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A complete and accurate collection of B1 vocabulary by topic

English vocabulary is divided into 6 levels, corresponding sequentially to A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2. Among them, B1 vocabulary has medium difficulty. For English learners at the B1 level, mastering vocabulary will help them have a solid foundation to understand and use in common situations. In this article, PREP will help you compile the B1 vocabulary in a PDF file. Let’s check them out!

A complete and accurate collection of B1 vocabulary by topic
A complete and accurate collection of B1 vocabulary by topic

I. A collection of B1 vocabulary by topic

PREP has thoroughly collected and compiled the most complete collection of B1 vocabulary. In addition, meanings, types of words, and examples are fully provided so that you can better understand these words!

1. Clothes and Accessories

First of all, let’s dive into B1 English vocabulary related to clothes and accessories, which is a familiar topic to us.

B1 vocabulary: Clothes and Accessories
B1 vocabulary: Clothes and Accessories

B1-level English words: Clothes and Accessories

Backpack (n): a bag that you carry on your back, made of strong material and often used by people who go climbing or walking

Pullover (v): a knitted piece of clothing made of wool or cotton for the upper part of the body, with long sleeves and no buttons

Underwear (n): clothes that you wear under other clothes and next to the skin

Handkerchief (n): a small piece of material or paper that you use for blowing your nose, etc.

Button (n): a small round piece of metal, plastic, etc. that is sewn onto a piece of clothing and used for fastening two parts together

Silk (n): fine soft thread produced by silkworms

Underpants (n): a piece of men’s underwear worn under their trousers

T-shirt (n): an informal shirt, usually with short sleeves (= arms) no collar or buttons, or just a few buttons at the top

Collar (n): the part around the neck of a shirt, jacket or coat that usually folds down

Sleeve (n): a part of a piece of clothing that covers all or part of your arm

Jeans (n): trousers made of denim (= a type of strong cotton)

Sandal (n): a type of light open shoe that is worn in warm weather. The top part consists of leather bands that fasten the sole to your foot.

Cotton (n): a plant grown in warm countries for the soft white hairs around its seeds that are used to make cloth and thread

Stripe (n): a long narrow line of colour, that is a different colour from the areas next to it

Kit (n): a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose

Sweatshirt (n): a piece of clothing for the upper part of the body, with long sleeves, usually made of thick cotton and often worn for sports

Fasten (v): to close or join together the two parts of something; to become closed or joined together

Pants (n) : trousers

Knit (v): to make clothes, etc. from wool, cotton or other thread using two long thin knitting needles or a machine

Umbrella (n): an object with a round folding frame of long, straight pieces of metal covered with material, that you use to protect yourself from the rain or from hot sun

Fold (n): to bend something, especially paper or cloth, so that one part lies on top of another part

Tracksuit (n): a warm, loose pair of trousers and matching jacket worn for sports practice or as informal clothes

Label (n): a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to something and that gives information about it

Undress (v): to take off your clothes; to remove somebody else’s clothes

2. Communications and Technology

The next topic is technology. Let’s discover the B1 level vocabulary of this topic with PREP!

B1 vocabulary: Communications and Technology
B1 vocabulary: Communications and Technology

B1 vocabulary topic: Communications and Technology

Computer age (n): the era characterized by the widespread use and integration of computers into various aspects of society, including work, communication, and daily life 

Access (v): the opportunity or right to use something or to see somebody/something

Server (n): a computer program that controls or supplies information to several computers connected in a network; the main computer on which this program is run

Hardware (n): the machines and electronic parts in a computer or other electronic system

Social media (n): websites and software programs used for social networking  

Blogger (n): a person who writes a blog

Headline (n): the title of a news article printed in large letters, especially at the top of the front page on a newspaper or the home page on a news website

Advanced (n): having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc.

Online banking (n): the digital platform provided by financial institutions that allows customers to conduct various banking transactions and services over the internet

Blog (n): a website where an individual person, or people representing an organization, write regularly about recent events or topics that interest them, usually with photos and links to other websites that they find interesting

Homepage (n): the main page created by a company, an organization, etc. on the internet from which connections to other pages can be made

User-friendly (adj): easy for people who are not experts to use or understand 

Technology (n):scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry, for example in designing new machines

Calculator (n): a small electronic device or piece of software for calculating with numbers

Install (v): to fix equipment or furniture into position so that it can be used

Reliable (adj): that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on

Smartphone (n): a mobile phone that also has some of the functions of a computer, for example the facility to use apps and the internet 

Call (v): to give somebody/something a particular name; to use a particular name or title when you are talking to somebody

Invent (v): to produce or design something that has not existed before

Affordable (adj): cheap enough that people can afford to pay it or buy it

Tablet (n): a small computer that is easy to carry, with a large touch screen and usually without a physical keyboard

