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Cambridge IELTS 18: The detailed review and how to practice with sample tests effectively

Cambridge is the classic textbook series for IELTS exam preparation. Up until now, the Cambridge series has had 17 volumes. And in 2023, Cambridge University released the newest version - Cambridge IELTS 18. Below, Prep will provide an early review of this latest Cambridge classic for everyone.

Cambridge IELTS 18: The detailed review and how to practice with sample tests effectively
Cambridge IELTS 18: The detailed review and how to practice with sample tests effectively 

I. Introduction to Cambridge IELTS 18

The Cambridge IELTS 18 textbook was published by the University of Cambridge - one of the most renowned universities in England. This is also the publishing point of high-value textbooks for research and learning.

Cambridge IELTS 18 provides IELTS exams, covering all 4 skills Listening - Speaking - Reading - Writing. The book comes with Audio files and detailed full answers. Cambridge IELTS 18 published in 2023 will be a textbook to help students exploit and practice question types that closely follow the real exam at 99% accuracy.

General information:

  • Book Title: Cambridge IELTS 18
  • Publisher: Cambridge University
  • Year of Publication: 2023
  • Audio: Scan the QR code in the right corner of the book
  • PDF: For the copyright matter, will not provide the PDF file of the Cambridge IELTS 18 textbook.
Introduction to Cambridge IELTS 18
Introduction to Cambridge IELTS 18

II. The content of Cambridge IELTS 18 

Here are some of the key information and special points of the Cambridge IELTS 18 textbook compared to previous versions that students should refer to:

Introduction to Cambridge IELTS 18
The content of Cambridge IELTS 18

1. Main content

The Cambridge IELTS 18 textbook consists of 3 main sections as follows:

  • The Introduction section introduces knowledge related to the IELTS test structure, sample test papers, scoring methods, and scoring criteria.
  • The next section provides sample tests covering all 4 skills Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The tests closely follow the latest 2023 exam format up to 99%. The tests are diverse and developed by IELTS examiners.
  • The final section provides detailed answer explanations and sample answer sheets for students to refer to.

2. Special features of Cambridge IELTS 18

The Cambridge IELTS 18 IELTS book has a similar main structure and content to previous volumes. The special points lie in the detailed, clear explanations. The audio files are of good quality, with familiar voices for students who have used previous books.

The Cambridge IELTS 18 tests closely resemble the actual 2023 exam format. This means students can access a broader range of topics presented in a more specific and up-to-date exam format.

III. Targeted learners of Cambridge IELTS 18 book PDF

The Cambridge IELTS 18 is suitable for students with an IELTS level of 4.0 (having a basic English and IELTS foundation). Students need to clearly understand the exam structure and know the basic answering methods. Then the effectiveness of practicing from the Cambridge IELTS 18 book specifically and the Cambridge series in general will be higher.

Additionally, the Cambridge series in general and the Cambridge IELTS 18 book in particular are suitable for candidates in the intensive exam preparation period, preparing for the IELTS exam within 1-3 months.

IV. Suggested methods to solve sample tests in Cambridge IELTS 18 book PDF by skills

Suggested methods to solve sample tests in Cambridge IELTS 18 book PDF by skills
Suggested methods to solve sample tests in Cambridge IELTS 18 book PDF by skills

To effectively practice and solve IELTS Cambridge IELTS 18 questions, please refer to the practice methods shared below by Prep!

1. Reading & Listening

Students can reference and apply the Reading and Listening practice methods used by Prep teachers in their courses as follows to effectively solve Cambridge IELTS 18:

1.1. Reading 

For the Reading section, students can apply some Reading question-solving methods and skills practice as follows:

  • Scanning method: This reading technique involves quickly scanning a text to locate specific information. It aids in swiftly grasping and retaining the main idea of the text.
  • Underline important words/phrases in the text: Another effective strategy for solving reading questions is to underline keywords or phrases in the text. This facilitates the identification of crucial details and statistics related to answers more efficiently.
  • Narrow reading: This approach involves focusing on reading multiple texts or materials within the same genre, topic, or by the same author. It accelerates vocabulary acquisition and comprehension of the subject matter by exposing readers to similar writing styles, vocabulary, and grammatical structures across materials.

1.2. Listening 

  • During listening practice, enhance your focus by taking notes on the main ideas as you listen. To stay on track and avoid distractions, use a pen to mark keywords in the questions.
  • Make sure to listen to the audio twice, complete exercises twice, and then check your answers against the script. Pay attention not only to the correct answers but also review distractors carefully to avoid repeating errors.
  • Practice shadowing by utilizing scripts to improve your speaking skills. Repeat the spoken text as closely as possible to the original, focusing on pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.

2. Speaking & Writing 

For Speaking and Writing skills, please apply the following practice methods and tips suggested by Prep:

2.1. Speaking

Don't just focus on sample answers from Cambridge IELTS 18 IELTS book, learn to naturally expand and develop ideas for Speaking answers. You can learn additional IELTS vocabulary by reading news, listening to reports, and researching other sources. This builds a vocabulary bank to develop answers more naturally.

Additionally, refer to suggestions, guidelines, and sample Speaking answers on the same topics provided in Prep's Virtual Speaking Room. Combine daily practice with 30-minute Virtual Speaking Room sessions for a companion to practice speaking with and get detailed feedback on answers.

