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Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

Describe the first day you went to school that you remember - đề bài IELTS Speaking Part 2 xuất hiện trong đề Speaking dự đoán Qúy 1 năm 2023. Do đó, thí sinh có thể bắt gặp topic này trong kỳ thi thực chiến. Để chiếm trọn được band điểm cao và không bị bỡ ngỡ khi gặp đề thi này thì chần chừ gì nữa mà không tham khảo bài mẫu Describe the first day you went to school that you remember được biên soạn bởi thầy cô giáo hạng A tại prepedu.com dưới đây!

Bài mẫu Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

1. Đề bài: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

Describe the first day you went to school that you remember. You should say:

  • When it happened
  • How you felt about the experience
  • Where the school is

And explain why you still remember the experience.

Đề bài: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
Đề bài: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

2. Bài mẫu: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

Dưới đây là bài mẫu Describe the first day you went to school that you remember IELTS Speaking Part 2 được biên soạn bởi thầy cô giáo hạng A tại PREP. Tham khảo để luyện thi IELTS hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!

To be perfectly honest with you, I still remember my first day of middle school as though it happened yesterday. It was the start of a new school year in the fall. I was a bit nervous too, but the day was largely filled with excitement for me, because it had been the first time I had the chance to study with classmates from different regions in my country.

Until now, I still remember walking into the classroom and seeing all the other kids. I was a bit overwhelmed, but I was also so eager to have my first lesson. At first, my teacher introduced herself and the other students. She was so kind and welcoming, which made me feel right at home. After that, we together participated in some fun activities and games, and I was so enthusiastic to be learning something new.

Before I knew it, it was time to go home. It felt sad to leave, but I was also looking forward to coming back the next day. My first day at that school was a moment to be proud of, since I thought I was brave for studying in a completely strange environment.

It was such an important milestone for me as that was where my educational journey, and a new chapter in my life had begun. I believe I will always treasure my first day at middle school.

Từ vựng ăn điểm được sử dụng trong bài Describe the first day you went to school that you remember IELTS Speaking Part 2:

  • Excitement (n.): sự phấn khích
  • Overwhelmed (adj.): choáng ngợp
  • Eager (adj.): hào hứng
  • Welcoming (adj.): chào đón, hoan nghênh
  • Enthusiastic (adj.): nhiệt huyết
  • Milestone (n.): cột mốc
  • Treasure (v.): trân trọng

Tham khảo thêm Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2:

Describe a school that you went to when you were a child

II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

Tổng hợp các câu hỏi Part 3 có liên quan đến chủ đề Describe the first day you went to school that you remember IELTS Speaking Part 2. Vậy trả lời những câu hỏi này sao cho đúng nhất để bạn có thể chinh phục được band điểm cao? Tham khảo ngay cách xử lý của thầy cô giáo hạng A tại PREP bạn nhé!

Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe the first day you went to school that you remember

1. What are the reasons for job change?

There're many reasons why someone might choose to change jobs. One of the most common is career advancement. People may want to climb up their career ladder, gain more responsibility, or increase their salary. Another reason is to gain new skills or experience, as they are constantly keen on learning something new or being exposed to a different industry.

Besides, people may be unhappy with their current role, their colleagues, or their work environment, which results in job satisfaction, so they decide to leave. All of these reasons can lead to a job change, and it's important to consider all of them before making an informed decision.

  • Career advancement (n.): sự thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp
  • Climb up their career ladder (v.): thăng tiến sự nghiệp

2. Are big companies better than small companies? Why?

I would lean toward large firms being better. Generally speaking, big companies tend to have more resources and capital than small companies do, which can give them an advantage in terms of scalability and efficiency. For example, large companies often have access to more sophisticated technology and can afford to hire more specialized personnel, which can help them to expand their operations and increase their profits.

On the other hand, small companies can be more agile and adaptive than huge organizations can. They can often respond more quickly to customer needs, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. A small company is not without advantages, but I prefer larger ones.

  • Capital (n.): nguồn vốn
  • Scalability (n.): khả năng mở rộng quy mô
  • Sophisticated (adj.): phức tạp
  • Specialized (adj.): có chuyên môn
  • Personnel (n.): nhân viên
  • Agile (adj.): nhanh nhẹn
  • Adaptive (adj.): dễ thích nghi
  • Respond (adj.): phản hồi

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages coming along with changing jobs?

Switching jobs can be a great opportunity to gain new skills, experience, and knowledge. It can also be a great way to increase your salary and move up in your career. However, some potential drawbacks need to be considered. One of the main disadvantages of changing jobs is the potential for a decrease in job security and job satisfaction.

When you change jobs, you may not have the same level of job security as you did in your previous position, and you may also need to adjust to a new work environment, which can be challenging and time-consuming. It’s crucial to take these aforementioned factors into account before making the decision to switch jobs.

  • Move up in one’s career (v.): thăng tiến sự nghiệp
  • Potential (n.): tiềm năng
  • Job security (n.): sự ổn định trong công việc
  • Job satisfaction (n.): sự thỏa mãn trong công việc

4. What would parents prepare for their kids when they first go to school?

When a child first studies at school, parents should well-prepare them for the transition in many ways. First, they should ensure that their kid has the necessary stationery, such as a backpack, lunchbox, and school supplies. Additionally, parents should provide their child with a nutritious breakfast and lunch to ensure they have the energy to focus and learn throughout the day.

They should also offer their child emotional support and guidance by talking to their child about the upcoming school year and discuss any anxieties or worries they may have. By doing so, they can help their kid experience the school year with confidence and enthusiasm.

  • Transition (n.): sự chuyển tiếp
  • Stationery (n.): văn phòng phẩm
  • Nutritious (adj.): dinh dưỡng
  • Emotional support (n.): sự ủng hộ về mặt tinh thần và cảm xúc

5. How do children socialize with each other?

There are a variety of ways in which children can interact with one another. They can socialize through verbal communication, such as talking and sharing stories, or through non-verbal communication, as seen in playing games or physical activities. They can also communicate on digital media while texting and video chatting.

Socialization is a crucial part of a child's development, and thanks to these activities, they can learn how to interact with others, build relationships, and develop their social identity. It also helps them to develop their communication skills, problem-solving skills, and self-confidence.

  • Verbal communication (n.): sự giao tiếp bằng lời
  • Non-verbal communication (n.): sự giao tiếp không bằng lời
  • Social identity (n.): bản sắc xã hội

6. Is socialization important for children?

Bạn cần đăng nhập để xem nội dung này
Đăng nhập ngay
Bạn cần đăng nhập để xem nội dung này
Đăng nhập ngay

  • Social norm (n.): chuẩn mực xã hội 
  • Lifelong (adj.): suốt đời
  • Infancy (n.): giai đoạn sơ sinh

Trên đây là bài mẫu Describe the first day you went to school that you remember IELTS Speaking Part 2, 3 đầy đủ nhất. Hãy thường xuyên theo dõi Prep để có thêm nhiều ý tưởng về Speaking IELTS hơn nữa nhé! Đừng quên tham khảo ngay lộ trình luyện thi IELTS toàn diện của PREP để nhanh chóng chinh phục được band điểm Overall mục tiêu nha!

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