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Common English Vocabulary About Human Personality Traits

Vocabulary in English related to personality can be categorized into different groups. Below is a comprehensive collection of English vocabulary on the topic of personality that you should master for use in exams as well as in communication.

human personality
Common English Vocabulary About Human Personality Traits

I. Vocabulary Related to Personality Traits

Here is a comprehensive collection of English vocabulary related to personality traits that PREP has gathered. Be sure to save and remember these!

1. Vocabulary for Positive Personality Traits

Vocabulary Related to Personality Traits





(adjective) willing to take risks or to try new things; inclined to seek out exciting experiences.

Bella's such an adventurous person, she wants to go skydiving next weekend. 



(adjective) having a strong desire and determination to succeed; driven by goals and aspirations.

John is very ambitious and dreams of becoming a CEO one day.



(adjective) feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others; empathetic and caring.

Anna is a compassionate nurse, who always cares for her patients. 



(adjective) having the ability to produce original ideas, artistic works, or innovative solutions; imaginative

Jack is a creative writer, who can come up with interesting stories. 



(adjective) having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it; resolute in pursuing goals

Sophia is determined to learn how to play the piano. 



(adjective) showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval; passionate about something

Tim is so enthusiastic about his new job.



(adjective) willing to give and share freely, especially with money or resources; magnanimous

Bella is a generous person, who always donates to charity. 



(adjective) tending to work with diligence and effort; dedicated to completing tasks

Ronando is a hardworking student, who always gets good grades.



(adjective) truthful and sincere; free from deceit or fraud

Jenny is an honest person, who always tells the truth. 



(adjective) funny, entertaining, or characterized by a sense of humor

Anna is a humorous person, who always makes people laugh. 



(adjective) not relying on others for support, guidance, or control; self-sufficient

Katty is a very independent person, who likes to do things on her own.



(adjective) having the ability to learn, understand, and think critically; clever and knowledgeable

Kelvin is a very intelligent student, who can solve complex problems. 



(adjective) being friendly, generous, and considerate towards others; compassionate

She is a kind person who is always willing to help others. 



(adjective) hopeful and confident about the future; having a positive outlook

He is a very optimistic person who always looks on the bright side of things.



(adjective) able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious

She is a patient teacher who explains things clearly to her students.



(adjective) able to adjust to new conditions or environments; flexible

As a traveler, Anna is very adaptable and can easily adjust to different cultures and environments. 



(adjective) showing a selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish

Tim was known for her altruistic nature.



(adjective) possessing a strong personal charm or appeal that attracts and influences others

With his charismatic personality, Bella inspired millions of people to join the civil rights movement. 



(adjective) taking care to do things carefully and correctly; diligent and thorough.

Being a conscientious worker, Rome always completes his tasks on time and to a high standard. 



(adjective) not deterred by danger or pain; brave and bold

Firefighters are courageous individuals who risk their lives to save others. 



(adjective) able to understand and share the feelings of others; compassionate and understanding.

As a therapist, Sarah is empathetic and can easily connect with her clients on an emotional level.



(adjective) ready and willing to forgive; generous in overlooking mistakes or offenses.

Despite being betrayed by hisfriend, Jack chose to be forgiving and move on.



(adjective) feeling or showing appreciation for kindness; thankful.

After receiving a scholarship, David was grateful for the opportunity to pursue his education. 



(adjective) having a modest opinion of one's own importance; unpretentious.

Despite havingmany achievements, Rose remained humble and down-to-earth. 



(adjective) clever, original, and inventive; showing creativity and resourcefulness.

The engineer came up with an ingenious solution to the complex problem. 



(adjective) introducing new ideas, methods, or products; original and creative in thinking.

Steve was known for his innovative ideas that revolutionized the technology industry.



(adjective) having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs; enthusiastic about something.

Jenny is passionate about environmental conservation and spends her free time volunteering at local wildlife sanctuaries.



(adjective) able to control oneself, particularly one's emotions and desires, to achieve a goal; showing self-control and commitment

To achieve her fitness goals, Jack practiced self-discipline and followed a strict workout routine. 



(adjective) showing consideration for the needs of others; reflective and attentive in behavior

John is a thoughtful friend, who always remembers important dates and occasions. 



(adjective) not drawing attention to oneself; modest and humble in nature

Despite being a famous actor, Delvin was a very unassuming person and enjoyed spending time with his family. 



(adjective) attractively lively and animated; full of energy and enthusiasm

With her vivacious personality, Emma was the life of the party. 