Delete (v): to remove something that has been written or printed, or that has been stored on a computer

Parcel (n): something that is wrapped in paper or put into a thick envelope so that it can be sent by mail, carried easily or given as a present

Sustainable (adj):involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

Application (n): a formal (often written) request for something, such as a job, permission to do something or a place at a college or university

Dial (v): the round part on some older phones, with holes for the fingers, that you move around to call a particular number

Password (n): a series of letters, numbers, etc. that you must type into a computer or computer system in order to be able to use it

Powerful (adj): being able to control and influence people and events

Equipment (n): the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity

Engaged (v): having agreed to marry somebody

Reply (v): to say or write something as an answer to somebody/something

Compact (adj): smaller than is usual for things of the same kind

Connect: to join together two or more things; to be joined together

Creative (adj): involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce something new or a work of art

Line (n): a long, thin mark on a surface

Direct (adj): going in the straightest line between two places without stopping or changing direction

3. Education

Education is a very common topic that is certainly impossible to be absent from the B1 vocabulary list. Let's explore with PREP to see which vocabulary words in the topic of Education are listed below!

B1 vocabulary: Education
B1 vocabulary: Education

B1 level words: Education

Kindergarten (n) : a school or class to prepare children aged five for school

Intermediate (adj): located between two places, things, states, etc.

absent (adj): not in a place because of illness, etc.

Review (v): a report in a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet, television or radio, in which somebody gives their opinion of a book, play, film, product, etc.; the act of writing this kind of report

primary school (n): a school for children between the ages of 4 or 5 and 11

Advanced (n): having the most modern and recently developed ideas, methods, etc.

Qualification (n): an exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have successfully completed

Memorise (v): to learn something carefully so that you can remember it exactly

junior high school (n): a school for young people between the ages of 12 and 14

Bell (n): a hollow metal object, often like a cup in shape, that makes a ringing sound when hit by a small piece of metal inside it; the sound that it makes

Laboratory (n): a room or building used for scientific research, experiments, testing, etc.

Explore (v): to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it

University (n): an institution at the highest level of education where you can study for a degree or do research

Coach (n): a person who trains a person or team in sport

Register (v): to record your/somebody’s/something’s name on an official list

Develop (v): to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make something do this

College (n) : a place where students go to study or to receive training after they have left school

Certificate (n) : an official document that may be used to prove that the facts it states are true

Research (v): a careful study of a subject, especially in order to discover new facts or information about it

Encourage (v) : to give somebody support, courage or hope

Secondary school (n): a school for young people between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18

Composition (n):  the different parts that something is made of; how the different parts are organized

Subject (n): a thing or person that is being discussed, described or dealt with

Join (v):  to fix or connect two or more things together

Education (n): a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools, colleges or universities, to improve knowledge and develop skills

Curriculum (n): the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college, etc.

Economics (n): the study of how a society organizes its money, trade and industry

Handwriting (n): writing that is done with a pen or pencil, not printed or typed

Knowledge (n): the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience

Diploma (n): a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam or finished your studies

Literature (n): written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic value

Homework (n): work that teachers give their students to do at home

Skill (n): an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it

Drama (n): a type of film or TV programme that tells an exciting and generally serious story, as opposed to one that is mainly intended to be funny or entertaining

Test (n): a way of discovering, by questions or practical activities, what someone knows, or what someone or something can do or is like

Information (n):  facts about a situation, person, event, etc.

Lecture (n): a formal talk on a serious subject given to a group of people, especially students 

Midterm (n): in the middle of the period when a government is in office

Attend (v): to go to an event, place, etc.

Instructions (n): advice and information about how to do or use something, often written in a book or on the side of a container

Essay (n): a short piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one done by students as part of the work for a course

Technology (n): (the study and knowledge of) the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries

History (n): past events considered together, especially events of a particular period, country, or subject

Examiner (n): someone whose job is to decide how well someone has done in an examination

4. Entertainment and Media

Coming up is Social Media - an indispensable topic today. Let's delve into it with PREP and discover the range of vocabulary for B1 associated with this subject, shall we?

B1 vocabulary: Entertainment and Media
B1 vocabulary: Entertainment and Media

B1 vocabulary: Entertainment and Media

Social media (n): websites and software programs used for social networking

Act (v): to do something for a particular purpose or in order to deal with a situation

Interval (n): a period of time between two events

Timely (adv): happening at exactly the right time

Advertising (n): the activity and industry of advertising things to people on television, in newspapers, on the Internet, etc.

Admission (n): the act of accepting somebody into an institution, organization, etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization

Interviewer (n): the person who asks the questions in an interview

Wide-reaching (adj): widespread 

Digital marketing (n): When businesses leverage internet technologies to deliver promotional advertisements to consumers 

Advert (n): a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or service

Journalist (n): a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or online news sites

Inform (v): to tell somebody about something, especially in an official way

Campaign (n): a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim

Article (n): a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, on a website, etc.

