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3 simple and effective ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3!

In the IELTS Speaking Part 3, the examiner and the candidate will discuss questions related to the topic in Part 2. Therefore, to achieve a high band score, you need to have effective ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3. So, what are those effective ways? Let's find out in detail in the following article!

3 ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3
3 ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3

I. Common questions in IELTS Speaking Part 3

In Part 3, candidates have the opportunity to discuss topics related to Part 2, but Part 3 will require deeper knowledge from the candidates. For example:

II. The most effective ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 today!

1. Use phrases to extend the discussion

The first effective way to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 that PREP wants to introduce is to use phrases to expand the discussion in a more general way.

2. Use linking words and phrases

To avoid using filler words like "um," "er," "ah," "eh," and to avoid using repetitive words like "yeah" or "like," you know, you can use the following linking words and phrases. These are effective ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3

Organize information and present it in a logical order

  • To begin with
  • Moving on to the next reason
  • Secondly
  • Thirdly
  • Subsequently
  • On top of that
  • Later
  • After this
  • Finally

Provide additional information

  • Another thing that comes to mind
  • Also
  • And
  • Besides
  • Additionally
  • Another good example of this is
  • Another reason for this
  • And one more thing

Express opinions and attitudes

  • Unfortunately
  • However
  • Actually
  • To be honest
  • Definitely
  • Essentially
  • Frankly
  • Basically
  • Clearly
  • I'm afraid
  • If you ask me
  • Sadly
  • Thankfully
  • In fact
  • Seriously
  • As a matter of fact

Make comparisons and contrasts

  • Similarly
  • In the same way
  • Equally
  • Likewise
  • In a similar fashion
  • If I compare it to my country
  • However
  • Although
  • Instead of
  • Despite
  • On one hand
  • On the other hand
  • In the opposite way
  • In contrast
  • Whereas

Give examples

  • A great example of this is
  • For example
  • For instance
  • A personal example is
  • In other words
  • A striking example of this
  • A classic example is
  • A clear example of this can be seen
  • Such as
  • Illustrated by

Think about what to say next

  • Let me think about that…
  • That's a difficult/interesting question
  • I haven't thought of that before
  • Well …
  • Actually
  • Basically

Provide an overview of the information

  • Generally
  • Broadly speaking
  • As a rule
  • On the whole
  • It is often said that….
  • In most cases
  • The vast majority of
  • A small minority of

Summarize the results

  • As a result
  • Because of this
  • Therefore
  • Consequently
  • So
  • Then

3. Expand your answers in the test

In Part 3, you have the opportunity to discuss the topic in more depth. Therefore, an effective way to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 is to try to expand your answers as much as possible. Use the following information to expand your answers, as it is an effective way to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3:

  • Express personal opinions
  • Agree or disagree with something
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the issue
  • Explain the reasons for your opinions
  • Provide examples to support your opinions
  • Think and speculate about the future
  • Evaluate the importance of the topic
  • Ask the examiner to clarify or explain something you are uncertain about
  • Propose solutions
  • Make detailed comparisons

III. Ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 suggested by the British Council

The Part 3 test can become much simpler if candidates know how to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3. Below are some suggestions from the British Council that you can refer to in the following content!

1. Embrace the challenge

In the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test, candidates will be required to answer about 3-8 questions posed by the examiner. The questions in this part are quite challenging. The examiner will engage in a continuous conversation with you to accurately assess your English language proficiency based on criteria such as:

  • Using less common vocabulary and expressions in English
  • Using more advanced English grammar structures
  • Speaking at a faster pace

Do not worry too much if the questions in IELTS Speaking Part 3 are more difficult than the previous two parts, as these questions are designed to serve the final speaking test and help the examiner evaluate and potentially assign higher scores to candidates.

Embrace the challenge
Embrace the challenge

2. Make an effort to answer all the examiner's questions

The fundamental goal when entering the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test is "to try to answer all the questions, no matter how difficult they may be, even if you don't have in-depth knowledge of the topic the examiner asks about."

In cases where you truly do not know how to answer, you can rely on the following phrases to buy time and think more carefully:

That’s a very interesting/difficult/tricky question, let me think (for a second)

I’m not really/totally sure, but I would (have to) say that….

It’s very/really difficult to know (exactly), but I think/believe/feel that….

I’m not an expert (on that topic), but from what I know/can see…

3. Answer general and personal questions

The questions in the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test are abstract and general. However, the topics of these questions are related to the IELTS Speaking Part 2 test. If the Part 2 test is about "Describe your favorite place to go for a day out," it is highly possible that the examiner will ask some topics in Part 3 such as:

  • Leisure activities 
  • Entertainment 
  • Popular destinations/outings

If in Part 2, you are allowed to answer in relation to personal experiences, in the next part, you should switch to answering in a more general way about people in general. You can use yourself/family as examples to help the examiner better visualize the content you want to convey.

4. Understand the requirements of the examiner's questions

In the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test, the examiner will ask you to predict, evaluate, and demonstrate your personal opinions or the opinions of others. It is important that you know how to provide answers that are appropriate to each type of question the examiner requests. This will be crucial in scoring high in the Fluency and Coherence criterion. Refer to some examples of question types in the IELTS Speaking Part 3 test:

Evaluate or assess 


  • How has technology changed the types of interaction people have with each other?
  • What are the benefits of parents reading to their children? (advantages/disadvantages)
  • Why do people value their personal privacy?  (give reasons)
  • What types of jobs require a person to have a good public image? (give examples)
  • Who do you think reads more, younger people or older people? (generation to generation)
  • Who has more trouble concentrating, boys or girls? (gender to gender)
  • How have the types of places people go for holiday changed? (past to now)

Give opinions 


  • Do you feel that people have become too dependent on technology at work? (your opinion)
  • Some people feel prisons are not an effective deterrent to crime. What do you think? (agree/disagree)
  • Will people continue to rely on automobiles in the future? 

5. Develop your answers

The most effective way to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 is to allocate 40-50 seconds to answer each question. Below are some formulas to help you find more ideas for answering IELTS Speaking Part 3:

A.R.E.A. formula

A.R.C formula

  • Answer (Provide a direct answer) – Most people in my country have...
  • Reason(s) (Give reasons) – I think this is because...
  • Example(s) (Provide specific examples) – For instance, in my local community, there is...
  • Alternative (Present a contrasting opinion) – On the flip side...
  • Answer (Provide a direct answer) – I think people aren't...
  • Reason(s) (Give reasons) – This is probably due to the fact that...
  • Consequence (Present the result) – The result is that...

These are three simple ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 shared by PREP. I wish you effective IELTS Speaking preparation at home and achieve a high band score in the real test!

Hien Hoang
Hien Hoang
Product Content Admin

Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.


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