2. Vocabulary for Negative Personality Traits

Vocabulary for Negative Personality Traits





(adjective) ready to attack or confront; behaving in a forceful or hostile manner.

John is very aggressive when he's drunk. 



(adjective) having an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities; conceited.

Jenny's so arrogant, she thinks she's better than everyone else. 



(adjective) fond of giving orders; domineering and controlling.

She's so bossy, she always tells people what to do. 



(adjective) lacking courage; timid and fearful.

He was too cowardly to stand up to his bully.



(adjective) willfully causing pain or suffering to others; harsh and brutal.

The bully was cruel to the smaller children. 



(adjective) not truthful or trustworthy; engaging in deception.

He's a dishonest person, you can't trust anything he says. 



(adjective) feeling or showing envy; resentful of someone else's possessions or qualities.

Rose's envious of her friend's success. 



(adjective) having an excessive desire for more than is needed; voracious in seeking wealth or possessions.

He's so greedy, he always wants more than he needs. 



(adjective) unable to wait calmly; easily annoyed by delays or difficulties.

John's so impatient, he can't wait in line. 



(adjective) lacking confidence or assurance; self-doubting.

Anna's very insecure about her appearance. 



(adjective) feeling or showing suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness; resentful and envious.

He's jealous of his brother's new car.



(adjective) unwilling to work or use energy; idle and indolent.

Delvin's too lazy to do his homework.



(adjective) unkind, spiteful, or unfair; having a low or malicious nature.

She's so mean to her little sister.



(adjective) unwilling to consider new ideas or opinions; prejudiced.

He's very narrow-minded, he can't accept different opinions. 



(adjective) tending to see the worst aspect of things or believing that the worst will happen.

She's so pessimistic, she always expects the worst. 



(adjective) offensively impolite or bad-mannered; showing a lack of respect for others.

He's very rude to the waiters. 



(adjective) concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself; not considerate of others.

She's so selfish, she only thinks about herself.



(adjective) having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position.

He's so stubborn, he never listens to anyone. 



(adjective) lacking depth of character or understanding; shallow and trivial.

She's very superficial, she only cares about appearances. 



(adjective) having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something; skeptical.

Karin's very suspicious of strangers. 



(adjective) having an excessively high opinion of one's own abilities or worth; conceited.

She's so vain, she spends hours in front of the mirror. 



(adjective) having a strong desire for revenge; spiteful.

She's very vindictive, she never forgets a wrong. 



(adjective) lacking intelligence or common sense; foolish or silly.

He's so witless, he can't understand simple things. 



(adjective) showing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others; emotionally hardened.

He was callous about the suffering of others. 



(adjective) having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority; treating others as inferior.

She has a condescending attitude towards her colleagues.



(adjective) believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.

He's a cynical person who doesn't believe in anything. 



(adjective) behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case; insincere.

She's a hypocrite, she says one thing but does another. 



(adjective) skillfully influencing or controlling others for one's own advantage; cunning and deceitful.

He's a manipulative person who always tries to control others.

II. Vocabulary for the Personality Traits of Vietnamese Women

Let's explore the vocabulary related to the personality traits of Vietnamese women with PREP. This English vocabulary describes some remarkable and unforgettable qualities.

Vocabulary Related to Personality Traits & Their Meanings



Resourceful (adj)


having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties; skilled at solving problems.

They are very resourceful since they can excellently handle their work while taking care of their families.

Graceful (adj)


characterized by elegance and beauty in movement, appearance, or expression; showing a pleasing and charming quality.

Everything that a Vietnamese girl does has a graceful touch to it.

Affectionate (adj)


showing fondness or love; warm and tender in manner or expression.

Vietnamese moms are very affectionate towards their kids, despite how old they have grown.

Modest (adj)


having a humble opinion of one’s own abilities or worth; not boastful; simple and unpretentious in style.

At the workplace, Vietnamese women are very diligent and modest about their achievements.

Independent (adj)


not relying on others for support or information; self-sufficient; free from external control.

Vietnamese women are independent and are not afraid to raise their voice whenever necessary.

Family centric (adj)

/ˈfæm.əlɪ ˈsen.trɪk/

focused on or prioritizing family relationships and responsibilities; placing the family at the center of one’s priorities.

Traditionally, Vietnamese women are mostly family-centric. In the past, family was pretty much all what wrapped up their life.

Resilience (n)


the ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness; the capacity to adapt well in the face of adversity.

Vietnamese women shoulder many a burden and, and as such have grown an significant resilience.