Orchestra (n): a large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor

Publish (v): to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the public

Coverage (n): the reporting of news and sport in the media

Audience (n): the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something (a play, concert, somebody speaking, etc.)

Record (v): a written account of something that is kept so that it can be looked at and used in the future

Report (v): a written or spoken account of an event, especially one that is published or broadcast

E-commerce (n): business that is conducted on the internet

Ballet (n): a style of dancing that tells a dramatic story with music but no talking or singing

Analyze (v): to examine the nature or structure of something, especially by separating it into its parts, in order to understand or explain it

Explore (v): to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it

Podcast (n): a digital audio file that can be taken from the internet and played on a computer or a device that you can carry with you

Circus (n):a group of people, sometimes with trained animals, who perform acts with skill in a show that travels around to different places

Subscribe (v): to pay an amount of money regularly in order to receive or use something

Trend (n):a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing

Article (n): a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine, on a website, etc.

Comedy (n): a play, film or TV show that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending; plays, films and TV shows of this type

Create (v): to make something happen or exist

Viewer (n): a person watching television or a video on the internet

Press (v): newspapers and magazines

Display (v): to put something in a place where people can see it easily; to show something to people

Comment (v): to express an opinion about something

Audience (n): the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to something (a play, concert, somebody speaking, etc.) 

Newsfeed (n):a service that provides regular news to be broadcast or distributed on the internet

Documentary (n): a film or a radio or television programme giving facts about something

Engross (adj): if something engrosses you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention and time

Content (n): the things that are contained in something

Festival (n): a series of performances of music, plays, films, etc., usually organized in the same place once a year; a series of public events connected with a particular activity or idea

Exhibition (n): a collection of things, for example works of art, that are shown to the public

Headphones (n): a piece of equipment consisting of two earphones joined by a band across the head that makes it possible to listen to music, the radio, etc. without other people hearing it

Guitarist (n): a person who plays the guitar

5. Environment

Let’s check out which environment-related words fall into the B1 category!

B1 vocabulary:  Environment
B1 vocabulary:  Environment

B1 vocabulary: Environment

Pollution (n): the process of making air, water, soil, etc. dirty; the state of being dirty

Save (v): to keep somebody/something safe from death, harm, loss, etc.

Recycling (v):the process of treating things that have already been used so that they can be used again 

Pollutant (n): a substance that pollutes something, especially air and water

Danger (n): the possibility of something happening that will injure, harm or kill somebody, or damage or destroy something

Change (v): to become different

Biodiversity (n): the existence of a large number of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment

Environment (n): the natural world in which people, animals and plants live 

Planet (n): a large round object in space that moves around a star (such as the sun) and receives light from it

Conserve (v): to protect something and prevent it from being changed or destroyed

Deforestation (n): the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area

Climate (n): the regular pattern of weather conditions of a particular place

Greenhouse (n): a building with glass sides and a glass roof for growing plants in

Protect (v): to make sure that somebody/something is not harmed, injured, damaged, etc.

Rubbish (n): things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them

Wildlife (n): animals, birds, insects, etc. that are wild and live in a natural environment

Ecosystem (n): all the plants and living creatures in a particular area considered in relation to their physical environment

Leaf (n): a flat green part of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or from the root

Natural resource (n): any of the materials such as water, coal, and wood that exist in nature and can be used by people

Energy (n): the strength, effort and enthusiasm required for physical or mental activity, work, etc.

6. Food and Drink

Moving on to the topic of food & drinks, let's explore with PREP to see which words are related to this topic!

B1 vocabulary: Food and Drink
B1 vocabulary: Food and Drink

B1 vocabulary: Food and Drink

Lettuce (n): a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw, especially in salad. There are many types of lettuce.

Herbs (n): a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to add taste to food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. parsley, mint and oregano are all herbs.

Peanut (n): a nut that grows underground in a thin shell

Vegetarian (n): a person who does not eat meat or fish

Cucumber (n): a long vegetable with dark green skin that is light green inside, usually eaten raw

Coconut (n): the large nut of a tropical tree called a coconut palm. It grows inside a hard shell and contains a soft white substance that can be eaten and juice that can be drunk.

Pineapple (n): a large tropical fruit with thick rough skin and stiff leaves on top, that is sweet and yellow inside with a lot of juice

Sandwich (n): two slices of bread, often spread with butter, with a layer of meat, cheese, etc. between them

Delicious (adj): having a very pleasant taste or smell

Ingredients (n): one of the things from which something is made, especially one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish

Salmon (n): a large fish that has silver skin and is pink inside and is used for food. Salmon live in the sea but swim up rivers to lay their eggs.

