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Get Ready for IELTS book - a book helps you effectively prepare for the IELTS exam

Get Ready for IELTS book is a comprehensive set of 4 skills books for IELTS preparation that test takers should not overlook. With this book, you can start self-studying and familiarize yourself with IELTS at home effectively. Let's review the details of the content and share the free download link in the article below!

Overview of Get Ready for IELTS book
Overview of Get Ready for IELTS book

I. Overview of the Get Ready for IELTS book

1. General information

Get Ready for IELTS book is a book series that focuses on the 4 skills of IELTS. The book includes 12 theme-based lessons explained in a detailed and careful manner, accompanied by very clear illustrative examples.

  • Book title: Get Ready for IELTS Pre Intermediate A2+
  • Publisher: Collins
  • Content: Provides simple and easy-to-learn IELTS lesson content.
  • Target learners: The book is for beginners and those aiming for a band score of 3.0.
  • Status: Full PDF + audio for all 4 volumes.

2. Target audience

Compared to the Cambridge or Barrons book series, Get Ready for IELTS book is relatively new and easier, making it suitable for those who want to start familiarizing themselves with IELTS at home. 

The appropriate target audience for using Get Ready for IELTS book is from band score 4.0 and above. Since the book is entirely written in English, it is necessary to have a basic knowledge of English to avoid feeling overwhelmed during the learning process.

II. Review of the content of the Get Ready for IELTS book

1. Content of the book

The Get Ready for IELTS book series consists of 4 books covering all the skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Specifically:

  • Each book contains 12 carefully classified lessons, allowing intermediate-level learners to easily self-study as they are illustrated with numerous clear examples. The knowledge provided in the book gradually familiarizes learners with IELTS at a basic level.
  • Vocabulary topics and key grammar sections are fully covered in each lesson. With each Get Ready for IELTS book, learners will have their own knowledge to fully prepare for IELTS in all 4 skills.
  • Each book in the Get Ready for IELTS series provides hints and small tips for quick completion of tasks in each skill. This is an important and special part that helps learners effectively prepare for the IELTS exam. Additionally, within each lesson, there is support to clarify common mistakes encountered in the IELTS exam.
  • At the end of each lesson, there are exercises for you to practice the knowledge you have learned. After each lesson, there is a test for you to review the entire knowledge based on different question types. Regular practice will help you remember the knowledge deeply and for a long time.
  • The 4 review sections at the end of the book are question types that allow you to test your knowledge and master the skills, as well as develop a sense of language in the IELTS exam.
  • The Answer keys section at the end of the book helps you check the answers for each exercise to reinforce and test your proficiency. Moreover, a vocabulary bank for each exercise is provided right after.

2. Contents of each book in the Get Ready for IELTS series

2.1. Get Ready for IELTS Listening

The book Get Ready for IELTS Listening consists of 12 units, each discussing different topics. It includes a comprehensive review of knowledge after every 3 units, vocabulary accompanying each chapter, and 2 CD discs for listening practice. Each unit in this book follows the following three main structures:

Get Ready for IELTS Listening
Get Ready for IELTS Listening
  • Part 1 - Language development: Provides knowledge of common vocabulary and main grammar points related to the topic.
  • Part 2 - Skills development: Provides specific guidance on question types, explanations, and clear examples for each type.
  • Part 3 - Exam practice: Provides tasks for each topic studied for practice.

An excellent feature of the Get Ready for IELTS Listening book is the inclusion of the following boxes after each topic:

  • Exam information boxes: Key information about the IELTS Listening test.
  • Exam tip boxes: Provides tips for achieving high scores in the listening section.
  • Watch out boxes: Points out common listening mistakes that candidates often make.

2.2. Get Ready for IELTS Reading

The book Get Ready for IELTS Reading includes 12 units, covering various topics. It also includes comprehensive knowledge review after every 3 units and accompanying vocabulary after each chapter. Each topic in the Get Ready for IELTS Reading book consists of 3 parts as follows:

Get Ready for IELTS Reading
Get Ready for IELTS Reading
  • Part 1 - Language development: Provides learners with knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and exercise techniques.
  • Part 2 - Skills development: Develops comprehensive reading skills with various types of exercises and answering techniques in the Reading test.
  • Part 3 - Exam practice: Exercises to reinforce the knowledge of the topics studied.

Each part of the Get Ready for IELTS Reading book includes topic-specific exercises to help you effectively absorb the knowledge.

