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10+ Core Business Plan Vocabulary in TOEIC That Learners Should Note

One of the vocabulary themes that frequently appears with high occurrence in TOEIC is Business Plan Vocabulary. To help you learn vocabulary better, PREP has compiled for you a set of 10+ Business Plan terms that you need to pay attention to.

10+ Core Business Plan Vocabulary in TOEIC That Learners Should Note
10+ Core Business Plan Vocabulary in TOEIC That Learners Should Note

I. Some Common Business Plan Vocabulary

Some Common Business Plan Vocabulary

Below is a compilation of Business Plan terminology that frequently appears in TOEIC exams:


Word (Pronunciation)




Prepare (/prɪˈpeə(r)/)

to make something or somebody ready for a particular purpose or event

We are preparing a presentation to present to the director.


Gather (/ˈɡæðə(r)/)

to collect information from different places

Before making a report, you need to gather enough information and turn it into your idea.


Evaluate (/ɪˈvæljueɪt/)

to judge or calculate the quality, importance, or value of something

Jane's report was highly evaluated by the board.


Strength (/streŋkθ/)

a good quality or ability that makes someone or something effective or successful

We need to find our strengths to leverage them in the future.


Weakness (/ˈwiːknəs/)

a fault or lack of something that means that a person or thing is not strong or effective

Let's learn from our weaknesses to learn for the next time.


Opportunity (/ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/)

a situation or occasion that makes it possible to do something

We have the opportunity to propose ideas to the board of directors.


Threat (/θret/)

a person or thing that is likely to cause harm or danger

To deal with threats from hostile companies, you need to budget.


Avoid (/əˈvɔɪd/)

to keep away from something or stop yourself from doing something

In order to avoid losses for the company, the board of directors asked the departments to calculate carefully.


Address (/əˈdres/)

to deal with or try to solve a problem

We address some problems by offering new solutions.


Proposal (/prəˈpəʊzl/)

a plan or suggestion that is made formally to an official person or group

Luckily, their proposals were approved.

II. Methods for Learning Business Plan Vocabulary

1. Applying Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve to Vocabulary Memorization

Applying Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve to Vocabulary Memorization

Hermann Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve theory indicates that any new information we encounter is initially stored in short-term memory. If not repeated or used frequently, this information will quickly be forgotten. After 1 hour, people can forget more than half of the information absorbed; after 1 week, only about 20% of knowledge remains.

Remembering knowledge is important, but deeply understanding and applying acquired knowledge is more important. To apply learned knowledge, we need to understand how the brain operates to use that knowledge. Scientific research shows that learning is most effective when the brain forms information chunks.

Information chunks are how the brain connects necessary information for future use. The more information is chained together, the more the depth of learning improves. For example, when you learn a Business Plan Vocabulary term, you will understand it better if you connect it with different contexts of use, such as when writing essays, reading books, or seeing it in a movie.

2. Learning Toeic Vocabulary Through Flashcards

Learning Toeic Vocabulary Through Flashcards

2.1. Learning with Self-Made Flashcards

Learners can buy white or colored cardstock (not too dark) and cut it to a size they find comfortable (hand-sized, equivalent to a playing card).

You can follow the guidelines in the image below to create flashcards for Business Plan Vocabulary. Note that you should include all the content shown in the image to effectively utilize this method. For sentence creation, you should create multiple sentences with similar contexts using different word forms. The purpose of creating sentences is to help you remember how to use the word, so creating sentences with too many different contexts may make it harder to memorize.

2.2. Learning Vocabulary Through Applications

Memrise: Memrise is designed with lessons that feel like an exciting adventure. While traditional flashcards only allow you to see English vocabulary and its meaning, this app allows learners to absorb new words more effectively. Notably, each word comes with fun images and specific memory tips.

Moreover, Memrise allows you to test your proficiency and regularly helps you recall previously learned Business Plan Vocabulary. For difficult words, you can mark them as "challenge words" to get additional support from Memrise in learning them. However, a disadvantage of this software is that you cannot create your own vocabulary lists.

Tiny Cards by Duolingo: Duolingo - a currently very popular English learning app - uses a learner-friendly English test preparation method. Tiny Cards is also a Duolingo application and shares the same teaching approach.

Tinycards allows you to study in word groups that you can combine according to your own style. Tinycards lets you share your vocabulary, enabling you to learn English together with your friends.

3. Regular Practice Through Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing

Regular Practice Through Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing

Improving vocabulary through listening skills: Listening helps readers get information about vocabulary usage, such as pronunciation and relationships with other sentence components. Therefore, learning vocabulary through listening comprehension is a major advantage in overcoming vocabulary challenges.

Improving vocabulary through reading skills: We have many reading comprehension texts about various areas of social life, from politics, economics, and science to cuisine, beauty, and art... Each field has different vocabulary sets. Reading extensively across many topics not only helps you learn more about the world around you but is also an extremely effective way to learn Business Plan Vocabulary.

Improving vocabulary through speaking skills: Learning is essentially an internal process, so to learn a new vocabulary word, you need to enter the world of your inner voice. Listen to a Business Plan Vocabulary word or phrase once. Then, close your eyes and start listening to that word in your head. Next, let those vocabulary words echo in your head a few more times. Finally, read the vocabulary aloud and record it to check yourself.

Improving vocabulary through writing skills: Write down all the Business Plan Vocabulary you need to remember or place them in specific sentences. This will help you understand more about the meaning of the vocabulary. You can ask friends or teachers to help correct grammar or spelling errors in your English sentences.

With this compilation of Business Plan Vocabulary and the vocabulary learning tips above, PREP hopes to have helped you accumulate more knowledge. Therefore, apply these vocabulary learning methods to improve your language proficiency.


CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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