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What is Deny in English? Distinguishing the usage of Deny and Refuse

Deny is a word commonly found in English exercises as well as in everyday communication. After Deny, is it followed by a noun, a gerund (V-ing), or a clause? What are the differences between Deny and Refuse? Let’s explore how to use Deny in English and the differences between Deny and Refuse together with PREP!

The usage of Deny in English
The usage of Deny in English

I. Definition of Deny in English

Deny, pronounced /dɪˈnaɪ/, functions as a verb. The Deny meaning in English is: to say that something is not true; to not allow someone to have or do something; to not admit that you have knowledge, responsibility, feelings, etc. For example:

  • Peter denies that he broke the window. 

  • The president has consistently denied the rumors. 

Definition of Deny in English
Definition of Deny in English

II. Words/phrases used with Deny in English

Here are three common structures used in English. Let’s learn these sentence patterns for practical application:



It can’t be denied that + S + V

It can’t be denied that TV does influence attitudes and beliefs. 

There’s no denying the fact that + S + V

There is no denying the fact that good feedback can significantly improve learning processes and outcomes.

Deny (oneself)

I’m denying myself desserts right now, while I’m on this diet. 

Note: Denied is the passive form of Deny. So, based on the structure table above, do you understand the Denied meaning in English?

III. Deny synonyms in English

Check out the list of Deny synonyms in English below with PREP!

Deny synonyms in English





to say that you will not do or accept something

Anna refused to answer the question. 



to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone

The committee rejected the proposal. 



to refuse

Jack declined the invitation to the party. 



to disagree with something that someone says

The scientist disputed the validity of the experiment. 



to argue that a statement or claim is not true

The lawyer rebutted the accusations with strong evidence. 



to refuse to accept something or someone as true, good, or reasonable

The official repudiated the claims of corruption. 



to say that you know nothing about something, or that you have no responsibility for or connection with something

The politician disavowed any involvement in the scandal. 



to show something to be wrong or to be the opposite of what was thought, or to cause something to have no effect

The new evidence negates the previous theory. 

Deny synonyms in English
Deny synonyms in English

IV. How to Use Deny in English

Let’s explore how to use Deny in English below!

1. Position of Deny in a Sentence

Like most common verbs, Deny can take on various positions in a sentence. Here are some examples:

1.1. Acting as the main verb in a sentence and conjugated according to tense

For example:

  • She denied her adultery. 

  • I denied all the rumours they said about me. 

1.2. Serving as the subject in the form of to-V or V-ing

For example:

  • To deny his part in the scandal is just a blatant lie. 

  • Her denying her wrongdoings showed what kind of person she was. 

2. Deny in Sentences

If you’re still unsure whether to use "to V" or "V-ing" after Deny, read the explanations below carefully!

Deny in Sentences


Deny + something

He denied everyone’s efforts.

Deny + Ving

I deny playing with the kids at noon.

Deny + That + clause

Richard denied that he eats a lot of candies.

Deny somebody something

The manager has denied Jack the opportunities to get promoted. 

V. Distinguishing Deny and Refuse

What are the similarities and differences between Deny and Refuse? Let’s explore the information table below together with PREP!





  • Deny often implies rejecting something that has already happened.

  • Deny can be followed by a clause.

  • Refuse is used to express that you will decline or reject doing something that someone else requests.


Deny + Ving

Refuse + to V


Neil denies breaking the window. 

Neil refuses to join the party. 

Distinguishing Deny and Refuse
Distinguishing Deny and Refuse

VI. Exercises with Deny in English

To further understand Deny in English, let’s quickly complete the exercises below with PREP!

1. Exercise

Exercise 1: Conjugate the verb correctly with Deny

  1. Maria denied…………(walk)…….. on the grass.

  2. Emi denied………(not do)……….. the homework.

  3. Neil denied………(talk)……….. disrespectfully to the elders.

  4. Xavia denied………(cheat)……….. in the exam.

  5. Sarah denied that her father………(be)……….. a thief.

  6. Nick denied that he ………(have)……….. a girlfriend.

  7. Jackson denied that it………(be)……….. her who made that stupid mistake.

  8. Jimmy denied………(play)……….. video games during class.

  9. Alex denies … (break) the window.

  10. He denied …. (know) about the plan.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentence using Deny without changing its meaning

  1. It’s hard to refute these biblical arguments.

➡ ………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. Walsh didn’t confirm that the money had been paid.

➡ …………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. Even now, he refuses to admit the complete truth.

➡ ………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. He said he didn’t steal the money.

➡ ………………………………………………………………………………………

  1. She claimed she wasn’t involved in the accident.

➡ ………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Answer

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

  1. walking

  2. not having done

  3. talking

  4. cheating

  5. was

  6. had

  7. was

  8. Playing

  9. breaking

  10. knowing

  1. It’s hard to deny these biblical arguments.

  2. Walsh denied that the money had been paid.

  3. Even now, he still denies the complete truth.

  4. He denied stealing the money.

  5. She denied being involved in the accident.

So, PREP has introduced you to the detailed usage of Deny in English and clarified the distinction between Deny and Refuse. Remember to complete the exercises to solidify your understanding of this structure. PREP wishes you success!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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