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What are Advice and Advise? Understanding the difference between Advise and Advice
Advice and Advise are two words that are often confused in terms of meaning and usage. In today's article, PREP will explain all the knowledge related to Advice and Advise. Let's read it to know exactly how to distinguish between these two words!

I. What is Advice?
Before distinguishing the differences between Advice and Advise, let's explore the definition of Advice with PREP and explore some words/phrases associated with Advice below!
1. Definition
What is advice? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Advice is pronounced /ədˈvaɪs/. In a sentence, Advice functions as a noun, meaning: an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation. For example:
- Alex offers advice on rights when buying goods or services.
- On my doctor's advice, I could start riding my bicycle more often.

2. Words/phrases associated with Advice
PREP has fully compiled words and phrases associated with Advice in the table below, read now!
Words/phrases associated with Advice |
Example |
The best advice |
The teacher’s best advice for studying effectively is to create a detailed schedule and stick to it. |
Conflicting advice |
I received conflicting advice from two different experts on whether to invest in stocks or bonds. |
Constructive advice |
The manager always provides constructive advice to help employees improve their performance. |
Advice of sale/ dispatch/ delivery |
The customer decided to purchase the laptop on the advice of the sales representative, who highlighted its advanced features. |
Financial/ tax/ legal advice |
It's crucial to seek financial advice before making significant investments to ensure long-term financial stability. |
Career/ technical advice |
The career counselor offered valuable career advice. |
Take/ follow/ seek advice |
It's wise to take advice from experienced individuals when entering a new industry. |
Give/ provide/ offer advice |
Parents often give advice to their children rely on their own life experiences. |
Advice about/ on something |
Ross sought advice about the best strategies for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. |
On the advice of… |
On the advice of the doctor, he decided to adopt a healthier diet and exercise routine. |
On someone's advice |
Lisa decided to change her major on her academic advisor’s advice. |
Take someone's advice |
I decided to take my friend's advice and explore new opportunities in my career. |
Piece of advice |
Here's a piece of advice: always double-check your work before submitting it to avoid errors. |
II. What is Advise?
Before distinguishing between Advise and Advice, let's explore the concept, structure, usage and example illustrations of the word Advise with PREP!
1. Definition
What is Advise? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Advise is pronounced /ədˈvaɪz/. In sentences, Advise functions as a verb, meaning: to give someone advice. For example:
- Lawyers advise on deals and customer law.
- The experts advised that Mr. Jackson should reduce his exposure to equities.

2. The structure of Advise
Structure |
Example |
Advise someone against doing something |
The doctor advised her against strenuous exercise until her ankle fully healed. |
Advise someone on something |
The financial consultant advises the client on the best investment opportunities for their portfolio. |
Be advised of |
Please be advised of the changes to the company's policies. |
Would be (well) advised to do something |
Given the current market conditions, investors would be well advised to diversify their portfolios. |
Advise someone to do something |
The teacher advised the students to review the study guide before the exam. |
Advise somebody of something |
The manager advised the team members of the new project deadlines. |
Advise someone that |
The counselor advised the student that taking breaks during study sessions can improve focus and productivity. |
III. Differences between Advice and Advise
We have explored the overall concepts of Advice and Advise. So what differences are exhibited between Advice and Advise? Let's follow along with PREP in the table below!
Differences |
Advice |
Advise |
Part of speech |
noun |
verb |
Pronunciation |
/ədˈvaɪs/ |
/ədˈvaɪz/ |
Meaning |
an opinion that someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation |
to give someone advice |
Example |
Jennie gave me valuable advice on how to handle the situation. |
Jennie advised me to handle the situation this way. |

IV. Exercises on Advise and Advice
To fully understand the proper usage and accurately distinguish the differences between Advice and Advise, let's work through the 2 exercises below together!
1. Exercises
Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with Advice or Advise:
- I received some helpful_______from my mentor about starting a small business.
- I would_______you to double-check the information before presenting it to the team.
- The financial consultant_______the client to diversify their investment portfolio.
- Her parents gave her sound_______on managing her finances wisely.
- The doctor's_______to quit smoking was crucial for improving his health.
Exercise 2: Find and correct errors:
- Students often seek advise from teachers when facing academic challenges.
- Can you advice me on the best approach to negotiating a salary increase?
- My grandmother's advices on maintaining a positive attitude has always stayed with me.
- Last week, the lawyer advised her client to gather evidence to strengthen their case.
- He advice against taking unnecessary risks in the volatile market last year.
2. Answer
Exercise 1:
- Advice
- Advise
- Advises
- Advice
- Advice
Exercise 2:
- Advise ➞ Advice
- Advice ➞ Advise
- Advices ➞ Advice
- Advises ➞ Advised
- Advice ➞ Advised
V. Master IELTS Skills for a High Band Score
PREP hopes this post has helped you understand the concepts, usage, and differences between Advice and Advise. If you need a simpler way to tackle IELTS, PREP’s lessons make mastering every section easier than ever.
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Hi I'm Hien, and I am currently serving as an Product Content Administrator at Prep Education. With over five years of experience in independent online IELTS study and exam preparation, I am confident in my ability to support learners in achieving their highest possible scores.
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