Strawberry (n): enlarge imagea soft red fruit with very small yellow seeds on the surface, that grows on a low plant

Flavour (n): how food or drink tastes

Jam (n): a thick sweet substance made by boiling fruit with sugar, often sold in jars and spread on bread

Sausage (n): a mixture of meat, fat, bread, etc. cut into small pieces, put into a long tube of skin, cooked and eaten whole or served cold in thin slices

Recipe (n): a set of instructions that tells you how to cook something and the ingredients (= items of food) you need for it

Fresh (adj): recently produced or picked and not frozen, dried or preserved in tins or cans

Jug (n): a container with a handle and a lip, for holding and pouring liquids

Spinach (n):a vegetable with large, dark-green leaves that are cooked or eaten in salads

Watermelon (n): a type of large melon, with hard, dark-green skin, that is red inside and has black seeds

7. Body & Health

The next theme is body & health. Let’s check out which words of this theme fall into the B1 category!

B1 vocabulary: Body & Health
B1 vocabulary: Body & Health

B1 vocabulary: Body & Health

Body (n): the whole physical structure of a human or an animal

Avoid (v): to prevent something bad from happening

Knee (n): the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle

Restful (adj):that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful

Chin (n): the part of the face below the mouth and above the neck

Fitness (n): the state of being physically healthy and strong

Medicine (n): the study and treatment of diseases and injuries

Energised (adj): to make somebody enthusiastic about something

Bone (n): any of the hard parts that form the skeleton of the body of a human or an animal

Breath (v): the air that you take into your lungs and send out again

Injure (v): to harm yourself or somebody else physically, especially in an accident

Refreshed (adj): to make somebody feel less tired or less hot

Fitness (n): the state of being physically healthy and strong

Chemist (n): a person whose job is to prepare and sell medicines, and who works in a shop

Patient (adj): a person who is receiving medical treatment, especially in a hospital

Stress-free (adj): not stressful

Ankle (n): the joint connecting the foot to the leg; the narrow part of the leg just above the ankle joint

Control (v): the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization, etc. is run

Pharmacy (n): a shop, or part of one, that sells medicines and drugs

Vigorous (adj): very active, determined or full of energy

Thumb (n): the short, thick finger at the side of the hand, slightly apart from the other four

Quit (v): to leave your job, school, etc.

Pill (n): a small flat round piece of medicine that you swallow whole, without biting it

Holistic (adj): considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts

Shoulder (n): either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck

Hydrate (v): to make something/somebody take in and hold water

Prescription (n): an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and which enables you to get it from a chemist's

Calming (Adj): to make somebody/something become quiet and more relaxed, especially after strong emotion or excitement

Skin (n): the layer of tissue that covers the body

Reduce (v): to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.; to become less or smaller in size, quantity, etc.

Recover (v): to get well again after being ill, hurt, etc.

Sleep (v): to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active

Knee (n): the joint between the top and bottom parts of the leg where it bends in the middle

Aspirin (n): a drug used to reduce pain, high temperature and inflammation

Shoulder (n): either of the two parts of the body between the top of each arm and the neck

Rest (v):  to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness; to not use a part of your body for some time

Wellness (n): the state of being healthy, especially when you actively try to achieve this

Bleed (n): to lose blood, especially from a wound or an injury

Skin (n): the layer of tissue that covers the body

Relax (v): to rest while you are doing something that you enjoy, especially after work or effort

Diet (n): the food and drink that you eat and drink regularly

Active (adj): always busy doing things, especially physical activities

Stress (n): pressure or worry caused by problems in somebody’s life or by having too much to do

Fit (v): to be the right shape and size for somebody/something 

Weight (n): how heavy somebody/something is, which can be measured in, for example, kilograms or pounds

Sleep (v): to rest with your eyes closed and your mind and body not active

Danger (n): the possibility of something happening that will injure, harm or kill somebody, or damage or destroy something

Emergency (n): a sudden serious and dangerous event or situation that needs immediate action to deal with it

Body (n): the whole physical structure of a human or an animal

Meditate (v): to focus your mind, usually in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm

Diet (v): the food and drink that you eat and drink regularly

Fever (n): a medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal

Mind (n): the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel

Illness (n): the state of being physically or mentally ill

Damage (v): to have a bad or harmful effect on something/somebody

Gymnastics (n): physical exercises, often using special equipment, that develop and show the body’s strength and ability to move and bend easily, often done as a sport in competitions

8. Hobbies and Leisure

Let’s discover which B1 vocabulary is related to hobbies and leisure!

