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Which prepositions does Confide in English go with? All the knowledge about Confide in English

When we want to tell someone about a secret or private matter in English, we use the verb Confide. Besides its primary meaning, does Confide have any other uses? Which prepositions does Confide in English go with? What are the differences between Confide in, Confide to, and Confide in to? How can we accurately distinguish Confide, Confess, and Confine? Let's find the answers with PREP below!

The usage of Confide in English
The usage of Confide in English

I. What is Confide in English?

Let's explore the definition of Confide in English with PREP before delving into synonyms, antonyms, and prepositions that Confide in English goes with!

In English, Confide is pronounced /kənˈfaɪd/ and functions as a verb with the meaning: to tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others. For example:

  • Jack confided to the manager that the report was not his own. 
  • “My husband doesn't know yet, but I'm going to leave him,” Anna confided. 
What is Confide in English?
What is Confide in English?

II. Synonyms and antonyms of Confide in English

Let’s take a look at the list of synonyms and antonyms of Confide in English that PREP shares below!

Synonyms and antonyms of Confide in English
Synonyms and antonyms of Confide in English

Synonyms, antonyms of Confide in English


Synonyms of Confide in English

Tell secretly

Jessica told secretly her best friend about her crush on Daniel.

Tell privately

Peter told his sister privately about his plans to quit his job. 


The detective revealed the suspect's alibi during the interrogation. 


The company CEO disclosed the upcoming merger plans to the board of directors.

Make known

The scientist made known his groundbreaking discovery to the scientific community. 

Antonyms of Confide in English

Keep one's own counsel

Despite the pressure, Lona decided to keep her own counsel about her future plans. 

Keep secret

Jack promised to keep secret the surprise party plans for his friend's birthday.

Remain silent

When asked about the incident, Jackson chose to remain silent rather than share any information. 

Keep mum

The children promised to keep mum about their father's surprise gift for their mother. 

III. Which prepositions does Confide in English go with? The usage of Confide in English

Which prepositions does Confide in English go with? How is Confide in English used? Refer to the table below:

Structure of Confide in English


Subject + confide + to somebody + that + clause

Anna confided to me that she hated me before. 

Subject + confide + something + to somebody

Jennie confided all her worries to me. 

“Speech”, Subject + Confide in somebody

“I lied to my mom about getting good grades in Math at school,” Peter confided in me. 

From the third structure in the table above, we can easily answer the question "Which prepositions does Confide in English go with?" right?

Confide goes with the prepositions "in" and "to" (somebody) and means: to tell somebody secrets and personal information that you do not want other people to know. For example:

  • Annie is a good friend that you can confide in.
  • Richard confided the ups and downs he had come through during the past few years to me
Which prepositions does Confide in English go with?
Which prepositions does Confide in English go with?

IV. Distinguishing Confide in and Confide to

Confide in and Confide to both contain the word Confide, but they have different meanings. Let's explore them with PREP below!

Distinguishing Confide in and Confide to
Distinguishing Confide in and Confide to

Confide in

Confide to


Confide in someone

Confide something to someone or Confide to someone that


To trust someone when revealing secrets or personal matters.

To disclose a secret or private matter to someone, believing that person will not reveal the secret.


Anna confided in her friend about smoking cigarettes last night. 

Anna confided all her secrets to her friend

V. Distinguishing Confide, Confess, and Confine

Confide, Confine, and Confess are often confused in terms of usage. Let's explore the differences between these three words with PREP!






To tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others.

To admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way.

To keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or time).


Kaylie confided to her husband that she had lost 1 million dollars. 

Kaylie confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring. 

We know that the illness is not confined to any one group in society. 

VI. Exercises on Confide in English

To further understand the meaning and prepositions that accompany Confide in English, let's complete the exercise below with PREP!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Find and correct the errors in the sentences below

  1. Jame confided in his parents that he had applied for another job.
  2. Maria is a reliable person, you can confide her secrets to her. 
  3. I feel very comfortable when I confide my secret in my mom.
  4. Jenny’s husband is not trustworthy to confide to.
  5. Jame said all his secrets to his girlfriend

Exercise 2: Fill in prepositions in the blanks below

  1. Anna's husband confided _______ his friend that he broke her lipstick. 
  2. Jack can't confide  _______ Marry because they aren't close enough.
  3. Anna confided _______ the doctor that she was too tired of her married life. 
  4. "We have a surprise for you," the student confided _______ the teacher. 
  5. Because Lona is very patient, I can confide _______ her.

2. Answer

Exercise 1

1. in ➡ to 2. her (secrets) ➡  your 3. in ➡  to 4. to ➡  in 5. said ➡ confined

Exercise 2

1. to 2.  in 3. to 4. to 5. in

VII. Excel in IELTS: Tips from the Experts

PREP hopes that through this article, you have understood what Confide in English is, which prepositions it goes with, the differences between Confide in and Confide to, as well as the distinctions in usage between Confide, Confess, and Confine. If you’re ready to learn from the best, PREP’s expert tips and insider advice will help you excel in every section of the IELTS exam. 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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