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Collection of English shoes vocabulary with detailed meanings
There are countless styles of shoes on the market for men and women, as well as specialized shoes. Today's article from PREP will introduce over 100 common English shoes vocabulary along with illustrations. Let’s take a look!

I. Types of shoes vocabulary
Let’s learn English shoes vocabulary and illustrations from PREP below!
1. Men’s shoes

Let's learn some common English shoes vocabulary for men's shoes in the table below!
Shoes vocabulary |
Illustration |
Sneakers /ˈsniːkərz/ (n) |
Loafers /ˈloʊfarz/ (n) |
Oxfords /ˈɒksfərdz/ (n) |
Brogues /broʊɡz/ (n) |
Derby /ˈderbi/ (n) |
Monk straps /mʌŋk stræps/ (n) |
Chelsea boots /ˈtʃelsi buːts/ (n) |
Chukka boots /ˈtʃʌkə buːts/ (n) |
Moccasins /ˈmɒkəsɪnz/ (n) |
Espadrilles /ˌespəˈdrɪlz/ (n) |
Sandals /ˈsændlz/ (n) |
Flip-flops /ˈflɪpˌflɒps/ (n) |
Boat shoes/ top-siders/ deck shoes /boʊt ʃuz/ (n) |
Wingtips/ Full Brogues /ˈwɪŋˌtɪps/ (n) |
Ankle boots /ˈæŋkl buːts/ (n) |
Slip-ons /slɪp ɒnz/ (n) |
2. Women's shoes

Let's continue learning English shoes vocabulary about women's shoes with PREP!
Shoes vocabulary |
Illustration |
Ankle booties/ ankle boots /ˈæŋkl ˈbʊtiz/ (n) |
Ballet flats /ˈbæleɪ flæts/ (n) |
Block heels /blɒk hiːlz/ (n) |
Comma heels /ˈkɒmə hiːlz/ (n) |
Cone heels /koʊn hiːlz/ (n) |
Cork high heels /kɔrk haɪ hiːlz/ (n) |
Corset heels /ˈkɔrsɪt hiːlz/ (n) |
Cuban heels /ˈkjuːbən hiːlz/ (n) |
Decorative heels /ˈdɛkərətɪv hiːlz/ (n) |
Flare heels /flɛər hiːlz/ (n) |
French heels /frɛntʃ hiːlz/ (n) |
High-heeled boots /haɪ hiːld buːts/ (n) |
Kitten heels /ˈkɪtən hiːlz/ (n) |
Peep-toe heels /piːp-toʊ hiːlz/ (n) |
Platform heels /ˈplæt.fɔːrm hiːlz/ (n) |
Pumps /pʌmps/ (n) |
Spool heels /spuːl hiːlz/ (n) |
Square heels /skwɛər hiːlz/ (n) |
Stilettos /stɪˈlɛtoʊz/ (n) |
Wedges /wɛdʒɪz/ (n) |
3. Specialized shoes
Let's list English shoes vocabulary about specialized shoes that are designed for certain jobs in the table below. Check it out!
Shoes vocabulary |
Illustration |
Work boots /wɜːk buːts/ (n) |
Hiking boots /ˈhaɪkɪŋ buːts/ (n) |
Formal shoes /ˈfɔːrml ʃuz/ (n) |
Safety boots /ˈseɪfti bʊts/ (n) |
ESD shoes /iːɛsˈdiː ʃuz/ (n) |
Chef shoes /ʃɛf ʃuz/ (n) |
Medical shoes /ˈmɛdɪkl ʃuz/ (n) |
Chemical resistant shoes /ˈkɛmɪkl rɪˈzɪstənt ʃuz/ (n) |
Waterproof shoes /ˈwɔtərpruːf ʃuz/ (n) |
Heat resistant shoes /hiːt rɪˈzɪstənt ʃuz/ (n) |
Fire resistant shoes /faɪər rɪˈzɪstənt ʃuz/ (n) |
Cold resistant shoes /koʊld rɪˈzɪstənt ʃuz/ (n) |
II. Shoes vocabulary about anatomies in English
Next, we will learn more about the details of shoes. So what are the anatomies that make up a pair of shoes called in English? Let's learn more below with PREP!

