building at the side of a river or lake, in which boats are kept |
The boathouse was falling to pieces. |
7. English words starting with B about free time

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Biking /ˈbaɪkɪŋ/ (noun) |
to use a motorcycle to take something to someone |
Alex does mountain biking, skiing and stuff like that. |
2 |
Birdwatching /ˈbɜːrdˌwɒtʃɪŋ/ (noun) |
the hobby of studying wild birds in their natural environment |
You don't need any advanced equipment for birdwatching. |
3 |
Board games /bɔːrd ɡeɪmz/ (noun) |
any of many games, for example chess, in which small pieces are moved around on a board with a pattern on it |
All our old board games like Monopoly were gathering dust in a closet. |
4 |
Barbecue /ˈbɑːrbɪˌkju/ (noun) |
a metal frame on which meat, fish, or vegetables are cooked outdoors over a fire |
We're having a barbecue on Saturday - I hope you can come. |
5 |
Baking /ˈbeɪkɪŋ/ (noun) |
the activity of making things such as cakes, bread, and biscuits by cooking them inside an oven |
I use palm sugar in baking, and I really like the taste. |
6 |
Blogging /ˈblːɡɪŋ/ (noun) |
the activity of writing blogs |
But once I started blogging and took a course on how to create and build a blog, I discovered another passion. |
7 |
Bowling /ˈboʊlɪŋ/ (noun) |
a game played inside, in which you roll a heavy ball down a track to try to knock down a group of pins (= tall, thin wooden objects) |
I took that picture when we took the kids bowling last night. |
8 |
Bookbinding /ˈbʊkˌbaɪndɪŋ/ (noun) |
the work or skill of fastening loose pages together inside a cover to make a book |
All bookbinding was done by hand until the 19th century. |
9 |
Batch-baking /ˈbætʃ.beɪk/ (verb) |
to make a large number of cakes at the same time, especially in order to freeze some for future use |
My mom batch-bakes a large number of cakes for future use. |
10 |
Building models /ˈbɪldɪŋ ˈmɒdelz/ (noun) |
the process of making models |
Building models is an interesting activity. |
8. English words starting with B about homeland

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Birthplace /ˈbɜːrθpleɪs/ (noun) |
the house, town where a person was born |
England is the birthplace of the modern novel. |
2 |
Bear /bɔːrn/ (verb) |
having come into existence by birth |
We are born for ourselves. |
3 |
Background /ˈbækɡraʊnd/ (noun) |
the things that can be seen behind the main things or people in a picture |
The policeman made discreet inquiries about his background. |
4 |
Beacon /ˈbiːkən/ (noun) |
a light or fire in a place that is easy to see, such as on the top of a hill, that acts as a warning or signal |
The blink of beacon could be seen for miles. |
5 |
Beauty /ˈbjuːti/ (noun) |
the quality of being pleasing and attractive, especially to look at |
This is an area of outstanding natural beauty. |
6 |
Bounty /ˈbaʊnti/ (noun) |
a large amount |
I was amazed by the bounty of our garden. |
7 |
Bucolic /bjuːˈkɒlɪk/ (adjective) |
relating to the countryside |
The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants. |
8 |
Backyard /ˈbækjɑːrd/ (noun) |
a small space surrounded by walls at the back of a house, usually with a hard surface |
The house has a small backyard, surrounded by a high brick wall. |
9 |
Bloom /bluːm/ (verb) |
(of a plant or tree) to produce flowers, or (of a flower) to open or be open |
These flowers will bloom all through the summer. |
9. English words starting with B about cultural heritage

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Beliefs /bɪˈliːfs/ (noun) |
the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true |
All religious and political beliefs should be regarded equally. |
2 |
Behaviors /bɪˈheɪvjerz/ (noun) |
the way that someone behaves |
Alex admitted his behavior was offensive. |
3 |
Buddhism /ˈbʊdɪzəm/ (noun) |
a religion that originally comes from South Asia, and teaches that personal spiritual improvement will lead to escape from human suffering |
The practice of meditation is a very important part of Buddhism. |
4 |
Banquets /ˈbæŋkwɪts/ (noun) |
a large formal meal for many people, often followed by speeches in honour of someone |
Medieval banquets are held in the castle once a month. |
5 |
Bilingualism /baɪˈlɪŋɡwəlɪzəm/ (noun) |
the fact of using or being able to speak two languages |
The article examined the many advantages of encouraging bilingualism in children. |
6 |
Broadcast /ˈbrɔːdˌkæst/ (verb) |
to send out a programme on television or radio |
The ceremony was broadcasted on the internet. |
7 |
Bazaar /bəˈzɑːr/ (noun) |
an area of small shops and people selling things, especially in West and South Asia, or any group of small shops or people selling goods of the same type |
Our school is having its springtime bazaar next Saturday. |
10. English words starting with B about workplace

No. |
English words starting with B |
Meaning |
Example |
1 |
Bureau /ˈbjʊroʊ/ (noun) |
an organization or a business that collects or provides information |
Anna’s disappearance was reported to the police department's Missing Persons Bureau. |
2 |
Boardroom /ˈbɔːrdˌruːm/ (noun) |
a room where the people who control a company or organization meet |
Workers are discussing in the company's boardroom. |
3 |
Breakroom /ˈbreɪkˌruːm/ (noun) |
Rest room |
At lunchtime, we ordered pizza and all ate together in the breakroom. |
4 |
Booth /buːθ/ (noun) |
a small space like a box that a person can go into |
There was a line of people waiting for the phone booth. |
5 |
Bank /bæŋk/ (noun) |
an organization where people and businesses can invest or borrow money, change it to foreign money, etc., or a building where these services are offered |
The big banks have been accused of exploiting small firms. |
6 |
Bar /bɑːr/ (noun) |
a place where drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, are sold and drunk, or the area in such a place where the person serving the drinks stands |
Maria is working at a bar. |
7 |
Boutique /buːˈtiːk/ (noun) |
a small shop that sells fashionable clothes, shoes, jewellery, etc. |
The boutique has a poor choice of dresses. |
8 |
Bakery /ˈbeɪkeri/ (noun) |
a place where bread and cakes are made and sometimes sold |
An enticing smell came from the bakery. |
9 |
Barber shop /ˈbɑːrbər ʃɒp/ (noun) |
a shop where a barber works |
My brother goes to the barber shop to cut his hair. |
10 |
Bookshop /ˈbʊk.ʃɑːp/ (noun) |
a shop or website where books are sold |
I work three mornings a week at the bookshop. |
II. Exercises about English words starting with B
To better remember the list of English words starting with B shared above by PREP, let's complete the following exercises together!
1. Exercises
Exercise 1: Match the vocabulary words with the appropriate pictures
Vocabulary |
Image |
Bank |
Biking |
Blackboard |
Bag |
Boutique |
Exercise 2: Fill in the missing letters to form meaningful words
- B_ild___s
- _ustli__
- B__roo_
- Ba__ro_m
- Ba__men_
2. Answer
Exercise 1:
Vocabulary |
Image |
Bthe king |
Boutique |
Bat |
Bank |
Blackboard |
Exercise 2:
- Buildings
- Bustling
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- Basement
PREP hopes that through this article, PREP has helped you compile a comprehensive list of English words starting with B across various topics. Let’s follow PREP to update your knowledge with quality content! Wishing you success!

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