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Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3: Describe a time when you gave advice to others

Describe a time when you gave advice to others hay Describe a time when you gave advice to someone là đề bài IELTS Speaking Part 2 thuộc nhóm chủ đề Describe a situation (miêu tả về một sự kiện hoặc trải nghiệm nào đó). Để giải quyết đề bài này một cách dễ dàng nhất, bạn cần lên được ý tưởng bài nói, dàn bài Part 2 trước khi tiến hành nói. Tham khảo bài viết chủ đề Describe a time when you gave advice to others dưới đây để học luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!

Bài mẫu Describe a time when you gave advice to others
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 + 3 chủ đề "Describe a time when you gave advice to others"

I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a time when you gave advice to others

1. Đề bài: Describe a time when you gave advice to others

Describe a time when you gave advice to others. You should say:

  • When it was
  • To whom you gave the advice
  • What the advice was

And explain why you gave the advice

Describe a time when you gave advice to others
Describe a time when you gave advice to others

2. Dàn bài Part 2

2.1. Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)

  • Để giải quyết đề bài Describe a time when you gave advice to others, chúng ta sẽ cần phải dùng các thì quá khứ để nói về các hành động đã qua. 
  • Bài này có chút khác biệt so với những đề thi tiếng anh ielts khác. Thay vì vào thẳng vấn đề, ta cần phải nói về bối cảnh câu chuyện như thế nào. Vì vậy, phần này nên kéo dài khoảng ⅓ bài nói ở đoạn đầu.
  • Sau đó, ta nên chuyển đến lời khuyên đưa cho người kia là gì và tại sao bạn lại khuyên họ như vậy. Những lời khuyên ở đây nên chi tiết nhất có thể.
  • Cuối cùng trong đề bài Describe a time when you gave advice to others, ta hãy nói liệu người đó có làm theo lời khuyên của mình hay không và kết quả ra sao. Ở cuối bài nói Describe a time when you gave advice to others, hãy nên một chút cảm nghĩ của bản thân và người kia là gì.

2.2. Take-note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)

  • When: high school
  • Whom: best friend
  • feud with mom - future career
  • Ran away => slept at my house
  • Advice
    • Heart to heart conversation → come home
    • Explain: plans + employment propects
    • Parents: Poor judgment
  • Laugh at it till now

3. Sample Speaking: Describe a time when you gave advice to others

Dưới đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a time when you gave advice to others đầy đủ nhất được viết bởi thầy cô giáo tại PREP. Tham khảo ngay để ôn luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả tại nhà bạn nhé!

Cùng nghe bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a time when you gave advice to others:

When I was in high school, I experienced a situation that I had never thought that I would be in. In the middle of the night, my best friend suddenly knocked on my door, begging  me to let her in. I could feel the resentment that she was giving off. Well, turns out she had a feud with her mother about the future career.

The fight was so fierce that she said she decided to move out straight away and pursue her dream job, which was to become a graphic designer despite the fact that her mom and the whole family preferred her to be a teller at a bank. They all thought doing a design job would never provide her with a stable life both mentally and financially. .

I sneaked her inside. Once she was in my bedroom, we had a heart-to-heart conversation for the whole night. One advice that I gave her was that she should go home in the next day since it was no use running away like that. The way she went into a sulk was just like when children didn’t get the toys they wanted from their parents.

I told her that instead of holding a grudge against her parents, she should take the initiative to explain her studying plans and employment prospects if she decided to join the design field. They were just having a poor judgment of the job, so having a serious talk would somehow make them understand more. She did cry a little bit when we were chatting, but I think that was a good sign because she didn’t let her emotions pile up. In the end, she came home the following day. 

What surprised me was that she actually listened to my advice, and as a result, my friend’s relationship with the family improved substantially. It was a moment to remember, to the point that we still laugh about how childish and impulsive the situation was until this day.

Lưu ý: Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 này còn có thể được sử dụng cho một số bài mẫu khác như: Describe a time when someone asked you for your opinion; Describe a time you gave advice to others; Describe a time when you gave some helpful advice to someone; Describe a time that you gave advice to others;....

Tham khảo ngay một số từ vựng ăn điểm đã được sử dụng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 chủ đề Describe a time when you gave advice to others:

  • Beg (verb): van nài
  • Resentment (n): sự oán giận
  • Feud (n): mâu thuẫn
  • Teller (n): giao dịch viên (ở ngân hàng)
  • Cram (v): ních vào
  • Heart-to-heart (n): sự tâm tình
  • Go into a sulk: hờn dỗi
  • Grudge (n): sự phẫn uất
  • Take the initiative (v): chủ động
  • Pile up (v): chồng chất
  • Impulsive (adj): bồng bột

Tham khảo thêm Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3

Describe a difficult decision that you once made

II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Advices

Cùng nghe bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Advices:

1. Is it better to get advice from a friend or from a family member?

Most of the time, people would ask their friends for advice since people in the same generation are likely to grasp the situation faster. So what I’m trying to say is that friends are better advisors. Sometimes, when we ask parents for some recommendations, it would turn into an unwanted life lesson.

They may condemn our weaknesses, not being able to tough it out alone whereas friends’ word delivery is far more gentle. A sympathetic attitude is easily noticed from friends as they also experience the same pressure at a point of their lives.

  • Condemn (v): chỉ trích
  • Tough it out: đối mặt với khó khăn
  • Sympathetic (adj): đồng cảm

2. What would you say are the characteristics of a good adviser?

I guess how knowledgeable that person is, well in both academic and social aspects, plays a vital role when identifying a wise consultant. An advisor needs to be erudite so that he or she can consider a situation in a multi-dimensional viewpoint. Therefore, the advice can be more accurate for the one who is in need. Moreover, being objective is one of the features that an advisor should have. The best suggestion is one that doesn’t let personal feelings get in the way

  • Erudite (adj): thông thái
  • Multi-dimensional (adj): đa chiều
  • Objective (adj): khách quan
  • Get in the way: ngáng đường

3. Should people make their own work and career decisions, or is it a good idea to ask for advice about this?

I would say that for youngsters, they should always go to their parents to discuss their future career, especially ones who have never done an official job or been involved in a legal contract. Nonetheless, for experienced workers, the people should trust their instincts and do what works best for them. This may bring uphill struggles, but they need that to break new grounds. Well, I’m not rejecting others’ goodwill, but sometimes the individuals who are doing the actual job know what’s the most effective way.

  • Instinct (n): bản năng
  • Uphill struggle (n): nỗ lực nhưng chưa chắc thành công
  • Break new grounds (n): làm gì đó đột phá
  • Goodwill (n): thiện chí

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2 + 3 chủ đề Describe a time when you gave advice to others được biên soạn bởi thầy cô giáo tại PREP. Tham khảo ngay để biết cách triển khai ý tưởng, dàn bài, bài mẫu bạn nhé. Ngoài ra, lưu ngay những từ vựng ăn điểm này vào sổ tay để trau dồi được từ vựng theo chủ đề bạn nhé!

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Giấy chứng nhận hoạt động đào tạo, bồi dưỡng số 1309/QĐ-SGDĐT ngày 31 tháng 07 năm 2023 do Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo Hà Nội cấp.