Benevolence (n)


the quality of being well-meaning and kindly; generosity and goodwill towards others.

With their sense of benevolence, they can handle tension and put things at ease.

III. English Vocabulary Related to Personality in Alphabetical Order

Here is a compilation of some vocabulary related to personality traits arranged alphabetically. Save this list for effective English review at home!


English Vocabulary Related to Personality


English Vocabulary Related to Personality


  • Aggressive /əˈɡrɛsɪv/ ready or likely to attack or confront; hostile; showing a willingness to be forceful or assertive.

  • Ambitious /æmˈbɪʃəs/ having a strong desire and determination to succeed; driven by goals and aspirations.

  • Artful /ˈɑrtfl/ skilled at achieving something in a clever or indirect way; cunning; deceitful or crafty in behavior.


  • Malicious /məˈlɪʃəs/ characterized by a desire to harm others; deliberately harmful or spiteful.

  • Mature /məˈtʃʊr/ fully developed; having reached an advanced stage of mental or emotional development; wise and sensible.

  • Mean /min/ unwilling to share or give; stingy; lacking kindness or generosity; spiteful

  • Merciful /ˈmərsɪfl/ showing compassion or forgiveness; kind-hearted; lenient towards others

  • Mischievous /ˈmɪstʃəvəs/ causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way; likely to play pranks or be cheeky


  • Bad-tempered /ˌbæd ˈtempərd/ easily annoyed or angered; having a tendency to become angry quickly.

  • Boastful /ˈboʊstfl/ given to boasting; showing too much pride in one's achievements, possessions, or abilities.

  • Boring /ˈbɔrɪŋ/ uninteresting; lacking excitement or variety; dull.

  • Bossy /ˈbɔsi/ fond of giving orders; domineering; inclined to tell others what to do.

  • Brave /breɪv/ ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage and determination.


  • Naive /naɪˈiv/ lacking experience, wisdom, or judgment; innocent and trusting; easily deceived.

  • Naughty /ˈnɔt̮i/ mischievous; disobedient; behavior that is playful and slightly bad, especially in children.


  • Calm /kɑm/ not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions; tranquil and peaceful.

  • Careful /ˈkɛrfl/ paying close attention to detail; avoiding mistakes or accidents; cautious.

  • Careless /ˈkɛrləs/ not taking enough care or paying attention; negligent and sloppy in behavior or actions.

  • Cautious /ˈkɔʃəs/ careful to avoid potential problems or dangers; prudent and alert

  • Childish /ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ acting in a manner that is typical of a child; immature and naive

  • Clever /ˈklɛvər/ quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent and resourceful

  • Cold /koʊld/ emotionally detached; unfriendly or without warmth; lacking empathy or compassion

  • Competitive /kəmˈpɛt̮ət̮ɪv/ having a strong desire to win or be better than others; inclined to engage in competition

  • Confident /ˈkɑnfədənt/ having a strong belief in one’s abilities; self-assured and assertive

  • Considerate /kənˈsɪdərət/ thoughtful of the feelings and needs of others; kind and attentive

  • Courteous /ˈkərt̮iəs/ polite, respectful, and well-mannered; displaying good manners towards others.

  • Courage /ˈkərɪdʒ/ the ability to confront fear, pain, or adversity with bravery; strength of character

  • Cowardly /ˈkaʊərdli/ lacking courage; timid and fearful; having a propensity to avoid danger

  • Creative /kriˈeɪt̮ɪv/ having the ability to produce original ideas or artistic works; inventive and imaginative

  • Cruel /ˈkruəl/ willfully causing pain or suffering to others; brutal and harsh in behavior.

  • Curious /ˈkyʊriəs/ eager to learn or know more; inquisitive and interested in things


  • Obedient /oʊˈbidiənt/ willing to comply with orders, rules, or requests; submissive and dutiful

  • Observant /əbˈzərvənt/ quick to notice things; attentive to details in the surrounding environment

  • Open-minded /ˌoʊpən’maɪndəd/ willing to consider new ideas and opinions; receptive and tolerant of different views

  • Outgoing /ˈaʊtˌɡoʊɪŋ/ friendly, sociable, and eager to engage with others; extroverted and approachable

  • Optimistic /ˌɑptəˈmɪstɪk/ hopeful and confident about the future; looking on the bright side of situations


  • Decisive /dɪˈsaɪsɪv/ able to make decisions quickly and effectively; having a strong effect; resolute.