Shoes vocabulary |
Meaning |
Illustration |
Upper /ˈʌpər/ (n) |
the top part of a shoe that covers a person's foot and to which the heel and the sole are attached |
Sole /soʊl/ (n) |
the bottom part of the foot that touches the ground when you stand or walk, or the bottom part of a shoe that touches the ground, usually not including the heel |
Insole /ˈɪn.soʊl/ (n) |
a piece of material inside a shoe on which your foot rests, or a piece of material that you put in a shoe to make it warmer or more comfortable |
Heel /hil/ (n) |
the part of the bottom of a shoe that lifts the back of the foot higher than the front |
Toe /toʊ/ (n) |
the part of a sock, shoe, or other foot covering that goes over the toes |
Vamp /væmp/ (n) |
the front part of the top of a shoe |
Quarter /ˈkwɔrtər/ (n) |
the part of the shoe that covers the sides and back of the foot behind the vamp |
Eyelets /ˈaɪ.ləts/ (n) |
a small hole in the material, the edge of which is protected by a ring of metal, through which a piece of string, a shoelace, etc. is put to fasten something |
Tongue /tʌŋ/ (n) |
a part of an object that is tongue-shaped, especially the piece of material that is under the laces in a shoe |
Collar /ˈkɒlər/ (n) |
The top edge of the quarter, where you insert your foot, is often padded for extra comfort. |
Lining /ˈlaɪnɪŋ/ (n) |
surrounds the foot, to keep the foot feeling cozy and dry, while also helping to maintain the right humidity level inside the footwear |
Pull tab /pʊl tæb/ (n) |
the small loop attached to the back part of a boot’s opening over the heel area, to make it easier for the boot to be pulled on or off without pulling on the entire collar. |
Saddle /ˈsædəl/ (n) |
the part in the middle, between the vamp and the quarter. |
Outsole /ˈaʊt.soʊl/ (n) |
the piece of hard material on the bottom of the shoe |
Midsole /ˈmɪd.soʊl/ (n) |
the material layer under the insole but over the outsole |
III. Some other English shoes vocabulary
Let's learn more English shoes vocabulary with PREP, including: Materials; Conditions; and Sizes below!
Shoes vocabulary |
Material |
Leather /ˈlɛðər/ (n) |
Suede /sweɪd/ (n) |
Canvas /ˈkænvəs/ (n) |
Mesh /mɛʃ/ (n) |
Synthetic /sɪnˈθɛtɪk/ (n) |
Rubber /ˈrʌbər/ (n) |
Nylon /ˈnaɪlɒn/ (n) |
Polyester /ˌpɒlɪˈɛstər/ (n) |
Knit /nɪt/ (n) |
Velvet /ˈvɛlvɪt/ (n) |
Denim /ˈdɛnɪm/ (n) |
Cotton /ˈkɒtən/ (n) |
Gore-tex /ˈɡɔr tɛks/ (n) |
Patent leather /ˈpeɪtənt ˈlɛðər/ (n) |
Microfiber /ˈmaɪkroʊˌfaɪbər/ (n) |
Neoprene /ˈniːoʊˌpriːn/ (n) |
Cordura /kɔrˈdʊərə/ (n) |
Twill /twɪl/ (n) |
Wool /wʊl/ (n) |
Condition |
New /njuː/ (adj) |
Used /juːzd/ (adj) |
Old /oʊld/ (adj) |
Well-worn /wɛl wɔrn/ (adj) |
Brand new /brænd nuː/ (n) |
Secondhand /ˈsɛkəndˌhænd/ (adj) |
Vintage /ˈvɪntɪdʒ/ (adj)
Pre-owned /priː ˈoʊnd/ (adj) |
Damaged /ˈdæmɪdʒd/ (adj) |
Scuffed /skʌft/ (adj) |
Dirty /ˈdɜrti/ (adj) |
Well-kept /wɛl kɛpt/ (adj) |
Polished /ˈpɒlɪʃt/ (adj) |
Untouched /ənˈtʌtʃt/ (adj) |
Refurbished /rɪˈfɜrbɪʃt/ (adj) |
Size |
Size /saɪz/ (n) |
Length /lɛŋθ/ (n) |
Width /wɪdθ/ (n) |
Fit /fɪt/ (adj) |
Tight /taɪt/ (adj) |
Loose /luːs/ (adj) |
Snug /snʌɡ/ (adj) |
Roomy /ˈruːmi/ (adj) |
Half-size /hæf saɪz/ (adj) |
True to size /truː tuː saɪz/ (adj) |
Upsize /ʌp saɪz/ (v) |
Downsize /daʊn saɪz/ (v) |
Sizing chart /ˈsaɪzɪŋ ʧɑrt/ (n) |
Insole length /ˈɪnsoʊl lɛŋθ/ (n) |
IV. Dialogue about buying and selling shoes in English
Below is a dialogue about buying and selling shoes using English vocabulary for shoes. Check it out to understand effective communication in this situation!
- C - Customer
- S - Salesperson
Customer inquiring about sizes |
Trying on shoes |
Asking about discounts |
Returning a purchase |
Assisting with shoe care products |
V. Crack the IELTS Exam With Confidence
PREP hopes that the article above has helped you expand your English shoes vocabulary so that you can use it daily. Preparing for IELTS can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn from experienced tutors who will guide you every step of the way:
- IELTS course: Break Barriers, Achieve Band 7+

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