B1 vocabulary: Hobbies and Leisure
B1 vocabulary: Hobbies and Leisure

B1 vocabulary B1: Hobbies and Leisure

Camp (v): to put up a tent and live in it for a short time

Nightlife (n): entertainment that is available in the evening and at night

Facilities (n): buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are provided for a particular purpose

Holiday (n): a period of time when you are not at work or school

Campsite (n): a place where people on holiday can put up their tents, park their caravan, etc., often with toilets, water, etc.

Musician (n): a person who plays a musical instrument or writes music, especially as a job

Fan (n): a machine that creates a current of air

Jog (v): to run slowly and steadily for a long time, especially for exercise

Club (n): an organization for people who share an interest or do a sport or activity together

Party (n): a social occasion, often in a person’s home, at which people eat, drink, talk, dance and enjoy themselves

Festival (n):a series of performances of music, plays, films, etc., usually organized in the same place once a year; a series of public events connected with a particular activity or idea

Membership (n): the state of being a member of a group, a club, an organization, etc.

Collection (n):a group of objects, often of the same sort, that have been collected

Quiz (v): a competition or game in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge

Fiction (n): a type of literature that describes imaginary people and events, not real ones

Model (n): a copy of something, usually smaller than the original object

Computer (n): an electronic machine that can store, organize and find information, do processes with numbers and other data, and control other machines

Sculpture (n): a work of art that is a solid figure or object made by carving or shaping wood, stone, clay, metal, etc.

Gallery (n): a room or building for showing works of art, especially to the public

Tent (n): a shelter made of a large sheet of canvas, nylon, etc. that is supported by poles and ropes fixed to the ground, and is used especially for camping

Cruise (n): a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday

Sunbathe (v): to sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to go brown (get a suntan)

Hire (v): to give somebody a job

Dance (v): to move your body to the sound and rhythm of music

9. House and Hometown

The next topic is hometown. Let’s check which B1 vocabulary falls into this topic with PREP!

B1 vocabulary: House and Hometown
B1 vocabulary: House and Hometown

B1 vocabulary: House and Home

Coastal city (n): the city that is located near the sea 

Close-knit (Adj): having strong relationships with each other and taking a close, friendly interest in each other’s activities and problems

Candle (n): a round stick of wax with a piece of string (called a wick) through the middle that is lit to give light as it burns

Oven (n): the part of a cooker that is like a box with a door on the front, in which food is cooked or heated

Skyscrapers (n): a very tall building in a city

Cultural (adj): connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, beliefs, etc.

Central (adj): in the centre of an area or object

Pipe (n): a tube through which liquids and gases can flow

Landscape (n): everything you can see when you look across a large area of land, especially in the country

Traditional (adj): being part of the beliefs, customs or way of life of a particular group of people, that have not changed for a long time

Cottage (n): a small house, especially in the country

Remote control (n): a device that allows you to operate a television, etc. from a distance

Neighbourhood (n : a district or an area of a town; the people who live there

Explore (v):  to travel to or around an area or a country in order to learn about it

Cushion (n): a cloth bag filled with soft material or feathers that is used, for example, to make a seat more comfortable

Repair (v): to fix something that is broken, damaged or torn

Culture (n : the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group

Miss (n): used before the family name, or the first and family names, of a woman who is not married, in order to speak or write to her politely

Dishwasher (n): a machine for washing plates, cups, etc.

Sink (n): a large open container in a kitchen that has taps to supply water and that you use for washing dishes in

Historic (Adj): important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future

Discover (v): to be the first person to become aware that a particular place or thing exists

Dustbin (n): a large container with a lid (= cover), used for putting rubbish in, usually kept outside the house

Table (n): a piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs

Vibrant (adj): full of life and energy

Cherish (adj):  to love somebody/something very much and want to protect them or it

Entrance (n): a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place

Vase (n): a container made of glass, etc., used for holding cut flowers or as an attractive object

Welcoming (adj): friendly towards somebody who is visiting or arriving

Neighbour (n): a person who lives next to you or near you

Flat (n): a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

Alarm (n): a loud noise or a signal that warns people of danger or of a problem

Cozy (adj): warm, comfortable and safe, especially in a small space 

Locate (v): to find the exact position of somebody/something

Floor (n): the surface of a room that you walk on

Antique (n): old and often valuable

Lively (adj): full of life and energy; active and enthusiastic

Accommodation (n): a place to live, work or stay in

Garage (n): a building for keeping one or more cars or other vehicles in

Balcony (n):a platform that is built on the upstairs outside wall of a building, with a wall or rail around it. You can get out onto a balcony from an upstairs room.

