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Differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English

Understanding the difference between common nouns and proper nouns is essential in building a foundation in English. So, what sets common nouns and proper nouns apart? When do we use common nouns and proper nouns? In today's article, PREP will provide you with tips to quickly and effectively differentiate between these two types of nouns. Let's dive in!

Differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English
Differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English

I. What is noun in English?

Before differentiating between common nouns and proper nouns in English, let's explore the definition and types of nouns!

What is Noun in English? A noun in English (Noun /naʊn/) is symbolized as "n" or "N" and is used to refer to concepts, objects, animals, people, places, or phenomena.

What is noun in English?
 What is noun in English?

There are 4 common types of nouns:

  • Common noun. For example: My mother is a teacher. ⏩ “Mother” is a common noun.
  • Proper Noun. For example: I will visit Korea during this summer holiday. ⏩ “Korea” is a proper noun.
  • Abstract noun. For example: I respect Ann's kindness. ⏩ “Kindness” is an abstract noun.
  • Collective noun. For example: A troupe of actors is attending the event. ⏩ “A troupe of actors” is a collective noun.

In the content below, let's carefully study with PREP to have a clear understanding of how to use and accurately differentiate between common nouns and proper nouns in English!

II. What are common nouns in English?

To accurately differentiate between common nouns and proper nouns in English, let's have a thorough understanding of the definition and usage of common nouns.

A common noun is a word that refers to people, places, objects, ideas, emotions, or concepts.

What are common nouns in English?
What are common nouns in English?

Common nouns



  • Man. For example: Hey, man, how are you doing? 
  • Woman. For example: The woman volunteered at the local shelter to help homeless families. 
  • Child. For example: The child giggled with delight as he played in the park. 
  • Cop. For example: The cop directed traffic at the busy intersection during rush hour. 
  • Criminal. For example: The criminal was apprehended by the diligent detective after a lengthy investigation.


  • City. For example: The city skyline glittered with lights as night fell. 
  • Town. For example: The quaint town square bustled with activity during the annual festival. 
  • Country. For example: The country's flag waved proudly in the breeze on Independence Day. 
  • Neighborhood. For example: The diverse neighborhoods of the city reflected its vibrant cultural tapestry. 
  • Island. For example: The islands in the archipelago boasted stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters. 


  • Guitar. For example: He strummed the guitar softly, serenading the audience with a soulful melody. 
  • Drum. For example: They danced to the beat of the drums
  • Apple. For example: She picked three apples from the tree and took a satisfying bite. 
  • Orange. For example: The juice from the freshly squeezed oranges was refreshing on a hot summer day. 
  • Snow. For example: Outside the snow began to fall. 
  • Rain. For example: The sound of rain tapping against the window creates a cozy atmosphere indoors. 

Ideas, feelings, concepts

  • Happiness. For example: Her laughter echoed through the room, a clear sign of her happiness
  • Sadness. For example: Her sadness at her grandfather's death was obvious. 
  • Fear. For example: His heart raced with fear as he approached the dark, unknown path. 
  • Courage. For example: Despite her trembling hands, she stepped forward with courage to face her fears. 
  • Questions. For example: The teacher encouraged the students to ask questions to deepen their understanding. 

III. What are proper nouns in English?

What are proper nouns in English? To accurately differentiate between common nouns and proper nouns in English, let's have a clear understanding of the definition and usage of proper nouns.

A proper noun is a specific name of a person, event, place, or unique object.

What are proper nouns in English?
What are proper nouns in English?

Proper nouns



  • Harriet Tubman. For example: Harriet Tubman led many slaves to freedom through the Underground Railroad. 
  • Black Pink Jennie. For example: Black Pink Jennie captivated the audience with her powerful vocals and charismatic stage presence. 
  • Miles Davis. For example: Miles Davis revolutionized jazz music with his innovative trumpet playing and compositions. 
  • Emily. For example: Emily won the poetry competition with her poignant verses that touched the hearts of the audience. 
  • Obama. For example: Obama's eloquent speeches inspired millions around the world during his presidency. 


