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English for Everyone - English Learning Materials for All Audiences

As the name suggests, "English for Everyone" is a comprehensive collection of English learning materials suitable for all audiences. It helps readers improve their vocabulary, grammar structures, and idioms from basic to advanced levels. In this article, let's explore the content structure of each book in the English for Everyone series with PREP!

English for Everyone - English Learning Materials for All Audiences
English for Everyone - English Learning Materials for All Audiences

I. General Overview of the English for Everyone Series

General Overview of the English for Everyone Series

Let's explore the general content and suitable audience for studying the English for Everyone series with PREP below!

1. General information about English for Everyone - English Learning Materials for All

English for Everyone - English Learning Materials for All is a series of books suitable for all proficiency levels. As the name suggests, the English for Everyone series provides comprehensive knowledge ranging from vocabulary, and grammar, to idioms for all audiences, from beginners to those who already have knowledge of English.

The table below shows the CEFR levels and corresponding scores of popular English exams. Learners can combine the knowledge in English for Everyone and this table to achieve the best results!

2. Who is English for Everyone suitable for?

  • For individuals who want to learn vocabulary, idioms, and grammar from basic to advanced levels: English for Everyone Grammar Guide provides various materials on grammar at different levels, from basic to advanced, to help learners understand and practice grammar knowledge. Additionally, English for Everyone Junior 5 Words a Day and English for Everyone English Idioms offer basic vocabulary and idioms knowledge that can be applied in everyday life.
  • Teachers, English instructors: English for Everyone Teacher Guide is a useful resource for teachers and English instructors when they want to find additional learning materials or curriculum for their students.

II. Content Structure of Each English for Everyone Book

Let's explore the detailed content of each book in the English for Everyone series with PREP!

1. English for Everyone English Course Book

English for Everyone English Course Book

The four English for Everyone English Course Books have similar content, consisting of four major parts and smaller segments within.

Book Structure

Detailed Content

How the course works?

Learn about the content structure in each book. In each topic, learners will study the knowledge in the following sequence:

  • New language
  • Vocab
  • New skill
Communication topics Level 1

48 communication topics such as:

  • Talking about yourself
  • Today I’m wearing
  • Going shopping
Level 2

44 communication topics such as:

  • Talking about changes
  • Making plan by email
  • Keeping clients informed
Level 3

76 communication topics such as:

  • Reporting simple questions
  • Polite questions
  • Wishes and regrets
Level 4

69 communication topics such as:

  • Complex agreement
  • So and Such
  • Using articles to generalize
Answer Answers to all the exercises.
Index Appendix.


2. English for Everyone English Practice Book

English for Everyone English Practice Book

For the Practice Book section, all four English for Everyone English books share the following format:

Book structure


Unit number The sequential number of the lesson.
Practice point General knowledge for that lesson.
Modules The exercises included in a unit.
Vocabulary Vocabulary 
Visual practice Visual practice
Audio support Audio support

3. English for Everyone English Grammar Guide 

3.1. English for Everyone English Grammar Guide

English for Everyone English Grammar Guide
English for Everyone English Grammar Guide

Book structure

Detailed content

Compilation of 120 English Grammar Topics

Here are some prominent grammar topics covered in the English for Everyone - English Grammar Guide:

  • 12 tenses in English
  • Passive voice
  • Conditional sentences
  • Question words
  • Tag questions
  • Direct and indirect objects
  • Indirect speech
  • Verbs
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Nouns
  • ...

Additional knowledge:

  • Part of speech
  • The alphabet
  • Punctuation
  • Present tenses
  • The imperative
Glossary Advanced concepts in English
Index Vocabulary arranged alphabetically
Acknowledge Author’s acknowledgment

3.2. English for Everyone English Grammar Guide Practice book

English for Everyone English Grammar Guide Practice book
English for Everyone English Grammar Guide Practice book

The Practice Book features 120 grammar topics, each accompanied by its own set of exercises, making a total of 120 exercise sections. Answers to these exercises are conveniently located in the "Answer" section at the book's end. It's advisable to work through all the exercises before referring to the answers for the most beneficial learning experience.

4. English for Everyone English Idioms

English for Everyone English Idioms

Book structure

Detailed content

How to use this book? Understanding the content structure.
Describing people and things Idioms for describing people and objects.
Attitude Idioms about attitudes.
Situations and circumstances Idioms for situations and contexts.
Communication Idioms about communication.
Everyday life Idioms for everyday life.
Work and Achievements  Idioms about work and achieved awards.
Expressions Idioms about emotions.
Answers Answers to practice exercises.
Index of idioms and expressions Additional resources on idioms and phrases related to emotions.
Index of common words and subjects Additional resources on common words.
Acknowledgements Author's acknowledgment.

