Tìm kiếm bài viết học tập

Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3: Describe your favorite season of the year

Một năm có 4 mùa Xuân, Hạ, Thu, Đông, vậy đâu là mùa bạn yêu thích nhất? Còn đối với thầy Nhật Phạm (giáo viên chấm bài tại Prep), thầy yêu thích nhất là mùa thu. Hãy cùng Prep tham khảo ngay câu trả lời mẫu của thầy Nhật cho đề bài Describe your favorite season of the year ngay dưới đây nhé!

Bài mẫu Describe your favorite season of the year
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 chủ đề “Describe your favorite season of the year”

I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe your favorite season of the year

1. Đề bài Describe your favorite season of the year

Đối với đề bài Describe your favorite season of the year bạn nên tập trung vào những câu hỏi gợi ý sau khi luyện thi ielts online :

  • what is your favorite season?
  • What the weather is like?
  • What activities you usually do during this season?
  • How different kinds of weather in this season affect people?

Đề bài Describe your favorite season of the year
Đề bài Describe your favorite season of the year

2. Dàn bài Part 2

2.1. Ý tưởng bài mẫu

Thông tinMiêu tả lý do
  • Mùa thu: Diễn ra từ khoảng tháng 8 đến tháng 11 trong năm
  • Thời tiết dễ chịu do là mùa chuyển giao
  • Có nhiều ánh nắng nhưng không còn những ngày chói chang, nóng rực như mùa hè
  • Tiết trời mát, thường xuyên có những làn gió nhưng không rét như mùa đông
  • Có vẻ vì vậy mà mọi người cũng dễ chịu hơn vào thời điểm này trong năm
Hoạt động liên quan Kết luận 
  • Mặc nhiều bộ đồ hơn → Mùa thu là mùa mặc được đồ của mùa hè nhưng còn có thể khoác lên mình thêm những chiếc áo ngoài
  • Đi mua sắm quần áo để tìm những cửa hàng có đợt giảm giá (vì mùa hè đã chấm dứt) và kiếm các món hời → Ví dụ cá nhân
  • Là một mùa tuyệt vời
  • Ước gì cả năm cũng như vậy → Nhưng thực tế không như vậy, nên cần trân trọng khoảng thời gian quý giá này trong năm nhiều hơn 

2.2. Take note trong 1 phút

Introduction to the season Why the season is enjoyed
  • Fall: Takes place from August to November every year.
  • Delightful weather due to being the transition between summer & winter
  • A lot of sunlight, but the scorching days of summer are no more
  • Cool weather with frequent breezes of the wind, but not as cold as during winter
  • Because of the weather, people also seem to be more pleasant during this season
Activities during the seasonConclusion
  • Enjoy more outfits → can still wear summer clothing but outerwear becomes more practical
  • Go on shopping sprees especially at stores with sale-offs (because summer is over) to look for bargains → Personal example (maybe)
  • Wonderful season
  • Appreciate this short period of time in a year

3. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe your favorite season of the year

Cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe your favorite season of the year:

I just have to tell you about fall, which is my favorite season. Some people will argue that it starts in September, but for me, fall begins as soon as August and lasts all the way till late November. 

It’s a delightful season due to being, for the lack of a better word, a transition between summer and winter. Fall’s especially lovely for me, seeing how there’s ample sunlight without any of the scorching heat of summer. And at the same time, it’s cool, with frequent breezes of the wind, but nowhere as cold as winter. Interestingly, it seems as though people actually become more pleasant during fall because of the weather.

I love having more things to wear in fall. What I mean is that I can still don summer clothes, but stuff like sports jackets and cardigans becomes more practical, so I can even enjoy more variety in the way I dress. Fall is also a great time to go on shopping sprees, especially at stores with sale-offs, because summer’s over, you know? Last fall I got to buy a couple of tees at a bargain, and give my wardrobe the “out with the old, in with the new” treatment.

In the end, it’s simply a wonderful season, and I wish the weather of the entire year was just as superb, but that’s obviously never going to happen, so I appreciate this short time of the year even more.

Tham khảo thêm bài viết:

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 chủ đề Describe your favorite movie

4. Từ vựng hay đã sử dụng trong bài mẫu Describe your favorite season of the year

    • Transition (n.): sự chuyển giao
    • Ample (adj.): đầy ắp
    • Scorching (adj.): nóng rực
    • Nowhere as … as: Tương tự như cấu trúc phủ định so sánh bằng “not as … as”, nhưng nhấn mạnh hơn → Không hề bằng
    • It seems as though: Tương tự như “it seems that”
    • Don (v.): mặc trang phục
    • Cardigan (n.): áo len cài khuy
    • Shopping spree (n.): chuyến đi mua sắm ở nhiều nơi
    • Tee (n.): áo thun (nói tắt của T-shirt)
    • Superb (adj.): tuyệt vời

Học thêm về từ vựng:

II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề: Describe your favorite season of the year

Cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Weather:

1. What do people wear in different weather?

Generally, I think people will have fewer clothing items on themselves when it’s hot, and more when it’s cold. When it’s scorching hot, lots of people would prefer to wear stuff like hot pants, shorts, tees and tank tops. As it gets cooler, longer clothes become more appropriate, so you can see people running around with trousers and shirts more often. During winter, warm clothes like thick jackets and coats are a common sight. Sometimes people have to wear scarves and boots too if it’s freezing or snowing.

      • Hot pants (n.): quần bò ngắn đến đầu gối
      • Tank top (n.): áo ba lỗ
      • A common sight (n.): thường gặp

2. How does the weather influence people's lives?

This is definitely a very interesting question. Weather actually plays such a huge role in our lives that it would take a day just to list all the ways it affects people. Anyway, off the top of my head, rain or snow is something that will cause people to stay inside more. Basically, whenever there’s a lot of something falling from the sky, appointments and dates will be canceled. The inverse is kind of true too, as a warm and clear day encourages people to go outside more and bask in the sun.

      • (the) inverse (n.): điều ngược lại
      • Bask in the sun (v.): phơi nắng

3. What are people's opinions on weather forecasts?

Nowadays, people in my country, including myself, trust weather forecasts a lot. Advances in meteorology have made predictions about weather much more accurate than in the past. It’s certainly better to know what to expect from the weather, even if the forecast might be one or two days off. I actually know someone who religiously checks the weather app every morning to decide what he will be wearing for the day.

      • Meteorology (n.): ngành khí tượng học
      • Religiously (adv.): luôn luôn

4. Are there any festivals about seasons?

I think there are actually a lot of seasonal festivals around the world. I honestly can’t remember which country that is which has a summer festival and a spring festival, but I know for sure that my country has one every year. It’s called the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it celebrates the full moon during the 8th month on the lunar calendar. It’s a lovely time of the year too, even though we don’t really get a day off work for it.

      • Full moon (n.): trăng rằm
      • Lunar calendar (n.): lịch âm
      • Day off work (n.): ngày nghỉ

Trên đây là câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 cho đề bài Describe your favorite season of the year. PREP chúc bạn học luyện thi hiệu quả và chinh phục được điểm số thật cao trong bài thi Speaking sắp tới và hãy tham khảo ngay khóa học ôn thi IELTS Online tại Prep để master IELTS Speaking bạn nhé!

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