  • New York City. For example: New York City is known for its iconic skyline and bustling Times Square. 
  • Moscow. For example: Moscow's Red Square is famous for its historical significance and stunning architecture. 
  • Cairo. For example: Cairo is home to the majestic pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
  • Portugal. For example: Portugal's Algarve region boasts beautiful beaches and stunning rocks along the Atlantic coast. 
  • Zimbabwe. For example: Zimbabwe's Victoria Falls is one of the largest and most breathtaking waterfalls in the world. 


  • Jupiter. For example: Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has a distinctive red spot caused by a giant storm. 
  • Google. For example: Google's search engine revolutionizes how people access information online. 
  • Twitter. For example: Twitter allows users to share their thoughts and opinions in short messages called tweets.
  • Kawasaki Ninja. For example: Kawasaki Ninja is a popular sportbike known for its sleek design and powerful performance. 

Ideas and concepts

  • Christianity. For example: Christianity is one of the world's largest religions, centered on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. 
  • Islam. For example: Islam is a monotheistic religion founded by the prophet Muhammad, with the Quran as its central religious text. 
  • Buddhism. For example: Buddhism, derived from the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, emphasizes spiritual development to achieve enlightenment. 
  • Romanticism. For example: Romanticism was an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement in the late 18th. 
  • Cubism. For example: Cubism, pioneered by artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, revolutionized visual art.

IV. Differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English

Below, PREP will provide a table differentiating common nouns and proper nouns in English based on the definitions, usage. Let’s take a look at common noun and proper noun examples below. Refer to it now!

Differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English
Differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English

Common nouns

Proper nouns


Refers to people, animals, objects, or places in general.

Refers to specific names of people, animals, objects, or places.


  • My favorite author is Charles Dickens
  • My father is working for a tech company named Google
  • I enjoy drinking beer, especially Heineken
  • Author
  • Father
  • Beer
  • Charles Dickens
  • Google
  • Heineken

V. Notes on common nouns and proper nouns in English

In addition to the definitions, usage, and differences between common nouns and proper nouns in English, let's explore some notes on using these two types of nouns!

Notes on common nouns and proper nouns in English
Notes on common nouns and proper nouns in English
  • A proper noun is a noun that is capitalized. For example: Anna’s cat is named Whiskers. ⏩ “Anna and Whiskers” are proper nouns.
  • Some nouns can be both common nouns and proper nouns. For example: The former mayor will introduce Mayor Jackson. ⏩ “Mayor” is both a common noun and a proper noun.
  • Seasons of the year are considered common nouns, so they are not capitalized. For example: I am excited for the summer trip. ⏩ “Summer trip” is a common noun.
  • The following cases require capitalization for proper nouns:


Noun indicating direction
  • What time is it on the West Coast
Noun indicating job position
  • Today Julie had an interview with Managing Director Bob Smith
Nouns indicating brand names
  • Could you pass me the YSL lipstick? 
Nouns indicating days of the week and months of the year
  • I don’t go to school on Sunday
Nouns indicating seasons (only capitalized when used as part of a proper name)
  • Will you be visiting New York in the Spring? (❌)
  • I am thinking of attending the Spring Social this year. (✅)

VI. Exercises on common nouns and proper nouns in English

Let's practice with the following exercises to further understand common nouns and proper nouns in English!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Identify the common nouns and proper nouns in the following sentences:

  1. I gave my book to Riya to read.
  2. The Red Riding Hood met the fox in the forest.
  3. The boy ran to his mother.
  4. The reporter went to Noida to collect news.
  5. Rose is a beautiful girl.


Common nouns

Proper nouns












Exercise 2: Correct the errors in the following sentences (including capitalization errors).

  1. johnny is doing the Dishes.
  2. anna lives in a big City called new york. 
  3. students should learn all important Subjects.
  4. thomas works as an Engineer in a big Company. 
  5. the University has many Scholarships for smart Students. 

2. Answer

Exercise 1:


Common nouns

Proper nouns





fox, forest

Red Riding Hood


boy, mother


reporter, news





Exercise 2:

  1. Johnny is doing the dishes.
  2. Anna lives in a big city called New York
  3. Students should learn all important subjects.
  4. Thomas works as an engineer in a big company
  5. The university has many scholarships for smart students


After reading this article, PREP hopes that you can grasp the definition and differentiate between common nouns and proper nouns in English. Visit PREP regularly for more useful knowledge! Good luck in mastering English!

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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