5. English for Everyone Junior 5 Words a Day

English for Everyone Junior 5 Words a Day

Book structure

Detailed content

How to use this book? Understanding the content structure.
Vocabulary for 52 weeks (5 words/day) 52 weeks correspond to 52 different vocabulary topics.
Numbers Vocabulary about numbers.
Days and Months Vocabulary about days and months.
Wordlist Vocabulary list.
Common subjects Common vocabulary topics.
Answers Exercise answers.
Acknowledgements Author's acknowledgment.

6. English for Everyone Junior Beginner’s Course

English for Everyone Junior Beginner’s Course

Book structure

Detailed content

About the course General introduction to the content structure of the book English for Everyone Junior Beginner's Course.
Vocabulary of 26 topics

Provide vocabulary on 26 common vocabulary topics such as:

  • My friends
  • At school
  • Our classroom
  • My things
  • Our favorite animals
The alphabet Alphabet.
Handwriting guide Handwriting guide.
Grammar guide Grammar instructions.
Answers Answer key
Grammar index Grammar appendix
Word list Vocabulary list

7. English for Everyone Business English Course Book

English for Everyone Business English Course Book

Book structure

Detailed content

How the course work?

Understanding the content structure in each book. In each topic, learners will study the knowledge in the following sequence:

  • New language
  • Vocab
  • New skill
Business communication topics Level 1

47 business communication topics such as:

  • Talking about your plans
  • Giving opinion
  • Agreeing and Disagreeing
Level 2

47 business communication topics such as:

  • Apologies and explanations
  • Tasks and targets
  • Dealing with complaints
  • …..
Answer Exercise answers
Index Book appendix

8. English for Everyone Teacher’s Guide

English for Everyone Teacher’s Guide

Book structure

Detailed content

How to use this book? Understanding the content structure in the English for Everyone Teacher's Guide.
Contents at a glance A detailed guide to the exercise types Detailed instructions for different exercise types.
About English for Everyone General overview of English.
Grammar Exploring grammar
Reading Exploring reading skills.
Listening Exploring listening skills.
Vocabulary Exploring vocabulary.
Speaking Exploring speaking skills.

III. Pros and Cons of English for Everyone

Pros and Cons of English for Everyone

What are the pros and cons of the English for Everyone series? Let's find out below!

1. Pros

  • Comprehensive knowledge: The English for Everyone ebook series provides learners with comprehensive knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and English idioms. The content structure of each book is scientifically organized, combined with illustrative examples and practical exercises, enhancing the effectiveness of learning.
  • Eye-catching presentation: All 16 books of English for Everyone are presented in a text format with various colors, which helps learners avoid boredom compared to other purely textual books.

2. Cons

  • Repetitive content: In the 4-book series English for Everyone English Course book and Practice book, there is a significant amount of repeated content, which may make learners feel bored.

IV. Reader Reviews of the English for Everyone Series

Reader Reviews of the English for Everyone Series

 Let's see some below feedback from readers about the English for Everyone series!

  • ACC 1664, an Amazon user, reviewed the book English for Everyone English Course Book 1: "I teach English to Arabic-speaking adults, and this product, combined with the speaking exercises, is a fantastic learning resource. I do NOT recommend using this product for self-study as some exercises require learners to have some prior knowledge of English. You need someone to guide you from the beginning and gradually plan for self-study."
  • Nhật Minh, a member of the "English is so easy" group, shared that discovering the English for Everyone series completely helped them overcome the fear of learning English. The lessons are arranged from easy to difficult. Moreover, the colors and illustrative images have made learning more comfortable for them.

V. Effective Ways to Study English for Everyone Series

Effective Ways to Study English for Everyone Series

To master the knowledge in the English for Everyone series, you can refer to the following suggestions from PREP!

1. Study in the order of the book

How can you fully conquer the knowledge in the English for Everyone series? The author's advice is to learn the material in the order given.

The structure of a book includes the following contents:

  • Unit number
  • Learning points
  • Language learning
  • Audio support
  • Modules
    • Module number
    • Module heading
    • Sample language
    • Graphic guide
    • Supporting audio
    • Formation guide
    • Vocabulary
    • Write on line
  • Exercises
    • Module number
    • Exercise instruction
    • Sample answer
    • Space for writing
    • Speaking exercise
    • Supporting graphic
    • Listening exercise
    • Supporting audio

2. Combine the use of the Course book and Practice book

During the learning process, you should combine the use of the Coursebook and Practice book to alternate between theory and exercises. Additionally, make use of the audio to enhance the effectiveness of the exercises.

VI. Where to Buy English for Everyone Books?

Which reputable sources can you buy English for Everyone books from? Below, PREP has gathered and compiled online bookstores that guarantee quality and help you save time. Furthermore, we have included links to download the free PDF version of English for Everyone PDF for you to download them for your study.

Purchase link AmazonDK NewsletterWaterstones
Reference link Download 16 English for Everyone books for free

Hopefully, this detailed review of the English for Everyone series will help you choose the book that suits your level. Moreover, PREP has suggested effective methods for studying English for Everyone. Good luck to all of you!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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