Tìm kiếm bài viết học tập
Bài mẫu Speaking Part 2, 3: Describe a law on environmental protection
Describe a law on environmental protection - đề bài IELTS Speaking xuất hiện liên tục trong đề thi thực chiến dạo gần đây. Tuy nhiên, đây là một câu hỏi vô cùng hóc búa khiến nhiều thí sinh “không kịp trở tay”. Một trong những lý do khiến bạn ấp úng khi gặp dạng đề này là thiếu kiến thức và từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề Luật pháp. Vậy nên, trong bài viết hôm nay, PREP xin giới thiệu đến bạn đọc bài mẫu cũng như những từ vựng giúp bạn làm chủ được đề thi này nhé!
I. Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a law on environmental protection
1. Đề bài “Describe a law on environmental protection”
Describe a law on environmental protection. You should say:
- What the law would be about?
- How the law would work
- What effects this law would have (= What changes would result from this law)
And explain why you would like to see this law in existence or why you think this law is needed.
2. Dàn bài Part 2
2.1. Ý tưởng bài mẫu (tiếng Việt)
Thông tin muốn nhắc đến | Miêu tả |
Tác động | Giải thích vì sao |
→ Phát triển năng lượng hạt nhân để thay thế khai thác than, ngăn chặn sự tổn hại gây ra cho môi trường từ hoạt động khai thác than |
2.2. Take note trong 1 phút (tiếng Anh)
What the law is | How the law would work |
Effects this law would have | Why this law is needed |
3. Sample Speaking: Describe a law on environmental protection
Trên đây là IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample chủ đề Describe a law on environmental protection, tham khảo ngay để ôn luyện thi IELTS Speaking hiệu quả tại nhà.
Cùng nghe Podcast IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a law on environmental protection:
PREP FOR IELTS · prepedu.com | Describe a law on environmental protection | IELTS Speaking Part 2
If I am to talk about a law that would contribute to protecting the environment, I will pick the one that subsidizes nuclear power plants. Specifically, the government would be responsible for providing subsidies to companies involved in constructing and maintaining nuclear power generators.
You may wonder how this is related to safeguarding the environment, but this is one of the most realistic choices any government can opt for, when we’re surrounded by so many suggestions that sound good but aren’t based in reality.
Now, hopefully, if this law goes into effect, it would open the door to the construction of nuclear power plants. And when nuclear power generators are built, the country would be expected to have an alternative method of producing electricity to coal-mining.
Coal is currently the source of the most electricity in the world, but have you ever seen a coal mine? It is extremely dirty and can cause irreparable damage to the environment. Electricity production from coal should be replaced somehow, but solar power and wind power are neither efficient nor developed quickly enough to supplant coal.
We need to look to existing technologies and nuclear energy fits the bill, it’s both clean and cost-effective. Producing electricity from nuclear reactors would phase out the coal industry and prevent any further impact that mining coal inflicts on the environment. It’s why I think this law is necessary.
Lưu ý: Bài mẫu này còn có thể sử dụng cho một số đề bài khác như: Describe a law on environmental protection your country should have; Describe an environmental protection law; Describe a law about the environment you would like to see in the future; Talk about a law on environmental protection;...
Một số từ vựng ăn điểm được sử dụng trong bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 - Describe a law on environmental protection:
- Subsidize (v.): trợ cấp
- Subsidy (n.): khoản trợ cấp
- Safeguard (v.): bảo vệ
- Opt for (v.): lựa chọn
- Go into effect (v.): có hiệu lực
- Irreparable (adj.): không thể sửa chữa
- Supplant (v.): thay thế
- Cost-effective (adj.): có hiệu suất cao
- Phase out (v.): làm lỗi thời
- Inflict (v.): gây hại
Tham khảo thêm bài viết:
II. Câu trả lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 chủ đề: Law
Cùng nghe Podcast IELTS Speaking Part 3 - Law:
PREP FOR IELTS · prepedu.com | Topic Law | IELTS Speaking Part 3
1. Do you think this law is acceptable to the people?
Yes, I think the law I’ve just spoken about is completely acceptable. There might be some pushback from people who are overly concerned with the safety of nuclear power, but that’s expected. In the long run they’ll understand why this law is deserved, when the country’s environment is no longer contaminated by coal and every house is overflowing with electricity.
- Pushback (n.): sự phản đối
- Overly (adv.): quá mức
- Deserved (adj.): xứng đáng
- Contaminated (adj.): bị nhiễm bẩn
- Overflow with sth (v.): tràn đầy
2. Is there any situation wherein people may disobey the law?
Of course. People violate the law for all sorts of reasons. Have you ever heard of the term “crimes of passion”? It refers to crimes which the perpetrator commits because their anger got the best of them, despite knowing what they’re doing is wrong. If a man goes home and finds his wife in bed with another man, then murders that other man, that is a crime of passion.
- Perpetrator (n.): thủ phạm
- Get the best of sb (v.): khống chế, chế ngự
3. Do people like being a police officer in your country?
I don’t really think so. Being a police officer is a tough job, which I think is mainly because a policeman or woman has to work extra time when something unexpected comes up. Also, catching criminals, especially murderers, makes working for the police perilous because those people may do anything to avoid being arrested. All in all, unless you’re really into protecting your own community, those reasons could disincentivize you from joining the police force.
- Perilous (adj.): đầy nguy hiểm
- Disincentivize (v.): ngăn trở, làm nhụt chí
4. What qualities should a police officer possess?
I believe that a police officer has to possess various qualities. One that I could think of is adaptability because each day could be very different from the day before. Another one is alertness for patrol officers, as they would need to notice anything abnormal on the street. Last of all is the ability to stay calm under pressure when arresting suspects, which I think is one of those skills that could only come with experience.
- Adaptability (n.): khả năng thích nghi
- Alertness (n.): sự cảnh giác
- Abnormal (adj.): bất thường
- Calm under pressure (adj.): bình tĩnh trước sức ép
- Come with experience (v.): đi cùng kinh nghiệm
Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking chủ đề Describe a law on environmental protection đầy đủ nhất. PREP chúc bạn học luyện thi hiệu quả, tự tin bước vào phòng thi Speaking thực chiến và chiếm trọn được “trái tim” giám khảo chấm thi nhé!

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