Bell (n): a hollow metal object, often like a cup in shape, that makes a ringing sound when hit by a small piece of metal inside it; the sound that it makes

air conditioning (n): a system that cools and dries the air in a building or car

Gate (n): a barrier like a door that is used to close an opening in a fence or a wall outside a building

Basin (n):a large bowl that has taps and is fixed to the wall in a bathroom, used for washing your hands and face in

Bin (n): a container that you put waste in

Blind (adj): not able to see

Grill (n): the part of a cooker that directs heat downwards to cook food that is placed under it

Kettle (n): a container with a lid, a handle and a spout, used for boiling water

Jug (n): a container with a handle and a lip, for holding and pouring liquids

Block (n): a large piece of a solid material that is square or rectangular in shape and usually has flat sides

Heat (n): the quality of being hot

Ladder (n): a piece of equipment for climbing up and down a wall, the side of a building, etc., consisting of two lengths of wood or metal that are joined together by steps or rungs

Iron (n): a chemical element. Iron is a hard strong metal that is used to make steel and is also found in small quantities in blood and food.

Bucket (n): an open container with a handle, used for carrying or holding liquids, sand, etc.

Housework (n): the work involved in taking care of a home and family, for example cleaning and cooking

Lift (n): a machine that carries people or goods up and down to different levels in a building or a mine

10. Language

The next theme is languages. Let’s accompany PREP to discover which language-related words are in the B1 level!

B1 vocabulary: Language
B1 vocabulary: Language

B1 vocabulary: Language

Answer (v): to say, write or do something as a reaction to a question or situation

Joke (n): something that you say or do to make people laugh, for example a funny story that you tell

Pronounce (v): to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way

Translate (v): to express the meaning of speech or writing in a different language

Argue (v): to speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them

Mean (v): to have something as a meaning in the same or another language

Say (v): to speak or tell somebody something, using words

Alphabet (n): a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used for writing a language

Ask (v): to say or write something in the form of a question, in order to get information

Mention (v): to write or speak about something/somebody, especially without giving much information

Shout (v): to say something in a loud voice; to speak loudly/angrily to somebody

National (adj): connected with a particular nation; shared by a whole nation

11. Personal Feelings, Opinions

How would we express human emotions, viewpoints, and character traits? Let's explore some B1-level words related to this topic together with PREP!

B1 vocabulary: Personal Feelings, Opinions
B1 vocabulary: Personal Feelings, Opinions

B1 vocabulary: Personal Feelings, Opinions

Amazed (adj): very surprised

Charming (adj): very pleasant or attractive

Depressed (adj): very sad and without hope

Generous (adj): giving or willing to give freely; given freely

Amusing (adj): funny and giving pleasure

Cheerful (adj): happy, and showing it by the way that you behave

Different (adj): not the same as somebody/something; not like somebody/something else

Gentle (adj): calm and kind; doing things in a quiet and careful way

Annoyed (adj): slightly angry

Confident (adj): feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful

Difficult (adj): not easy; needing effort or skill to do or to understand 

Relaxed (adj): calm and not anxious or worried

Anxious (adj): feeling worried or nervous

Confused (adj): unable to think clearly or to understand what is happening or what somebody is saying

Disappointed (adj): upset because something you hoped for has not happened or been as good, successful, etc. as you expected

Rude (adj): having or showing a lack of respect for other people and their feelings

Ashamed (adj): feeling shame or feeling embarrassed about somebody/something or because of something you have done

Confusing (adj): difficult to understand; not clear

Embarrassed (adj): shy, uncomfortable or ashamed, especially in a social situation

Satisfied (adj): pleased because you have achieved something or because something that you wanted to happen has happened

Brave (adj): willing to do things that are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid

Cool (adj): fairly cold; not hot or warm

Enjoyable (adj): giving pleasure

Serious (adj): bad or dangerous

Brilliant (adj): extremely clever or impressive

Cruel (adj): having a desire to cause physical or mental pain and make somebody suffer

Excited (adj): feeling or showing happiness and enthusiasm

Smart (adj): looking clean and neat; well dressed in fashionable and/or formal clothes

Calm (adj): not excited, nervous or upset

Curious (adj): having a strong desire to know about something

Famous (adj): known about by many people

Stupid (adj): showing a lack of thought or good judgement

Challenging (adj): difficult in an interesting way that tests your ability

Delighted (adj): very pleased

Frightened (adj): afraid; feeling fear

Typical (adj): having the usual qualities or features of a particular type of person, thing or group


12. Travel and Transportation

The next topic is travel. Let’s see which nouns, verbs, and adjectives related to this topic are of B1 level with PREP!

B1 vocabulary: Travel & Transportation
B1 vocabulary: Travel & Transportation

B1 vocabulary: Travel and Transportation

Baggage (n): bags, cases, etc. that contain somebody's clothes and things when they are traveling

Culture (n): the customs and beliefs, art, way of life and social organization of a particular country or group 

Border (n): the line that divides two countries or areas; the land near this line

Direction (n): the general position a person or thing moves or points towards

Transportation (n): a system for carrying people or goods from one place to another using vehicles, roads, etc.