  • Dependable /dɪˈpɛndəbl/ capable of being relied on or trusted; reliable and consistent in performance

  • Diligent /ˈdɪlədʒənt/ showing careful and persistent effort or work; industrious and dedicated

  • Dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/ characterized by constant change, activity, or progress; energetic and forceful


  • Pessimistic /ˌpɛsəˈmɪstɪk/ tending to see the worst aspect of things or believing that the worst will happen; negative in outlook

  • Passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ having or showing strong feelings or beliefs; ardent and enthusiastic about something

  • Patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious; enduring

  • Polite /pəˈlaɪt/ showing good manners and respect towards others; courteous and well-mannered


  • Easygoing /ˌiziˈɡoʊɪŋ/ relaxed and tolerant in attitude or manner; not easily upset or worried; laid-back

  • Emotional /ɪˈmoʊʃənl/ having strong feelings; sensitive and easily affected by emotions; capable of expressing feelings vividly

  • Enthusiastic /ɪnˌθuziˈæstɪk/ showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval; passionate and fervent

  • Envious /ˈɛnviəs/ feeling or showing envy; resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck

  • Extroverted /ˈekstrəvɜːrtɪd/ outgoing and socially confident; inclined to seek the company of others; sociable

  • Easy-going /ˈiːziːˈɡəʊɪŋ/ having a relaxed and informal attitude; not overly concerned about rules or expectations; carefree


  • Quiet /ˈkwaɪət/ making little or no noise; reserved and not inclined to talk much; calm and peaceful


  • Faithful /ˈfeɪθfl/ loyal and steadfast in allegiance; true to one's word, promises, or vows; reliable and trustworthy.

  • Fawning /ˈfɔnɪŋ/ displaying exaggerated affection or flattery in order to gain favor; overly submissive or obsequious

  • Frank /fræŋk/ open, honest, and direct in speech or writing; straightforward and sincere without evasiveness

  • Friendly /ˈfrɛndli/ kind and pleasant; showing goodwill and a readiness to be supportive; sociable and welcoming

  • Funny /ˈfʌni/ causing laughter or amusement; humorous and entertaining; often characterized by wit or cleverness


  • Rational /ˈræʃənl/ based on reason or logic; having sound judgment and the ability to think clearly; sensible and level-headed

  • Reckless /ˈrɛkləs/ marked by a lack of concern for the consequences of one’s actions; bold and daring, often in a careless manner

  • Responsible /rɪˈspɑnsəbl/ having an obligation to take care of something or someone; accountable; exhibiting a sense of duty and reliability

  • Romantic /roʊˈmæntɪk/ concerning love or a sense of adventure; idealistic and imaginative, often associated with deep emotional connections

  • Rude /rud/ lacking manners or refinement; impolite or disrespectful in behavior or speech; uncivilized


  • Generous /ˈdʒɛnərəs/ willing to give and share freely; liberal in giving; unselfish and magnanimous.

  • Gentle /ˈdʒɛntl/ having a mild and kind temperament; soft and tender in manner; not harsh or severe

  • Gracious /ˈɡreɪʃəs/ showing kindness, courtesy, and politeness; merciful and compassionate; displaying elegance and refinement

  • Greedy /ˈɡridi/ having an excessive desire for more than is needed, especially for food or wealth; avaricious

  • Gruff /ɡrʌf/ rough or stern in manner; brusque and unfriendly; having a deep, harsh voice


  • Secretive /ˈsikrət̮ɪv/ tending to conceal feelings and intentions or not disclose information; reserved and guarded

  • Selfish /ˈsɛlfɪʃ/ lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own profit or pleasure; egocentric

  • Sensitive /ˈsɛnsət̮ɪv/ easily affected by external influences or emotions; quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences

  • Serious /ˈsɪriəs/ thoughtful and sober in attitude; not playful; thoughtful and concerned about important matters

  • Shy /ʃaɪ/ nervous or timid in the company of others; lacking confidence or social ease; reticent

  • Silly /ˈsɪli/ lacking in common sense or judgment; frivolous or foolish in behavior; not serious

  • Sincere /sɪnˈsɪr/ free from pretense or deceit; genuine and heartfelt in feelings or expressions; honest and forthright

  • Sociable /ˈsoʊʃəbl/ enjoying the company of others; inclined to engage with people; friendly and amiable

  • Strict /strɪkt/ demanding that rules or standards be followed rigorously; firm and uncompromising in discipline

  • Stubborn /ˈstʌbərn/ determined not to change one’s attitude or position on something; obstinate and persistent

