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What are Chance and Opportunity? The accurate differentiation of Chance and Opportunity

Chance and Opportunity are vocabulary terms that are quite familiar and common nowadays. However, these two words can also easily cause confusion. Let's differentiate between Chance and Opportunity together with PREP in each case of use!

What are Chance and Opportunity? The accurate differentiation of Chance and Opportunity
What are Chance and Opportunity? The accurate differentiation of Chance and Opportunity

I. What is “chance”?

To differentiate between Chance and Opportunity, first of all, let's understand the definition and usage of Chance:

1. Definition

What is Chance? Chance is a noun in English that means opportunity, coincidence, luck. For example:

  • I had a chance to work abroad. 
  • He gave me a second chance to prove myself. 
What is “chance”?
What is “chance”?

2. Usage

Chance is used to refer to opportunities, occasions, and possibilities of something happening, especially something truly desired. For example:

  • I believe that effort is a great chance for success. (Referring to luck, fate, or a suitable situation to do something.)
  • A broken car is a chance to change to a new car. (Referring to an event occurring unexpectedly and beyond one's control.)
  • The chance encounter led to a serendipitous collaboration between the two managers. (Referring to a random, coincidental event that was not predicted but hoped for.)
What is the definition and usage of “chance”? Differentiate Chance and Opportunity
What is the definition and usage of “chance”? Differentiate Chance and Opportunity

3. Phrases including Chance

Here are some common English words/phrases containing Chance that you should remember to use more flexibly:

Phrases including Chance
Phrases including Chance




Fat chance 

used for saying that you do not believe something is likely to happen

Fat chance she’ll lend me her car after what happened last time.

Not a chance 

If there is not a chance that something will happen, it is impossible

Not a chance she would get a job there.

By any chance 

used to ask a question or request in a polite way

Do you have changes, by any chance?

Stand a chance (of something)

to have a chance of success

David stands a chance of getting a full scholarship to study in the US. 

Given the chance/choice

if I were allowed to, or if I could choose

She was given the chance to study abroad. 

Chance your arm

to take a risk in order to get something that you want

I decided to chance my arm and invest all my money in stocks. 

A fifty-fifty chance

a result is equally likely to happen or not happen

There is a fifty-fifty chance to invest in this project, it’s all or nothing. 

Given half a/the chance

If someone would do something given half a chance, they would certainly do it if the opportunity came up

Given half a chance, I would travel the world. 

Blow someone’s chance

Lose the opportunity to do something

Brian blew his chance to work at a large technology corporation.

Not have a cat in hell’s chance

to be completely unable to achieve something

Tom hasn’t had a cat in hell’s chance of taking the university entrance exam.

II. What is “opportunity”?

What is “opportunity”? And How is this word used? Let’s find the answers to these questions to be able to differentiate between chance and opportunity.

1. Definition

What is Opportunity? Opportunity is a noun in English that means a favorable juncture of circumstances, a good chance for advancement or progress. For example:

  • The opportunity of a lifetime has come, I will seize it to get a ticket to work abroad. 
  • The opportunities for each person are the same, so effort will decide everything. 
What is “opportunity”?
What is “opportunity”?

2. Usage

Opportunity is used to refer to an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that helps you achieve benefit or advantage. For example:

  • This is a good opportunity for you to get this job. 
  • You should seize this opportunity for promotion. 
The detailed usage of opportunity – Differentiate Chance and Opportunity
The detailed usage of opportunity – Differentiate Chance and Opportunity

3. Some words/phrases including Opportunity

Here are some common phrases using Opportunity that you should know for more versatile usage:

Some words/phrases including Opportunity
Some words/phrases including Opportunity




A golden opportunity

an excellent chance to do or get something

This is a golden opportunity to approach the person you love. 

Cash in on opportunity

to get money or another advantage from an event or situation, often in an unfair way

I was offered a job overseas. It’s a chance of a lifetime to cash in on an opportunity.

Growth opportunity

The growth of something such as an industry, organization, or idea is its development in size, wealth, or importance

The company’s courses are great growth opportunities. 

Jump at the opportunity

to quickly take advantage of a new opportunity

You should jump at the opportunity to win a scholarship. 

Opportunity knocks

when a person gets the chance to do something he or she wants to do

Opportunity knocks on your door, take it. 

Take the opportunity

to use an occasion to do or say something

You should take the opportunity when you are young to travel more.

Window of opportunity

there is an opportunity to do something but that this opportunity will only last for a short time and so it needs to be taken advantage of quickly (business)

This is a window of opportunity to invest more capital in this business.

III. Differentiate Chance and Opportunity 

How to differentiate between Chance and Opportunity? Opportunity and Chance have the same meaning, so they are interchangeably used in many cases.

  • Chance is often used to describe unexpected opportunities that arise suddenly without being anticipated, with a high degree of randomness. For example: Alan took a chance and expressed his feelings for Linda.
  • Opportunity is used in cases referring to opportunities that have been pre-planned, can be predicted, and are arranged. For example: Studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity to experience a new culture.

Differentiate Chance and Opportunity

Please pay attention to the context to distinguish between "Chance" and "Opportunity" in each case most accurately!

IV. Exercises on differentiating between Chance and Opportunity 

Here are 2 exercises to practice differentiating between Chance and Opportunity:

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with “chance” or “opportunity” to complete the following sentences:

  1. Anna was given the __________ to lead the project.
  2. There’s a good __________ of getting tickets if she arrives early.
  3. Peter took a __________ and applied for the job. 
  4. Don’t miss this __________ to study abroad. 
  5. Susan can’t believe she missed the __________ to meet my favorite author.

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with “chance” or “opportunity” to complete the following paragraph: 

Lately, she has been presented with a remarkable (1) __________. She was given the (2) __________ to participate in an exhibition. This (3) __________ doesn’t come around often. 

Answer keys:

Exercise 1:

  1. Opportunity 
  2. Chance 
  3. Chance 
  4. Opportunity 
  5. Chance 

Exercise 2:

  • (1) opportunity
  • (2) chance
  • (3) opportunity 

V. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score 

Here is a comprehensive understanding of distinguishing between Chance and Opportunity that you should keep in mind. No two learners are the same. That’s why our courses adapt to your unique needs, offering tailored lessons to strengthen your weak points and boost your confidence.

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CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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