2.3. Get Ready for IELTS Writing

The Get Ready for IELTS Writing book also consists of 3 parts in each unit and is clearly divided for easy comprehension as follows:

Get Ready for IELTS Writing
Get Ready for IELTS Writing
  • Part 1: Language development: Academic vocabulary used for each task in the Writing section, sample sentences, and commonly used grammar.
  • Part 2: Skills development: Provides instructions on how to approach and analyze writing prompts, as well as the structure of writing for each task type.
  • Part 3: Exam practice: Provides writing exercises for the topics learned.

At the end of the Get Ready for IELTS Writing book, there are similar practice tests to the actual IELTS exam to help you become familiar with the real test. In addition, the Get Ready for IELTS Writing PDF includes the following boxes after each topic:

  • Exam information boxes: Key information about the IELTS Writing test.
  • Exam tip boxes: Provides useful tips for the Writing test.
  • Watch out boxes: Highlights common mistakes that candidates often make in their writing.

2.4. Get Ready for IELTS Speaking

The final book in this series is Get Ready for IELTS Speaking. The book consists of 12 chapters and includes a CD for listening practice during speaking exercises. The Get Ready for IELTS Speaking book follows a similar structure to the other books in the series, divided into 3 parts in each chapter as follows:

Get Ready for IELTS Speaking
Get Ready for IELTS Speaking
  • Part 1 - Language development: Provides knowledge of grammar and vocabulary related to the speaking topics.
  • Part 2 - Skills development: Develops speaking skills with related exercises and provides suggested sample answers for the Speaking test.
  • Part 3 - Exam practice: Speaking exercises and prompts for extensive practice.

III. Advantages and disadvantages of the Get Ready for IELTS book

1. Advantages

  • The book has clear content and layout, allowing beginners in IELTS preparation to self-study at home with a clear and effective roadmap.
  • The book provides many tips and strategies to improve skills and enhance knowledge absorption.
  • The exercises in the book have detailed answer explanations, allowing learners to self-assess their current proficiency level.
  • The book offers a rich and diverse vocabulary.

2. Disadvantages

  • The book is entirely in English, which may pose difficulties for English language beginners when referring to it.
  • It lacks updates on new topics relevant to the current trends in the IELTS exam.

IV. Instructions on how to study the Get Ready for IELTS book

To study the Get Ready for IELTS book effectively, please refer to the following steps:


Instructions on how to study the Get Ready for IELTS book

Step 1 - Preparing before studying

Prepare a pen to take notes on grammar and vocabulary, a highlighter pen for important notes, a vocabulary notebook, and a dictionary for reference when necessary.

Step 2 - Study time

Each unit, although not too long, will take more than 2 hours for beginners who are new to IELTS when self-studying the Get Ready for IELTS book.

Therefore, allocate 1 hour of study time each day, and after more than 2 days, you will complete 1 unit. In this way, you will complete 2-3 units after 1 week.

Step 3 - Start studying
  • Start with the first lesson according to the suggested instructions in the book. Pay attention to recording vocabulary and the practical application of each skill in the Get Ready for IELTS book.
  • Don't rush to look up words in the dictionary while doing exercises. Instead, try to guess the meaning of words based on context, word usage, and sentence structure. This is important because it will develop your ability to predict when doing Listening and Reading exercises.
  • Make sure to complete Part 1 & 2 in the Get Ready for IELTS book carefully before moving on to Part 3. Apply the tips and detailed instructions provided in the lesson.
  • At the end of the Get Ready for IELTS book, there are Audio Scripts and answers for learners to check and evaluate their learning progress. At this point, you can use a dictionary to look up any unfamiliar vocabulary encountered in previous exercises.
  • After 3 lessons, there will be a Review lesson, which is an opportunity for you to effectively review the knowledge.

V. Download the Get Ready for IELTS book (PDF + Audio) for free

To support your effective home study, PREP has collected the complete set of high-quality Get Ready for IELTS books in PDF format, including the accompanying Audio. PREP advises you to support the author by purchasing the copyrighted books at bookstores or major online marketplaces!

Book download link

The above are PREP's detailed and objective evaluations of the Get Ready for IELTS book. PREP hopes this will be a useful resource for you to effectively practice at home! Wishing you success in your journey to IELTS!

CEO Tú Phạm
Master Tu Pham
Founder/CEO at Prep
Founder of Prep Smart Test Preparation Platform. With over 10 years of experience in teaching and test preparation, Mr. Tú has helped thousands of students achieve high scores in the IELTS exam. In addition, Mr. Tú Phạm is also a consulting expert in British Council programs and a speaker at many leading educational events, programs, and conferences.


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