  • Stupid /ˈstupəd/ lacking intelligence or common sense; foolish and unwise


  • Hardworking /ˌhɑrdˈwərkɪŋ/ putting a lot of effort into work; diligent and dedicated in completing tasks or responsibilities

  • Haughty /ˈhɔt̮i/ showing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance; disdainfully proud; arrogant and snobbish

  • Headstrong /ˈhɛdstrɔŋ/ determined to do as one wants, even if it is unreasonable; obstinately self-willed; stubbornly heady

  • Honest /ˈɑnəst/ truthful and sincere; free from deceit or fraud; having integrity and virtue

  • Humble /ˈhʌmbl/ showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance; unassuming and not bragging about achievements

  • Humorous /ˈhyumərəs/ funny or making one laugh; having a sense of humor; entertaining and playful in nature


  • Tactful /ˈtæktfl/ showing sensitivity and thoughtfulness in dealing with others; diplomatic and considerate in speech and action

  • Talkative /ˈtɔkət̮ɪv/ inclined to talk a lot; chatty and loquacious; often engaging in conversation readily

  • Tricky /ˈtrɪki/ difficult to deal with or do; requiring care and skill; cunning or deceptive in nature

  • Truthful /ˈtruθfl/ telling or expressing the truth; honest and sincere; adherent to fact


  • Impolite /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ not showing good manners; rude and disrespectful in behavior or communication; lacking civility

  • Industrious /ɪnˈdʌstriəs/ diligent and hard-working; showing a strong commitment to work and effort; productive

  • Insolent /ˈɪnsələnt/ showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect; impertinent and disdainful in attitude or behavior

  • Intelligent /ɪnˈtɛlədʒənt/ having or showing the ability to think, understand, and learn quickly and effectively; smart and insightful

  • Introverted /ɪntrəˈvɜːtɪd/ shy and reserved; inclined to focus on one’s own inner thoughts and feelings rather than seeking the attention of others; reflective and quiet

  • Imaginative/ɪˈmædʒɪnətɪv/ having a creative and original mind; capable of forming new ideas, images, or concepts; inventive and resourceful


  • Unpleasant /ʌnˈplɛznt/ not enjoyable or agreeable; causing discomfort, irritation, or displeasure; off-putting or distasteful


  • Jealous /ˈdʒɛləs/ feeling or showing envy of someone else's achievements, possessions, or advantages; protective or suspicious regarding a relationship.


  • Vain /veɪn/ excessively proud of one's own abilities, appearance, or worth; conceited and self-important; lacking real value or significance


  • Kind /kaɪnd/ having a friendly, generous, and considerate nature; showing compassion and benevolence towards others


  • Wise /waɪz/ having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment; making sound decisions based on understanding and insight

  • Witty /ˈwɪt̮i/ showing quick and inventive verbal humor; clever and amusing in expression; capable of making entertaining or smart remarks


  • Lazy /ˈleɪzi/ unwilling to work or exert oneself; inclined to avoid activity or effort; sluggish and lethargic

  • Liberal /ˈlɪbərəl/ generous and open-minded in offering resources or support; tolerant of views and behaviors different from one's own; favoring progress and reform

  • Lovely /ˈlʌvli/ delightful and pleasing; beautiful in appearance or character; charming and admirable

  • Loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ faithful and devoted; reliable in supporting someone or something; steadfast in allegiance


  • Zealous /ˈzɛləs/ having or showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective; fervently devoted to a particular endeavor or belief

IV. IELTS Vocabulary on Personality 

Below are some English vocabulary words related to human personality in IELTS band 5.0+ that you can refer to.






having or showing a confident and forceful personality; able to express one’s opinions and needs in a respectful and straightforward manner.

Bella is very assertive and never hesitates to voice her opinions.



wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly; diligent and attentive to detail, responsible and principled.

As a conscientious employee, Anna always goes the extra mile.



having the ability to produce original ideas, artistic works, or innovative solutions; imaginative and inventive.

Sophia has a creative mind and always comes up with innovative ideas. 



showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of others; compassionate and sensitive to the emotional experiences of people.

Being a counselor requires one to be empathetic and understanding. 



able to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks; emotionally strong and adaptable in the face of adversity.

Jenny is a resilient person, who always bounces back from setbacks.



having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties; inventive and capable of dealing effectively with challenges.

John is a resourceful problem-solver, who can find solutions to any challenge. 



holding fast; persistent in maintaining or seeking something valued or desired; determined and unyielding in effort.

