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8 most common Hit phrasal verbs in English

"Hit back", "hit for", and "hit with" are common Hit phrasal verbs in English. Do you have a strong grasp of their meanings and how to use these verb phrases? If not, refer to the article below to learn all the ins and outs of some Hit phrasal verbs so that you can have a thorough understanding of them!

8 most common Hit phrasal verbs in English
8 most common Hit phrasal verbs in English

I. Common Hit phrasal verbs

In the article below, PREP has compiled the meanings and usage of 8 common "hit" phrasal verbs. Let's explore them!

1. Hit back

"Hit back" is one of the common "hit" phrasal verbs in English. What does "hit back" mean and how is it used? This phrasal verb means to "respond to an attack or criticism". Let's look at some examples below to understand how to use "hit back" accurately:

  • In a TV interview, she hit back at her critics. 
  • In tonight’s speech, the minister is expected to hit back at critics who have attacked her handling of the crisis. 
Hit back – Common Hit phrasal verb in English
Hit back – Common Hit phrasal verb in English

2. Hit for

The next Hit phrasal verb we will explore in this article is "hit for". What does "hit for" mean? In what situations should we use this verb phrase? "Hit for" means to "ask for money or solicit donations." Let's consider some illustrative examples:

  • We hit the sponsors for a lot of money. 
  • Please stop hitting me for money, you need to get a job. 
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit for
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit for

3. Hit it off

The next phrasal verb you should familiarize yourself with among the 8 Hit phrasal verbs in English is "hit it off". What does "hit it off" mean? This phrasal verb means to "establish a good relationship with someone from the first time you meet". Let's take a look at some examples below to understand how to use "hit it off" properly:

  • Linda and I hit it off immediately and became firm friends. 
  • I worked with David for years but we never really hit it off. 
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit it off
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit it off

4. Hit on

Apart from "hit back", "hit for", and "hit it of,", "hit on" is also an important phrasal verb among the 8 Hit phrasal verbs. What does "hit on" mean?

  • Hit on: to think of a good idea suddenly or by chance. Ví dụ: Mary hit on the perfect title for her new novel.
  • Hit on: to start talking to somebody to show them that you are sexually attracted to them. For example: Adele hit on Edga at the party and they went back to her house. 
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit on
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit on

5. Hit out

What does "hit out" mean? This phrasal verb means to "physically attack someone or something in a violent manner as a way of resisting or criticizing them". To have a clear understanding of this "hit" phrasal verb, let's take a look at the following examples:

  • I just hit out blindly in all directions.
  • In a rousing speech, the minister hit out at racism in the armed forces.
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit out
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit out

Please refer to the following article:

6. Hit up

"Hit up" is the next phrasal verb we will explore in this article. So, what does "hit up" mean? This phrasal verb means to "contact someone". Here are some specific examples:

  • Hit me up when you’re back in town.
  • Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Facebook.
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit up
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit up

7. Hit upon

"Hit upon" is one of the "hit" phrasal verbs that is not only commonly used in communication but also frequently appears in English exams. What does "hit upon" mean and how is it used? This phrasal verb means to "unexpectedly come up with a good idea". Let's refer to the following examples to fully understand how to use "hit upon":

  • When we first hit upon the idea, everyone told us it would never work. 
  • Then we hit upon the idea of asking viewers to donate money over the Net. 
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit upon
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit upon

8. Hit with

The last "hit" phrasal verb we will explore in this article is "hit with". What does "hit with" mean and in what situations is it used? "Hit with" means to "surprise someone with certain information". Here's an example:

  • The next morning, Edric hit me with the truth. 
  • The next day, we found they’d hit us with a lawsuit. 
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit with
Hit phrasal verbs – Hit with

II. Exercise on Hit phrasal verbs with detailed answer

Let's practice with PREP by answering the following questions to solidify the meanings and usage of some Hit phrasal verbs in English!

Exercise: Choose the correct answer:

  1. The actress _____ at claims that she had threatened a member of staff.
    1. hit on
    2. hit out
    3. hit with
    4. hit back
  2. When he felt someone grab him, he _____ wildly.
    1. hit out
    2. hit for
    3. hit upon
    4. hit on
  3. Dave has _____ most of the women in the department.
    1. hit it off
    2. hit with
    3. hit out
    4. hit on
  4. I knew you’d _____ with Mike.
    1. hit it off
    2. hit back
    3. hit for
    4. hit with
  5. They _____ the news that she was fired.
    1. hit her out
    2. hit her with
    3. hit her for
    4. hit her on

Answer key:

1 – d 2 – a 3 – d 4 – a 5 – b

III. Start Your IELTS Journey

This article has provided a compilation of the most common Hit phrasal verbs in English. If you’re ready to fast-track your progress, PREP’s focused approach will help you achieve results quickly 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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