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What are Drink and Beverage? Differences between Drink and Beverage

Both Drink and Beverage mean "a liquid for consumption", but each word is used in different contexts. In the following article, let's discover the definitions, meanings, and distinguish the usage of Drink and Beverage with PREP!

Differences between 2 words Drink and Beverage in English
Differences between 2 words Drink and Beverage in English

I. What is Drink?

What is Drink?
What is Drink?

In English, Drink is pronounced as /drɪŋk/ and functions as a noun and a verb.

  • Drink acts as a noun, meaning: (an amount of) liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth. For example: They'd had no food or drink for two days. 
  • Drink acts as a verb, meaning: to take liquid into the body through the mouth. For example: Jack drank three glasses of water. 

Idioms and phrasal verbs are used with Drink: 

Idioms and phrasal verbs are used with Drink
Idioms and phrasal verbs are used with Drink: 


Idioms and phrasal verbs are used with Drink




Drink like a fish

drink excessive amounts of alcohol

It's not a good idea to drink like a fish, especially if you've got to be at work early in the morning. 


Drink someone under the table

consume as much alcohol as one's drinking companion without becoming as drunk

I've been known to have a few beers, but John can drink me under the table.


Drink (something) in

watch or listen to something with eager pleasure or interest

Lena drank in the words of her leader. 


Drink to something

(of two or more people) to hold your glasses up, often touch them together, and then drink from them to express your respect or good wishes for something or someone

"Here's to a prosperous future." "I'll drink to that!". 


Drink (something) up

to finish your drink completely

Drink up! It's time to go. 


Mixed drink

a drink in which two or more ingredients are mixed

At the party, they served a variety of mixed drinks, from fruity cocktails to classic martinis. 


Soft drink

a cold, usually sweet, drink that does not contain alcohol

I prefer to have a soft drink with my meal rather than something sugary. 



drink alcohol, especially in large quantities, before going out socially

We decided to have a pre-drink at home before heading to the bar. 


Long drink


long drink is perfect for a hot summer day.



the offence of driving a vehicle with an excess of alcohol in the blood; drunk driving

Drink-driving is a serious offense that can have severe consequences. 


Drink machine

a machine that sells drinks

The school installed a new drink machine that can provide students with over a hundred different beverages. 


Drinking problem

a situation in which someone regularly drinks too much alcohol and finds it hard to stop

Peter has a drinking problem that affects his health. 


Energy drink

a cold drink that contains a lot of sugar and caffeine and that is said to give you energy

After feeling tired all day, I grabbed an energy drink to give me a boost. 

Explore more idioms, phrasal verbs, and words associated with Drink here!

Synonyms of Drink: 

Synonyms of Drink
Synonyms of Drink

Synonyms of Drink





to drink something

I don't let the children have sweet fizzy drinks. 



to drink a liquid slowly by taking in small amounts at a time

Anna sipped the tea carefully because it was hot. 

Gulp (down)

/ɡʌlp daʊn/

quickly eat or drink it all by swallowing large quantities of it at once

Stop gulping your water! 



eat or drink (something) with a loud sloppy sucking noise

The children were eating pizza and slurping lemonade. 



drink (something, especially an alcoholic drink) heartily

Jack quaffed his cordial and sat in silence. 



drink (alcohol)

Imbibing down the pub, are we?

II. What is Beverage?

What is Beverage?
What is Beverage?

In English, Beverage is pronounced as /ˈbev.ɚ.ɪdʒ/ and functions as a noun, meaning: any potable liquid, especially one other than water, as tea, coffee, beer, or milk. For example:

  • Hot beverages include tea, coffee, and hot chocolate. 
  • We do not sell alcoholic beverages

Collocations used with Beverage: 

Collocations used with Beverage
Collocations used with Beverage

Collocations used with Beverage


Alcoholic beverage

Anna ordered a cocktail, her favorite alcoholic beverage, at the bar. 

Beverage container

Peter grabbed a beverage container from the fridge before heading out for a hike. 

Beverage industry

The beverage industry is constantly innovating to meet changing consumer preferences. 

Carbonated beverage

Soda is a popular carbonated beverage Enjoyed by people of all ages. 

Malt beverage

John prefers the rich flavor of a malt beverage over other types of beer. 

Synonyms of Beverage: 

Synonyms of Beverage
Synonyms of Beverage

Synonyms of Beverage





(an amount of) liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth

Water is the most essential drink for human survival. 



a drink poured out as an offering to a deity

As a gesture of respect, they poured a libation of wine at the altar. 



a substance that flows freely but is of constant volume, having a consistency like that of water or oil

The spill spread quickly across the floor, soaking everything in its path with liquid



alcoholic drink, especially distilled spirits

Maria mixed a cocktail using her favorite liquor, vodka, and some fruit juice. 

III. Differences between Drink and Beverage

Above, we have explored an overview of Drink and Beverage. So, how can we accurately differentiate between the two words? Let's follow PREP and see the table below!

Differences between Drink and Beverage



Part of speech

Noun and verb.



Noun: (an amount of) liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth (in daily communication)

Any potable liquid, especially one other than water, as tea, coffee, beer, or milk (in formal, comprehensive context)

Verb: to take liquid into the body through the mouth


I like to have a hot drink at bedtime.

What's your favorite beverage? 

Anna drank 2 glasses of water. 

IV. Exercise to distinguish Drink and Beverage

To fully understand the correct usage and distinguish the differences between Drink and Beverage, quickly complete the exercise below with PREP!

1. Exercise: Fill in Drink or Beverage in the blanks

  1. Lisa took a long sip of her favorite _______, a strawberry smoothie.
  2. Jack prefers to _______water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  3. The café offers a wide selection of _______, including coffee, tea, and juices.
  4. When hosting a party, it's essential to provide a variety of _______ to suit everyone's preferences.
  5. After a tiring workout, she reached for a cold sports _______ to replenish her electrolytes.
  6. John likes to _______herbal tea before bedtime to help him relax.
  7. The flight attendant served _______ to the passengers shortly after takeoff.
  8. Soft drinks, alcoholic _______, and water are all available options on the menu.
  9. I could really go for a hot _______ on this chilly evening, maybe a cup of hot chocolate.
  10. They decided to stop at the café and grab a quick _______ before heading to the movies.

2. Answer

1 - Drink

2 - Drink

3 - Beverages

4 - Beverages

5 - Drink

6 - Drink

7 - Beverages

8 - Beverages

9 - Drink

10 - Drink

PREP hopes that through this article, PREP has helped you grasp the meaning, usage, and differences between Drink and Beverage. Let’s follow PREP for more quality English knowledge updates!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
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Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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