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Master over 50+ words about punctuation in English
Punctuation is a common component in English reading, listening, and writing tests. Having a solid grasp of punctuation in English will help you know how to use it more effectively and appropriately. Below is a comprehensive compilation of vocabulary about punctuation in English. Let's save it and review it together!

- I. The compilation of English vocabulary related to punctuation in English
- II. The usage of marks for punctuation in English
- III. Some notes on the usage of punctuation in English
- IV. Tips for learning English vocabulary related to punctuation in English effectively
- V. Exercises on punctuation in English
I. The compilation of English vocabulary related to punctuation in English
For easier memorization, PREP has divided types of punctuation in English into smaller groups by the position of the marks in the sentence. Please take a look!
1. Mid-Sentence Punctuation Marks
Below are some words related to mid-sentence punctuation marks that you should memorize:

Mid-Sentence Punctuation Marks |
Pronunciation |
Image |
Semicolon |
/ˌsem.iˈkəʊ.lən/ |
Dash |
/dæʃ/ |
Quotation Marks |
/kwəʊˈteɪʃən mɑːrks/ |
Parentheses |
/pəˈren.θə.sɪz/ |
Square Brackets |
/skweər ˈbræk.ɪts/ |
Curly Braces |
/ˈkɜːr.li ˈbreɪsɪz/ |
Comma |
/ˈkɒmə/ |
Apostrophe |
/əˈpɒs.trə.fi/ |
2. End punctuation marks
Basic end punctuation marks include the following:
End punctuation marks |
Pronunciation |
Image |
Period |
/ˈpɪəriəd/ |
Exclamation mark |
/ˌekskləˈmeɪʃən mɑːrk/ |
Question mark |
/ˈkwes.tʃən mɑːrk/ |
Colon |
/ˈkəʊ.lən/ |

3. Special marks
Aside from the mentioned marks, some other special marks should also be highly noted:

Symbol in English |
Transcription |
Pronunciation |
@ |
At |
/æt/ |
# |
Hash/pound |
/hæʃ/ /paʊnd/ |
$ |
Dollar |
/ˈdɒlər/ |
% |
Percent |
/pəˈsent/ |
& |
Ampersand |
/ˈæmpərsænd/ |
* |
Asterisk |
/ˈæstərɪsk/ |
– |
Hyphen/dash |
/ˈhaɪ.fən/ /dæʃ/ |
_ |
Underscore |
/ˈʌndəskɔːr/ |
+ |
Plus |
/plʌs/ |
= |
Equal |
/ɪˈkwəl/ |
/ |
Slash |
/slæʃ/ |
\ |
Backslash |
/ˈbæk.slæʃ/ |
~ |
Tilde |
/tɪld/ |
< > |
Less than/Greater than |
/les θæn/ /ˈɡreɪ.tər θæn/ |
II. The usage of marks for punctuation in English
Below is the detailed usage of each mark that students should note for later application:
Mark |
Usage |
Example |
Dot/full stop /dɑːt /ˌfʊl ˈstɑːp/ |
Placed at the end of a sentence to complete it fully, commonly used for reporting, describing sentences. |
I go to school on Monday. |
Used in abbreviations |
I get up at 6.30 am. |
Comma /ˈkɒmə/ |
The comma is used to join two independent clauses, standing before conjunctions. |
I went shopping, and I saw John. |
The comma stands after a dependent clause when it stands at the beginning of a sentence. |
When I went shopping, I saw John. |
The comma separates the variants of a word or phrase. |
While I went shopping, I saw John, my English teacher. |
Separate two or more words, clauses in a long sentence. |
While I went shopping, I saw John, Tina, and Martin. |
After an adverb at the beginning of a sentence |
Finally, it stopped raining. |
After connecting words |
It is, however, an exciting topic for us to discuss. |
Distinguish quotes within a sentence |
I was going shopping with John, he said. |
Separate parts of an address or time |
I was born on March 25, 1990. |
Used before and after the name of the person specifically indicated |
Can you, Peter, help me with my homework? |
Used in question tails |
They are your friends, aren’t they? |
Separate the two opposing parts of a sentence |
That’s my book, not yours. |
Colon – /ˈkəʊlən/ |
Used to list items in a series |
I have worked in five industries: music, IT, construction, education, and healthcare. |
Quote a piece of direct speech |
My mother said: I don’t care. |
Quote a title of a book, film, article etc |
Brad Stone is famous for his book: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon. |
At the beginning of a letter (in American style) |
Dear Madam |
Semicolon – /ˌsemiˈkəʊlən/ |
Play the role of conjunctions, connecting main clauses in a sentence (for short clauses with similar content) or to clarify the meaning of the sentence. |
There are so many universities that I like, such as Harvard, which is in the US; Oxford, which is a British university; and Monash, which is a prominent Australian educational institution. |
Exclamation mark – /ˌekskləˈmeɪʃn mɑːk/ |
End an emphatic statement sentence |
Wow, you look amazing! |
Used in imperative and warning sentences |
Stop! |
Question marks – /ˈkwestʃən mɑːk/ |
The question mark is used in interrogative sentences and questions to express doubt and seek information. |
What are you doing? Are you coming to my party? |
Hyphen – /ˈhaɪfn/ |
Link two words that play equal roles |
Part-time |
Link adjectives of the same function |
High–quality |
Link prefixes |
Non–payment. |
Link compound phrases. |
Good–for–nothing. |
Link digit clusters in the phone numbers. |
1903–243–4348 |
Double quotation marks – /ˈdʌbl kwəʊˈteɪʃn mɑːks/ |
Parentheses are often used when quoting a piece of speech, direct speech. |
My mother asked: “Are you ok?” |

