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A Complete Collection of Contract Vocabulary to Help You Achieve a TOEIC 900+ Score

Possessing an extensive English vocabulary is a significant advantage in conquering all English proficiency exams, including the TOEIC test. In this article, PREP presents a comprehensive collection of the most commonly used TOEIC contract vocabulary, frequently appearing in real exam questions. This will help you enhance your specialized vocabulary and get ready to achieve your target score. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your notebook and start jotting down these useful words!


A Complete Collection of Contract Vocabulary to Help You Achieve a TOEIC 900+ Score
A Complete Collection of Contract Vocabulary to Help You Achieve a TOEIC 900+ Score

I. A Selection of Common TOEIC Contract Vocabulary 

A Selection of Common TOEIC Contract Vocabulary

The table below contains 10 TOEIC vocabulary items related to contracts that frequently appear in the exam for your reference:






sign /saɪn/

To write your name on a document to show that you agree with it or that it is legally binding

It stipulates that there must be a signed contract, with the worker signing and agreeing to be subject to deductions.


Abide by

To accept and act according to a law, agreement, or decision

The parties to the contract need to abide by the terms of the other party.


Assurance (n.)

A statement that something will definitely happen, usually to make someone feel more confident

You need assurance that you will not break the terms of the contract.


Cancel (v.)

To stop something from happening or being valid

Before canceling the contract, you need to notify the other party in advance.


Determine (v.)

To discover the facts about something; to calculate something exactly

You need to clearly determine your rights and responsibilities before signing this contract.


Engage (v.)

To attract and keep somebody’s attention or interest

Our new project attracts potential investors to engage in.


Establish (v.)

To start or set up an organization, system, or business that is meant to last a long time

She's about to establish her own agency before ending her contract with her old company.


Obligate (v.)

To force somebody to do something because it is a rule or law

You can't obligate anyone to sign this contract with that attitude.


Party (n.)

One of the people or groups involved in a legal agreement or argument

Contracting parties need to respect each other's terms.


Provision (n.)

A condition or rule in a legal document

Please pay attention to all terms in the contract before you decide to sign.

II. How to learn TOEIC contract vocabulary

2.1. Learning Vocabulary Through Flashcards on Quizlet

Learning Vocabulary Through Flashcards on Quizlet

Quizlet is an application that was created ten years ago when Andrew Sutherland developed a tool to help himself review French vocabulary for a high school test. The learning approach suggested by Quizlet mainly involves games with flashcards. You can study by flipping flashcards back and forth or playing interactive vocabulary games to help retain the words. You can utilize this tool to master all the TOEIC contract vocabulary most effectively.

2.2. Learning Contract Vocabulary Through Mind Maps

Learning Contract Vocabulary Through Mind Maps

Studying TOEIC vocabulary on contracts using a mind map combines language and visual elements. In reality, our brains process and store images far better than written words. Mind maps were created to take advantage of this ability. With mind maps, all information is stored in the form of images and words.

The information within a mind map for TOEIC contract vocabulary is interconnected, similar to how neurons link information in the brain. This creates a sense of familiarity, making it easier to retain information for a longer time. Mind maps are considered a visual information management tool that helps us memorize, organize, brainstorm, and study information in a highly specialized manner.

Using mind maps to prepare for English exams allows learners to grasp an overview of a topic first and then develop a deeper understanding of specific details. This helps to overcome information overload and saves time in the learning process.

PREP has compiled a comprehensive list of TOEIC contract vocabulary in this article. If you would like PREP to introduce more vocabulary on any specific topic, feel free to leave a comment below!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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