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What are Desk and Table? Distinguishing the 2 words Desk and Table
Desk and Table look the same; however, these two words are used in completely different contexts. Let’s explore the concepts and differences between these two English nouns with PREP below!

I. What is Desk?
"Desk" is pronounced /desk/ and functions as a noun. The Desk meaning is: a type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers. For example:
Anna sat at her desk writing letters.
Jack puts a pile of papers on his desk.

Words/phrases with Desk:
Words/phrases with Desk |
Meaning |
Example |
Desk job /dɛsk ʤɑb/ |
a job working in an office |
She works a desk job at a law firm. |
Hot desk /hɑt dɛsk/ |
a desk and computer in an office that are available to be used by any worker who needs it |
In our office, we use hot desks to save space. |
Cash desk /kæʃ dɛsk/ |
the place in a shop where you can pay for the things that you buy |
Please pay at the cash desk. |
City desk /ˈsɪti dɛsk/ |
the department of a newspaper that deals with financial and business news |
He works at the city desk of the local newspaper. |
Desk rage /dɛsk reɪʤ/ |
extreme or violent anger shown by someone in an office, especially when this is caused by worry or a difficult situation |
Desk rage is becoming more common in high-stress offices. |
Desk tidy /dɛsk ˈtaɪdi/ |
a container for holding pens, pencils, etc. that is kept on top of a desk |
She bought a new desk tidy to organize her office supplies. |
Desk clerk /dɛsk klɜrk/ |
someone who is employed to welcome hotel guests when they arrive |
The desk clerk was very helpful with our check-in. |
Front desk /frʌnt dɛsk/ |
a desk near the entrance to a hotel, office building, etc. where people go when they arrive and where they can get information, etc. |
Please leave your keys at the front desk. |
Decision desk /dɪˈsɪʒən dɛsk/ |
in the United States, a part of a news organization whose job is to decide when enough votes have been counted in an election in a particular place for the organization to report who they believe has won there |
The decision desk projected the winner of the election. |
Desk research /dɛsk rɪˈsɜrʧ/ |
market research (= finding out what customers want) that can be done from a desk, for example reading reports or looking for information on the internet |
Desk research involves gathering existing information from various sources. |
Trading desk /ˈtreɪdɪŋ dɛsk/ |
a desk or department in a bank or financial organization where shares, bonds, currencies, etc. are bought and sold, or the people who work there |
He works on the trading desk of a major bank. |
Check-in desk /ʧɛk ɪn dɛsk/ |
a place, often with a counter (= a long flat narrow surface) especially in a hotel or airport, where you can get information or service |
You need to go to the check-in desk to get your boarding pass. |
You can find more terms/phrases associated with Desk by clicking the link below!
II. What is Table?
"Table" is pronounced /ˈteɪ.bəl/ and functions as a noun and a verb.
As a noun, the Table meaning is: a flat surface, usually supported by four legs, used for putting things on; the people sitting at a table; a table that you work at in an office; an arrangement of facts and numbers in rows or blocks, especially in printed material. For example:
We ate our meals sitting around a large dining room table.
The whole table had a very good time.
This table represents export sales.
As a verb, the Table meaning is: to suggest the formal discussion of something; to delay the formal discussion of a subject until later; to put data into a table (= an arrangement of facts or numbers in rows or columns); to set up a table in a public place, in order to provide people with information, or to sell something. For example:
An amendment to the proposal was tabled by Mrs James.
The suggestion was tabled for discussion at a later date.
All the resources available are tabled in Number 1 below.
Don’t offer your cash to people who are tabling for donations on the street.

1. Idioms with Table
Idioms with Table |
Meaning |
Example |
on the table |
If a plan or suggestion has been put/laid on the table, it has been made available for people to hear, read, or discuss. |
There are several important issues on the table. |
under the table |
If something is done under the table, it is a secret, hidden action |
They offered him money under the table to change his mind. |
off the table |
no longer being considered |
A dividend payment this year is definitely off the table. |
2. Words/Phrases with Table
Words/Phrases with Table |
Meaning |
Example |
life table /laɪf ˈteɪbəl/ |
a list that shows how long a person of a particular age or in a particular group is expected to live, used for calculating insurance risk |
Actuaries use a life table to estimate life expectancy. |
mortality table /mɔrˈtælɪti ˈteɪbəl/ |
The mortality table shows the death rates at various ages. |
the negotiating table /ðə nɪˈgoʊʃiˌeɪtɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ |
a situation or place in which people formally discuss something in order to reach an agreement |
Both parties came to the negotiating table to discuss the terms of the contract. |
round table /raʊnd ˈteɪbəl/ |
A round-table discussion/meeting is one where people meet and talk in conditions of equality |
The leaders held a round table to address the community issues. |
3. Collocation with Table
Collocation with Table |
Example |
actuarial table /ˌækʧuˈɛriəl ˈteɪbəl/ |
An actuary uses an actuarial table to predict future events. |
dining table /ˈdaɪ.nɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ |
The family gathered around the dining table every morning. |
conference table /ˈkɑnfərəns ˈteɪbəl/ |
The conference table was set up for the board meeting. |
drawing table /ˈdrɔɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ |
The architect sketched his designs on the drawing table. |
examination table /ɪɡˌzæməˈneɪʃən ˈteɪbəl/ |
The doctor asked the patient to lie down on the examination table. |
folding table /ˈfoʊldɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ |
We used a folding table for the picnic. |
following table /ˈfɑloʊɪŋ ˈteɪbəl/ |
The following table shows the survey results. |
long table /lɔŋ ˈteɪbəl/ |
The banquet was served on a long table. |
marble table /ˈmɑrbəl ˈteɪbəl/ |
She admired the marble table in the dining room. |
nearby table /ˈnɪrˌbaɪ ˈteɪbəl/ |
They overheard the conversation from the nearby table. |
You can find more collocations with Table by clicking the link below!
III. What is the difference between Desk and Table?
Let’s explore the differences between Desk and Table with PREP below!
The Desk and Table differences |
Desk |
Table |
Definition |
a type of table that you can work at, often one with drawers |
a flat surface, usually supported by four legs, used for putting things on |
Usage |
Example |
He spends most of his day working at his desk. |
We had dinner at a large dining table. |

IV. Exercises to distinguish Desk and Table in English
Let’s complete the following exercise with PREP to clarify the differences between Desk and Table!
1. Exercise: Desk vs Table
Fill in the blanks: Desk or Table
She placed her laptop on the ___________ to start working.
The dining ___________ is set with plates and cutlery for dinner.
My books are all organized on the ___________ in my study room.
There’s a small coffee ___________ in the living room where guests can sit and chat.
He spends hours at his ___________ studying every day.
2. Answer
1 - Desk |
2 - Table |
3 - Desk |
4 - Table |
5 - Desk |
Above, PREP has shared detailed concepts and differences between Desk and Table. Keep following PREP for more useful English knowledge!

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