Visa (n): a stamp or mark put in your passport by officials of a foreign country that gives you permission to enter, pass through or leave their country 

Brochure (n): a small magazine or book containing pictures and information about something or advertising something

Immigration (n): the process of coming to live permanently in a different country from the one you were born in; the number of people who do this

Hiking (n): the activity of going for long walks in the country for pleasure

Relax (v): to rest while you are doing something that you enjoy, especially after work or effort

Cabin (n): a small room on a ship in which you live or sleep

Lorry (n): a large vehicle for carrying heavy loads by road

Ecotourism (n): organized holidays that are designed so that the tourists damage the environment as little as possible, especially when some of the money they pay is used to protect the local environment and animals

Cultural (adj): connected with the culture of a particular society or group, its customs, beliefs, etc.

Coach (n): a person who trains a person or team in sport

Windscreen (n): the window across the front of a vehicle

Leisure travel (n): trips made for entertainment, recreation, relaxation, or personal enrichment

Safe (adj): protected from any danger, harm or loss

Confirm (v): to state or show that something is definitely true or correct, especially by providing evidence

Vehicle (n): a thing that is used for transporting people or goods from one place to another, such as a car or lorry

Short break (n): A short vacation or holiday

Unforgettable (adj): if something is unforgettable, you cannot forget it, usually because it is so beautiful, interesting, pleasant, etc.

Currency (n): the system of money that a country uses

Souvenir (n): a thing that you buy and/or keep to remind yourself of a place, an occasion or a holiday; something that you bring back for other people when you have been on holiday

Tourist trap (n): a place that attracts a lot of tourists and where food, drink, entertainment, etc. is more expensive than normal

Convenient (Adj): useful, easy or quick to do; not causing problems

Custom (n): an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community

Delay (v): a period of time when somebody/something has to wait because of a problem that makes something slow or late

Destination (n): a place to which somebody/something is going or being sent

Abroad (n): in or to a foreign country

Airline (n): a company that provides regular flights to take passengers and goods to different places

Depart (v): to leave a place, especially to start a trip

Sightseeing (n): the activity of visiting interesting buildings and places as a tourist




13. Sports

Sports is the next theme with lots of B1 vocabulary. PREP has compiled a list of words along with their pronunciation, meanings, and examples to deepen your understanding of each word.

B1 vocabulary: Sports
B1 vocabulary: Sports

B1 vocabulary: Sport

Skiing (n): the sport or activity of moving over snow on skis

Score (v): to win points, goals, etc. in a game or competition

Agile (adj):  able to move quickly and easily

Challenge (n): a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill

Gymnastics (n): physical exercises, often using special equipment, that develop and show the body’s strength and ability to move and bend easily, often done as a sport in competitions

Entertain  (v): to interest somebody or make somebody laugh in order to please them

Skilled (adj): having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be able to do something well

Champion (n): a person, team, etc. that has won a competition, especially in a sport

Athletics  (n): sports such as running, jumping and throwing that people compete in

Compete (v): to take part in a contest or game

Disciplined (n): trained to obey rules and orders and behave in a way that shows control

Coach (n):a person who trains a person or team in sport

Yoga (n): a Hindu philosophy that teaches you how to control your body and mind in the belief that you can become united with the spirit of the universe in this way

Run (v): to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk

Exciting (adj): causing great interest or excitement

Captain (n): the person in charge of a ship or commercial aircraft

Cycling: (n): the sport or activity of riding a bicycle

Shoot (v): to fire a gun or other weapon; to fire something from a weapon

Pass (v): to achieve the required standard in an exam, a test, etc.

Athletics (n): sports such as running, jumping and throwing that people compete in

Volleyball (n): a game in which two teams of six players use their hands to hit a large ball backwards and forwards over a high net while trying not to let the ball touch the ground on their own side

Pleasure (n): a state of feeling or being happy or satisfied

Athlete (n): a person who competes in sports

Goalkeeper (n): in football (soccer), hockey, etc.) a player whose job is to stop the ball from going into his or her own team’s goal

League (n): a group of sports teams who all play each other to earn points and find which team is best

Season (n): any of the four main periods of the year: spring, summer, autumn and winter

Contest (n): a competition in which people try to win something

Instructor (n): a person whose job is to teach somebody a practical skill or sport

14. Shopping

Next is the B1 vocabulary of shopping - a familiar topic. Let’s accompany PREP into diving into those words!

