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Structures of Noun Phrases in English

Understanding Noun Phrases is essential in the early stages of mastering English grammar. In today's article, PREP will help you comprehend the definition, structure, and role of Noun Phrases in English sentences!

Noun Phrases in English
Structures of Noun Phrases in English

I. What is a Noun Phrase in English?

A Noun Phrase functions as a noun in a sentence. The structure of a Noun Phrase consists of a main noun and modifiers that can appear before (premodifiers) and/or after (postmodifiers) the noun. Here is an example of a Noun Phrase:

  • Those houses are very expensive. ➞ Those houses is a noun phrase.
  • I've lived in a house with classic design. ➞ A house with classic design is a noun phrase.
What is a Noun Phrase in English?
What is a Noun Phrase in English?

II. Structures of Noun Phrases in English

Typically, the structure of a Noun Phrase in English consists of three main parts. 




Let's delve deeper into Premodifier, Head, and Postmodifier with PREP!

1. Premodifier 

In the structure of a Noun Phrase in English, a Premodifier appears before the main noun. Premodifiers can include determiners, adjectives, or participles.

1.1. Determiners

Determiners include:

  • Articles: a, an, the.
  • Quantifiers: many, a lot of, a little, little, few, a few of...
  • Possessive pronouns or possessive determiners: my car (possessive pronoun), my father's car (possessive determiner)...
  • Number words: indicating quantity (one, two, three...) or order (first, second, third) of the noun being modified.

For example:

  • My brother owns two houses. ➞ Two houses is a Noun Phrase in English, combining with the quantifier "two".
  •  I love my old houses. ➞ My old houses is a Noun Phrase in English, combining the possessive determiner "my" and the adjective "old".

1.2. Adjectives

Adjectives in English Noun Phrases often come before the main noun and serve to modify the noun. A Noun Phrase can contain multiple adjectives.

The order of adjectives usually follows specific rules to express meaning accurately. There is a principle applied to the order of adjectives in a Noun Phrase called OSASCOMP. The order of adjectives in a Noun Phrase is applied as follows:









For example:

  • A lovely little old round red French wooden coffee table. ➞ A lovely little old round red French wooden coffee table is an English Noun Phrase, using the rule of adjective order.
  • Andrew has an inexpensive, comfortable apartment. ➞ An inexpensive, comfortable apartment is an English Noun Phrase, using the rule of adjective order.
Adjectives in English Noun Phrases
Adjectives in English Noun Phrases

1.3. Participles

Participles are used in a similar way to adjectives, adding meaning to the main noun. Participles have two forms: present participle (V-ing) and past participle (V-ed). For example:

  • The boy lying on the bed was fast asleep. 
  • The written letter described the events of that day. 

2. Head 

The head in an English Noun Phrase can be a singular noun, plural noun, abstract noun, specific noun, countable noun, or uncountable noun. For example:

  • I want to buy three books. ➞ Books is a plural countable noun.
  • I want to eat an apple. ➞ Apple is a singular countable noun.
  • I enjoy listening to music. ➞ Music is an uncountable noun.
  • My friend is falling in love. ➞ Love is an abstract noun.
The head in an English Noun Phrase
The head in an English Noun Phrase

3. Postmodifier 

In the structure of an English Noun Phrase, postmodifiers appear after the main noun. Postmodifiers can include prepositional phrases, -ing phrases, to + infinitives, and clauses/relative clauses.

3.1. Prepositional phrases

Prepositional phrases often appear as postmodifiers in English Noun Phrases. For example:

  • I see a man with a gun. 
  • The boy in the blue shirt is my son. 

3.2. -ing Phrases

-ing phrases often appear as postmodifiers in English Noun Phrases. For example:

  • The man standing over there is my brother. 
  • The boy talking to Angela is my friend. 

3.3. To + infinitive 

To + infinitives often appear as postmodifiers in English Noun Phrases. For example:

  • I've got no decent shoes to wear
  • I have nothing to do

3.4. Clauses/ Relative clauses 

Clauses/relative clauses often appear as postmodifiers in English Noun Phrases. For example:

  • The man we met yesterday is Jack. 
  • The woman who discovered radium is so great. 
Structures of Noun Phrases in English
Structures of Noun Phrases in English

III. The role of English Noun Phrases in sentences

Let's explore the roles of English Noun Phrases in sentences!

1. English Noun Phrases as Subjects

English Noun Phrases can act as subjects in a sentence. For example:

  • The man cutting the tree is my grandfather. 
  • One of three dogs was stolen last night. 
English Noun Phrases as Subjects
English Noun Phrases as Subjects

2. English Noun Phrases as Objects

English Noun Phrases can act as objects in a sentence. For example:

  • I can remember most of the 40 students’ names in just one hour. 
  • I sent my expensive sports outfit to the laundry yesterday. 
English Noun Phrases as Objects
English Noun Phrases as Objects

3. English Noun Phrases as Adverbials

English Noun Phrases can act as adverbials in a sentence.For example:

  • I want our anniversary to be held in a beautifully decorated dining room
  • When he is alone, he usually goes to a bar crowded with people
English Noun Phrases as Adverbials
English Noun Phrases as Adverbials

IV. Exercises on English Noun Phrases

Let's complete the following exercises to further understand the usage and structure of English Noun Phrases!

1. Exercises

Exercise 1: Rearrange the order of adjectives in the following sentences

  1. They wanted ________________ (grey/ a/ metal) table.
  2. We bought ______________________ (red/ a/ new) car.
  3. Anna went home and sat on __________ (comfortable/ her/ wooden/ old) bed.
  4. Maria bought __________________ (woolen/ a/ Japanese/ fabulous) suit.
  5. We have ______________________________ (dutch/ black) bicycles.

Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences using English Noun Phrases

  1. The boy is holding a colorful balloon. The balloon is floating in the air.
  2. The man is a doctor. He lives near my house.
  3. The girl is wearing a beautiful dress. She looks stunning.
  4. The team that won the championship celebrated all night.
  5. Jennie is reading a book. The book is very interesting.

2. Answer

Exercise 1:

  1. a grey metal table
  2. a new red car
  3. her comfortable old wooden bed
  4. a fabulous Japanese woolen suit
  5. black Dutch bicycles

Exercise 2:

  1. The boy is holding a colorful balloon which is floating in the air.
  2. The man living near my house is a doctor.
  3. The girl who looks stunning is wearing a beautiful dress.
  4. The team winning the championship celebrated all night.
  5. Jennie is reading an interesting book.

V. Start Your IELTS Journey 

PREP hopes that through this article, you have grasped the definition, usage, and structure of English Noun Phrases. If your goal is to achieve a Band 7 or higher, these IELTS resources are for you! 

👉 IELTS preparation: Master Every Section of IELTS 

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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