III. Some notes on the usage of punctuation in English
Below are some notes to take when reading and using punctuation in English!
- In American English, periods are placed inside quotation marks, whereas commas are placed outside quotation marks. For example: My mother said, "I should drink more water."
- In British English, periods and commas follow closing quotation marks, except in cases of dialogue where periods precede closing quotation marks. For example: "like so," he said.
- Semicolons and colons are placed outside quotation marks. For example: "like so";
- In cases where the entire sentence is a question and the quotation forms a single word or phrase at the end of the sentence, the question mark will be placed outside the closing quotation mark. For example: Did your mother ask "Are you ok"?

IV. Tips for learning English vocabulary related to punctuation in English effectively
Here are some tips to effectively learn vocabulary about punctuation in English

1. Name punctuation marks in real-life situations
In your daily writing and reading, you see and use punctuation frequently. To deeply ingrain punctuation vocabulary into your reflexive thinking, actively name the punctuation marks you see and use on a regular basis. This active learning technique strengthens reflexive abilities while helping you remember vocabulary longer.
2. Learn punctuation in English through visual images
Learning with visual imagery engages your imagination, helping you remember knowledge more naturally and for longer. You can create visual examples or use flashcards to memorize English punctuation vocabulary.
3. Learn vocabulary about punctuation in English through mind maps
Learning the vocabulary of punctuation in English through mind maps is an effective method that helps you easily and systematically remember knowledge. For the group of English punctuation vocabulary words, you can create a mind map following these suggestions:
- Start with the central topic of "English punctuation vocabulary".
- Then develop sub-topics branches including: "Vocabulary for mid-sentence punctuation marks", and "Vocabulary for end-of-sentence punctuation marks and special marks".
- Within each sub-topic branch, as you develop it further, be sure also to note the pronunciations and images to aid visualization.
V. Exercises on punctuation in English
Here is an exercise about punctuation in English with answers to help review the material more thoroughly:

Exercise 1: Match the punctuation term in English to its corresponding image
Word |
English punctuation symbols |
1. Full stop/dot |
A |
2. Comma |
B |
3. Question marks |
C |
4. Exclamation mark |
D |
5. Colon |
E |
6. Semicolon |
F |
7. Single quotation mark |
G |
8. Hyphen |
H |
9. Double quotation marks |
I |
Answer key:
- B
- A
- D
- E
- C
- G
- F
- I
- H
This article has shared the most common vocabulary related to punctuation marks in English that you should know. Hopefully, this will help you read punctuation in English correctly and apply them effectively in exams!

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