B1 vocabulary: Shopping
B1 vocabulary: Shopping

B1 vocabulary: Shopping

Advertise (v):  to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use it

Exchange (v): to give something to somebody and at the same time receive the same type of thing from them

Mall (n): a large building or covered area that has many shops, restaurants, etc. inside it

Store (n): a large shop that sells many different types of goods

Bargain (v): to discuss prices, conditions, etc. with somebody in order to reach an agreement that is acceptable

Label (n): a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to something and that gives information about it

Reasonable (adj): fair, practical, and sensible

Luxury (n): the fact of enjoying special and expensive things, particularly food and drink, clothes and places

Complain (v): to say that you are annoyed, unhappy or not satisfied about somebody/something

Logo (n): a printed design or symbol that a company or an organization uses as its special sign

Reduce (v): to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.; to become less or smaller in size, quantity, etc.

Reserve (v): to ask for a seat, table, room, etc. to be available for you or somebody else at a future time

credit card (n): a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods and services and pay for them later




15. Work

Let’s check out B1 vocabulary related to work - a familiar topic in daily life with PREP!

B1 vocabulary: Work
B1 vocabulary: Work

B1 vocabulary: Work

Architect (n): a person whose job is designing buildings

Achieve (v): to succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time 

Organise (v): to make all the arrangements for something to happen or be provided

Career (n): the series of jobs that a person has in a particular area of work, usually involving more responsibility as time passes

Astronaut (n): a person whose job involves traveling and working in a spacecraft

Canteen (n):  a place where food and drink are served in a factory, a school, etc.

Communicate (v): to share or exchange information, news, ideas, feelings, etc.

Director (n): one of a group of senior managers who run a company

Assistant (n): a person who helps or supports somebody, usually in their job

Challenge (n): a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill

Manage (v): to control or be in charge of a business, a team, an organization, land, etc.

Duty (n): something that you feel you have to do because it is your moral or legal responsibility

Butcher (n): a person whose job is cutting up and selling meat in a shop or killing animals for this purpose

Detective (n):a person, especially a police officer, whose job is to investigate crimes and catch criminals

Develop (v): to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make something do this

Skill (n): the ability to do something well

Candidate (n): a person who is trying to be elected or is applying for a job

Contract (n): an official written agreement

Achieve (v): to succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time

Training (n): the process of learning the skills that you need to do a job

Employee (n): a person who is paid to work for somebody

Reward (v): a thing that you are given because you have done something good, worked hard, etc.

Challenge (v): a new or difficult task that tests somebody’s ability and skill

Apply (v):to make a formal request, usually in writing, for something such as a job, a loan, permission for something, a place at a university, etc.

Journalist (n): a person whose job is to collect and write news stories for newspapers, magazines, radio, television or online news sites

Efficient (adj): doing something in a good, careful and complete way with no waste of time, money or energy

Efficient (adj): doing something in a good, careful and complete way with no waste of time, money or energy

Interview (v): to talk to somebody and ask them questions at a formal meeting to find out if they are suitable for a job, course of study, etc. 

Hairdresser (n): a person whose job is to cut, wash and shape hair

Motivated (adj): done or happening for a particular reason

Explorer (n): a person who travels to places where few people have been before or places that are unknown to them, in order to find out more about them

Creative (adj): involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce something new or a work of art

Lawyer (n):a person who is trained and qualified to advise people about the law and to represent them in court, and to write legal documents

Responsible (n): having the job or duty of doing something or taking care of somebody/something, so that you may be blamed if something goes wrong 

Accept (v): to take willingly something that is offered; to say ‘yes’ to an offer, invitation, etc.

Proactive (adj): controlling a situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things to happen and then reacting to them

Firefighter (n): a person whose job is to put out fires

Punctual (adj): happening or doing something at the arranged or correct time; not late

Owner (n): a person who owns something

Adaptable (adj): able to change or be changed in order to deal successfully with new situations

Model (n): a person whose job is to wear and show new styles of clothes and be photographed wearing them

Crew (n): all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.



See more articles:

II. B1 vocabulary by the alphabet

Studying vocabulary through topics is one of the most effective learning methods shared by experienced teachers. In addition, studying vocabulary according to the alphabet is also one of the widely-applied methods. Below, PREP has researched and compiled B1 vocabulary according to the alphabet from the Cambridge dictionary so that you can download and practice!


III. Exercises on B1 vocabulary with detailed answers

Exercise: Match the B1 vocabulary with the appropriate definition

B1 vocabulary



the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money


something that you have to do because it is part of your job, or something that you feel is the right thing to do


someone who helps someone else to do a job


an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practiced it


a manager of an organization, company, college, etc…

Answer keys:

B1 vocabulary



someone who helps someone else to do a job


the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life, especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money


a manager of an organisation, company, college, etc…


something that you have to do because it is part of your job, or something that you feel is the right thing to do


an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it













IV. Start Your IELTS Journey 

PREP has compiled a comprehensive list of B1 vocabulary. Hopefully, this vocabulary list will help you answer how many vocabulary words are needed to prepare for the B1 exam. If your goal is to achieve a Band 7 or higher, these IELTS resources are for you 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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