Linda is tenacious in pursuing her goals. 



having or showing a strong idea of what the future could be like; imaginative and forward-thinking, especially in terms of planning or leadership.

Katty is a visionary leader, who inspires others.



having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities; conceited and haughty in attitude and behavior.

Jack is so arrogant that he thinks he knows everything. 



lacking courage; timid and afraid; behaving in a manner that avoids danger or confrontation in a shameful way.

Tim was too cowardly to stand up for himself. 



showing a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck; jealous.

Kelvin is envious of her friend's success. 



determined not to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so; unyielding and obstinate

Tom is very stubborn and never listens to advice.



having or showing a strong desire for revenge; spiteful and unforgiving towards those perceived as wrongdoers

Emily is a vindictive person, who never forgets a wrong.

V. Idioms Describing Human Personality

In addition to vocabulary that describes personality, refer to some idioms describing human personality below:




All brawn and no brain

Describing someone who is physically strong but lacks intellectual ability; emphasizing physical strength over intelligence.

He's all brawn and no brain; he can lift heavy weights, but he can't solve a simple puzzle." 

All things to all people

A person or thing that tries to satisfy everyone but ultimately fails to do so; often indicates a lack of commitment or a desire to please everyone at once.

It's impossible to be all things to all people; you can't please everyone.

Party animal

Someone who loves to attend parties and has an energetic and enthusiastic attitude towards socializing and nightlife.

She's a real party animal; she loves going to clubs and dancing all night. 

A go-getter

A highly motivated and ambitious person who actively pursues their goals and is willing to take initiative to achieve success.

Bella’s a real go-getter and will definitely succeed.

A people person

Someone who enjoys interacting with others and is skilled at building relationships; sociable and friendly.

John's a people person and makes friends easily.

A team player

A person who works well with others in a group setting, contributing effectively to achieve a common goal.

She's a great team player and always willing to help others.

A night owl

A person who prefers to stay up late and is most active during the night.

She's a night owl and often stays up late to work. 

An early bird

A person who rises early in the morning; often associated with being productive and proactive.

He's an early bird and always gets up at 6 am. 

A couch potato

A lazy person who spends a lot of time sitting or lying on the couch, often watching TV or engaging in other sedentary activities.

He's such a couch potato, he never exercises.

A pain in the neck

Someone or something that is annoying, troublesome, or bothersome; a source of irritation.

My neighbor is such a pain in the neck; he's always making noise.

A wet blanket

A person who dampens the enthusiasm or enjoyment of others; someone who is overly serious or negative.

Don't invite him to the party, he's such a wet blanket. 

A big mouth

A person who talks too much, often revealing secrets or saying inappropriate things; someone who is outspoken.

Jenny's got a big mouth, so don't tell her any secrets.

A busy bee

A person who is very active and busy, often engaged in various tasks or activities.

She's always so busy, a real busy bee. 

To be all ears

To be eager and fully attentive to listen; showing great interest in what someone is saying.

Tell me everything, I'm all ears.

To be on cloud nine

To be extremely happy or overjoyed; experiencing a state of bliss.

Linda's on cloud nine after passing her exams.

To be down in the dumps

To feel sad, depressed, or in low spirits; experiencing a sense of melancholy.

He's been down in the dumps since he lost his job.

To be under the weather

To feel ill or unwell; not in good health.

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today.

VI. Common Sentence Structures for Describing Personality

Below are some common sentence structures for describing personality that you can use:



S + tobe + adjective

  • Anna is kind and generous. 

  • John is shy and quiet.

S + verb + adverb

  • Steven works hard. 

  • Sophia speaks softly. 

S + seem/appear + adjective

  • Tim seems very happy today. 

  • Tommy appears to be nervous. 

S + look + adjective

  • Anna looks tired. 

  • Jenny looks angry. 

VII. Sample Paragraphs Describing Personality 

Below are two paragraphs describing personality using English vocabulary that PREP has compiled for you to refer to:

Paragraph 1

Anna is my best friend. She's a real bookworm. She spends most of her free time reading. Not only that, but Anna is also a night owl. She often stays up late to read and watch movies. To everyone, Anna is very friendly and outgoing. She has been a good friend of mine for 10 years now. 

Paragraph 2

John is the worst man I've ever met. He's rude to women. Not only that, but he's also very stingy. It's not easy to get a dime out of him. He has asked me out a few times. However, I refused. John is really a guy that everyone should stay away from. 

This article provides some detailed English vocabulary words related to personality compiled by PREP. I hope that you Preppies will skillfully apply this vocabulary in your exams as well as in your daily communication!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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