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Đề bài, bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề Hobbies

Hobby (Sở thích) là chủ đề không chỉ xuất hiện thường xuyên trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 mà còn được giám khảo sử dụng để kiểm tra kiến thức của thí sinh trong Part 3. Vậy nếu gặp topic IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies bạn sẽ xử lý như thế nào để chinh phục band điểm cao? Tham khảo ngay ý tưởng, bài mẫu và từ vựng ăn điểm được biên soạn bởi PREP dưới đây nhé!

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies band 8.0+

I. Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies

Tổng hợp một số câu hỏi thuộc chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies có thể được giám khảo sử dụng để kiểm tra khả năng Speaking của thí sinh. Cụ thể đó là:

    1. Do you think men and women tend to have different types of hobbies?
    2. Why do some people get obsessed with their hobby?
    3. Do you think hobbies that keep you fit are better than hobbies that you can do sitting down?
    4. Do you think it can be a disadvantage to have too much free time?
    5. Should people feel a duty to do something constructive in their free time?
    6. Do people have more free time now than in the past?
    7. Why do people have hobbies?
    8. Are there any hobbies you think are not worthwhile?
    9. What can we learn from hobbies?
    10. Is it important to teach hobbies to children? Why or why not?

Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies
Các câu hỏi thuộc chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies

II. Sample IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies

Dưới đây là một số câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies kèm theo từ vựng ăn điểm được biên soạn bởi giáo viên hạng A tại PREP. Tham khảo kỹ lưỡng để ôn luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!

1. Why do people have hobbies? 

In my opinion, many people have hobbies because they have many different interests. Some people have one hobby which is their main passion while some have many different ones they change between to see which ones ignite that spark in them. Hobbies are ways to relax and unwind, to develop skills, discipline, and ways to make new friends and socialize with those who have similar interests. I think hobbies are especially important for people who don’t truly enjoy their jobs, they’re a creative outlet where these people can work on the things they are truly passionate about.

    • ignite the spark: thắp lên tia lửa = khiến họ phấn khích, thích thú = excite
    • a creative outlet: cách bộc lộ, thể hiện sự sáng tạo 

2. Are there any hobbies you think are not worthwhile?

Speaking from my own experience, there is no such thing as an unworthwhile hobby. Every hobby,  gaming included, has certain positive impacts on people, such as increasing the level of creativity and problem-solving skills. However, we should understand the importance of our actual work and try to balance the time spent between our work and our hobby.  

3. What can we learn from hobbies? 

This really depends on the nature of the hobbies. If the hobby is reading books or watching films, we can acquire a huge amount of knowledge through the hobby. With other hobbies like collecting stamps or singing, at least we have a great source of entertainment. For skill-based hobbies like crafting or playing an instrument you develop specific skills and earn a sense of achievement when you master something you had been unable to do at the beginning. One thing I think many hobbies teach us is a sense of discipline because you have to work on and improve skills to advance.  

4. Is it important to teach hobbies to children? Why or why not? 

Definitely yes. Adults should teach different hobbies to their children when they are still young and trying to figure out what they like. It’s important for children to be introduced to a wide range of different things for them to discover what they are interested in. Some hobbies can be considered as  “career paths” created by parents. As I said before, many hobbies instil a sense of discipline in the people practicing it and this is something that would be really beneficial for children to learn. Many children also find school to be difficult or boring and having a hobby that balances that out by allowing the child to work on something they are actually interested in and this can be great for their mental health.

    • instil something (in/into somebody): khuyến khích, thôi thúc

Ngoài bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies, cùng PREP tham khảo thêm một số bài viết dưới đây nhé:

III. Lời Kết

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Hobbies band 8.0+ được biên soạn bởi giáo viên hạng A tại PREP. Tham khảo kỹ lưỡng để luyện thi IELTS quả tại nhà bạn nhé. Đừng quên dành ra 30 phút mỗi ngày luyện nói cùng phòng Speaking ảo (VSR) để nhanh chóng nâng cao band điểm!

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