2.2. Writing 

  • The "Box of Thoughts" is an exclusive method developed by Prep for decoding IELTS Writing questions. This method aids in analyzing the requirements of Writing tasks and structuring answers effectively. When applying this method, the question analysis and idea expression are presented in a table format, with separate sections clearly delineated, each box serving a distinct function.
  • Moreover, to effectively practice Cambridge IELTS 18 Writing questions, students are encouraged to utilize Prep's upcoming Virtual Writing Room (VWR). In this virtual environment, students will be guided through the Process Writing method. The Process Writing approach in VWR focuses on the step-by-step creation of a complete piece of writing. Specifically, students will engage in multiple stages of self-reflection, including reading the question and brainstorming ideas independently. In cases where students lack ideas or seek guidance, they can access sample outlines and make decisions regarding their writing direction based on teacher suggestions.

By applying these answer methods, your Cambridge IELTS 18-question practice results are sure to be elevated.

V. Do Cambridge IELTS 18 sample tests with Test Practice Prep 

Practicing Cambridge IELTS 18 IELTS sample tests with Test Practice Prep is a highly effective preparation method for students to apply.

  • For Speaking practice, students can benefit from spending 30 minutes daily in the Virtual Speaking Room, where they can interact with quality speaking partners. Utilizing advanced AI technology, students receive comprehensive feedback that identifies strengths and mistakes, with detailed pronunciation scoring down to individual phonemes. This consistent practice can noticeably improve pronunciation and speaking skills within just 60 days.
  • To enhance Listening skills, Prep offers an extensive question bank that is regularly updated to mirror the actual exam format. Questions come with detailed explanatory answers and full transcripts, and the online practice environment closely simulates the real exam, effectively boosting Listening band scores.
  • In terms of Reading practice, Prep's Reading question system closely mirrors actual exam questions, sourced from reputable banks including the Cambridge series. Detailed explanatory answers help students learn from their mistakes and improve their Reading abilities.
  • For Writing practice, the Writing question bank is regularly updated to reflect actual exam formats and covers a range of diverse topics. Sample answers are provided to inspire students and offer ideas for crafting their responses. Additionally, the upcoming Virtual Writing Room allows students to practice and receive extremely high-quality, detailed feedback on their writing, which can visibly raise band scores.

Continuing Cambridge IELTS 18 practice alongside Prep's supportive technologies is a winning combination for students aiming to achieve high scores on the IELTS exam.

VI. Tips for practicing the complete set of Cambridge IELTS 18 PDF during the final stage 

Tips for practicing the complete set of Cambridge IELTS 18 PDF during the final stage
Tips for practicing the complete set of Cambridge IELTS 18 PDF during the final stage 

Here are some effective tips for practicing Cambridge IELTS 18 test sets that you should take note of:

1. Repeat the test multiple times

You can make use of the opportunity to practice and repeat the test multiple times, at least twice. After each attempt, you will remember the question format and the related knowledge of the topics in the test for a longer period. This is also a way for you to self-assess whether your score improves after the first attempt by checking the answers and doing it again for the second time.

To keep track of your overall progress in practicing the test sets, you can use a progress-tracking template provided by Ms. Trang Truong, the Academic Manager at Prep.



Score (Do the test + check your answer)

Test type (Identify the test type) 

Time taken 

Reason for mistakes (Find the reasons for the mistakes)


Cambridge 14 – Test 1 – Passage 1


Note completion 



Lack of vocabulary


Cambridge 14 – test 2 – Passage 1


TFNG/Table Complete 


Careless reading

For each skill, create a separate progress tracking table with the following basic fields:

  • Date: To track your consistency.
  • Material: To note the study materials and tests.
  • Score: To record your test results and see how many questions you answered correctly.
  • Test type: To identify the specific question types you struggle with and determine how to improve.
  • Time taken: To pay attention to time allocation during the test.
  • Reason for mistakes: To identify the reasons for your mistakes, find appropriate solutions, and avoid repeating the same errors.

In the Study Profile and Test History sections of Prep, you will also automatically store this information in the system when you have Prep accounts and courses. If you are studying with Prep, make use of this feature to effectively track your learning progress.

2. Time yourself as in a real exam

Every time you practice a Cambridge IELTS 18 test, take it seriously and stay focused. Prepare yourself mentally to time yourself during the test as if you were in an actual exam room. This way, your test results will be more accurate, and you will also become familiar with the exam environment.

3. Only check the answers after completing the test

Avoid solely focusing on checking the answers for Cambridge IELTS 18 beforehand. Only review the answers after you have completed the test. Regardless of whether your answers are correct or incorrect, and regardless of the score you achieve, it serves as an evaluation of your abilities.

After completing the test, carefully review the answers, analyze any distractors or alternative options, and pay close attention to the transcript. This will help you remember your mistakes and avoid repeating them in future exams. The transcript can be utilized effectively for vocabulary learning, speaking practice, and further exercises.

VII. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score 

These are the detailed tips regarding Cambridge IELTS 18 audio + PDF files and effective test preparation methods shared by Prep. If you’re aiming for IELTS excellence, explore these top-notch resources designed for high achievers below:

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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